"He's not my uncle." Ji Bing said: "I have no right to ask him to promise me anything."

"You …" He could only say to Liu Wei: "Sir, everything was actually a misunderstanding."

Liu Wei lightly nodded, her attitude extremely amiable.

Xunhong quickly said, "That's not considered hurt. My friend was too anxious. His actions were a little rough and he did not have any malicious intentions."

"Ji Bing." Liu Wei called out again: "Do you think that her friends have any ill intentions towards you?"

Ji Bing nodded: "Yes."

"He's just careless. I can make him apologize to you."

"Ji Bing." Liu Wei asked again, "Do you accept his apology?"

Ji Bing shook her head: "No."

Seeking Red could no longer speak. This child bore a grudge. He hated them from the very beginning, so no matter what he said, it was all for nothing.

Liu Wei spread out her hands, walked towards Xunhong step by step, and said with a carefree tone: "Looks like this matter, cannot be forgiven."

Xunhong pinched his fingers, and stopped feigning ignorance. "What do you want?"

"I think..."

Just as Liu Wei was about to speak, she heard the cry of a bird, and came closer from afar.

Upon recognizing the voice of Pearl, he raised his head and replied, "Gu gu gu —"

Not long later, a black bird came out of nowhere and jumped into Liu Wei's embrace.

Liu Wei hugged the pearl, casually patting it on the head, and then flew over from the back, landing on the ground and raising his head to look at the pearl.

Liu Wei placed the pearl on Gugu's back and carefully dragged her, communicating with her: "Gugugu."

Hearing its words, the pearl's black eyes turned and looked towards Ji Bing who was in the corner. With just a glance, it turned its head and pecked its forehead.

It bit him painfully. While dodging, it covered its head with its wings and begged for mercy, "Goo goo …"

It was at this moment that a large number of hurried footsteps rapidly approached from afar.

Zhang Tong didn't care about anything else as he dragged Xunhong along and dove into the surrounding bushes.

Liu Wei chased after them, past the dense tree shadows, and accurately capturing the two figures in front.

The two people in front obviously knew the way, they ran very fast, and their route was also very tricky, but Liu Wei's speed was not slow, so she was able to fall not too far behind, causing them to be unable to shake him off.

On the other side, the subordinates that were left behind, as well as Zhang Yu, who was pretending to be dead, were all taken into custody by Sima Xi and his men.

When Ji Feng saw Ji Bing, he immediately pulled the child into his embrace to see if he was injured in any way.

Ji Bing patiently explained that she was fine, but her eyes continued to look at the bushes beside him.

"What about her?" Rong Ling walked in front of Ji Bing. His expression was very calm, but the tone of her voice sounded like it was filled with broken ice.

Ji Bing knew who he was asking about, and pointed at the bushes. "Two more people ran, and he went to chase them."

Rong Ling did not make a sound, and silently followed the route.

Ji Bing was a little worried, but she did not look away.

Ji Feng rubbed his head, forcing the child to look at him. "Did she save you?"

Ji Bing nodded and apologized: "Sorry, I shouldn't have run around."

Ji Feng hugged him and patted his back. "Next time, okay?"

Ji Bing quickly agreed.

Ji Feng stood up and dragged him away. He looked at the pitch black bushes and said, "Wait for her to come back. I want to thank her."

Ji Bing felt a little awkward, but nodded her head anyway: "I will."

Ji Feng looked at him and suddenly laughed. "By the way, you should call her Cousin Aunt … "Uncle."

"Cousin?" Ji Bing did not hear the first part of the sentence, only the latter part of the sentence. He was stunned and raised her head to look at Sixteenth Uncle.

"No, her mother's surname is Ji."

Ji Bing listened and slowly lowered her head, not saying another word.

On the other side, Liu Wei chased after Searching Red and Zhang Tong. When she arrived at the entrance of Flowing Cloud Lane, she lost sight of them.

Liu Wei stopped and stood at the intersection, looking at the wide three-way intersection.

"He's gone?" A familiar male voice came from behind.

Liu Wei turned her head, only to see Rong Ling rushing over.

Liu Wei's expression tensed up: It looks like there's a secret passage nearby.

Rong Ling walked in front of her, looked left and right, and finally turned her gaze towards an alley at the corner of the right street.

The alley was very narrow, it should be a drainage alley. However, there was a ditch at the bottom that only allowed a thin man to pass through while leaning his body to the side.

After looking at the two walls of the alley, Rong Ling turned around to look at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei sighed: "I was careless."

Rong Ling looked into her eyes, and said with certainty: "You're letting them go?"

"Let them go." the man repeated, then took her hand and led her back.

Since he had deliberately let them go, there was no point in chasing them.

Liu Wei allowed him to pull her. After walking two steps, he finally admitted it: "I deliberately let them go."

Rong Ling did not make a sound.

Liu Wei had no choice but to explain: "I put something on that girl, no matter where she hides, the pearl will always find her."

Rong Ling looked at her: "What do you suspect?"

Liu Wei said: I fought with the dead man before, and at that time in Bai Xin's room, your two junior sisters were also there, they were looking for a jade pendant, I think, that man's goal was also that jade pendant, but he is already dead, I can't ask, if I want to continue investigating, I have to find out from his comrades, I am just curious, what kind of jade pendant is that, and why is it that so many people want it?

… ….

"It's a map."

Inside the private room of the Cyan Plains Palace, Fang Que and Yu Ran were hiding in a corner. The two of them looked at their senior brother timidly, then quickly lowered their heads and replied obediently: "At least Master said that the jade pendant is related to some kind of map."

Rong Ling held the tea in her hand, swirled the teacup around him, and casually raised her eyebrows.

Fang Que was frightened, trembling as she held Yu Ran's hand and said with difficulty: "I only know this, senior brother, you know Master is secretive and won't tell us everything. Why don't you ask Ashes, I remember before Master sent us out, he called for Ah Shi alone, and the two of them secretly touched each other in the room for two hours."

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