Rong Ling asked, "Yama?"

"It was brought back by Master." Yu Ran quickly explained everything to him, "Master said that he saved a patient while he was practicing medicine in the countryside. After being cured, the other party had to repay him, so he brought the person back, and Yama had some guts, but he said that after getting injured, he couldn't remember who he was, and he couldn't remember his name, and Master gave him a lot of things to do instead. Master wanted to take him in as a disciple, but he did not agree, he just said that he was a servant and followed Master's orders. This wasn't the first time he came here with us, Master trusted him a lot of things."

Rong Ling acknowledged his, then looked at Fang Que and asked: "You like couplets?"

Liu Wei was dumbstruck: "Even if you hit them, they're still injured!"

However, Rong Ling said: "He won't die."

Liu Wei felt that this man was really, really cruel!

After leaving Fang Que's place, Rong Ling and Liu Wei were stopped by Sima Xi, who wanted to talk to Rong Ling.

Liu Wei said that she wanted to talk to Uncle Feng, so he went to look for them later.

Actually, she was afraid that Fang Que would have scars on her face, so she asked Uncle Feng to return to the inn and bring her two bottles of Gold Sore Medicine.

He was driven by Fu Zichen back to the inn to rest. However, this morning, he ran over again, wanting to see if Ji Bing was injured.

Liu Wei hadn't told his mother about Ji Feng yet, so she didn't let him go to her room to find Ji Bing. She only called for Ji Bing and told him to meet her in the courtyard.

Liu Mo was currently surrounding Ji Bing, asking all sorts of questions. He even brought Ji Bing a lot of snacks, such that Uncle Feng came with him, but now, he had gone somewhere else.

After searching for a long time, Liu Wei was still unable to find him, but she had thought of letting the others run over. In the distance, at the courtyard arch, Uncle Feng was walking in absentmindedly.

Liu Wei called out: "Uncle Feng."

Seeing Liu Wei, Zhang Feng's face changed. He immediately went up to him and opened his mouth, but did not say anything.

"Uncle Feng, what's the matter?" Liu Wei asked.

Uncle Feng's expression was white, he looked at the tip of his shoes, then at Liu Wei. After a long while, he clenched his fists, suddenly raised his head, and said: "Miss, please have mercy."

Liu Wei was startled: "Hmm?"

Zhang Feng didn't participate in many of yesterday's affairs. Today, he came here with Liu Mo. As soon as he arrived at the yamen, he heard the yamen runners talking about the resurrection from the dead.

He had asked, "What do you mean, come back from the dead?"

The bailiff said that he had brought back a dead man last night, but he did not expect to be revived in the middle of the night. He had already locked him up in the prison, and was waiting to speak to Second Prince later.

Zhang Feng felt it was weird as he asked, "How did people die and live again?"

Feeling that he was a servant of the Master Liu, the bailiff didn't have his guard up and directly brought his men to the prison for Zhang Feng to see. The moment Zhang Feng saw the man, his face immediately changed.

He asked the bailiff what was going on.

The yamen runners were not too sure either, but they seemed to know him, so they said: "This man was brought back by the Prefecture Overseer, but he was captured by what seems to be the Master Liu."

Zhang Feng started to panic inside. He was very afraid that his second brother would have something to do to offend the Miss. After all, the leader of the studio and the Second Prince didn't allow anyone to hurt the Miss at all.

Seeing the Miss, Zhang Feng hesitated. However, he could not control his love for her as he opened his mouth to beg for forgiveness.

Frowning, she asked Zhang Feng, "Are you sure that person is your brother?"

"Younger brother, I'm from the same father and mother, how can I be mistaken?" Zhang Feng's lips were green, but she was obviously frightened, "Miss, it has been a long time since I last contacted Second Brother and Third Brother. Recently, they have come to the Azure Province, and I know that they are loyal to the Fu's Family, and have been assigned to the Master of Fu's Family, Fu Honghong.

As he spoke, he bent his knees and was about to kneel.

Liu Wei hurried forward to stop him. He did not let him actually kneel, but turned around to look at Ji Bing, who was talking to Liu Mo in the flower garden. Resurrection from the dead?

In that case, her sense of smell was not wrong at the time. There was indeed Mountain Fur Grass within the self-extinguishing medicine.

When Ji Bing saw Liu Wei walking over, she was very nervous. He subconsciously pinched the corner of her clothes, and held onto the candied flakes in her hand, but did not dare to eat anymore.

Seeing his sister coming over, Liu Mo was also very nervous. He was afraid that his sister would settle the score and wanted to fix him, so he quickly hid his tall and big body behind the short Ji Bing.

The eldest among them had two pairs of equally innocent eyes. He secretly glanced at the man in black clothes approaching from afar. After looking for a while, he took half a step back. He looked extremely guilty.

"Cough, brother" When Liu Wei walked closer, the first one who spoke was Liu Mo. After he called out to him, he lowered his head, looking quite big, yet like a dog that had been splashed with water, he withered from the start to the end.

Liu Wei looked at him, then looked at Ji Bing and asked: "The two of you seem to be on good terms with each other?"

Liu Mo didn't dare say no and hurriedly nodded. "This child is very cute. I really like him."

Liu Wei looked at Ji Bing again.

Ji Bing's face immediately flushed red, and he stuttered: "I, I don't really like him, but the candied fruits he brought were even more delicious than our Lingzhou's."

When Liu Mo heard the child say that he didn't like him, and that he was slightly injured, and that he liked to eat candied fruits, he couldn't help but say, "This is Grandpa Wang's candied fruits at the end of the street. I look at the hawthorn fruits wrapped in it.

Ji Bing thought deeply, she stared at the red hawthorn fruit in her hand, and a smile appeared on her face: "Our Lingzhou's hawthorn cannot be wrapped so thick."

"That is because you, the vendors of Lingzhou, are stingy with your work."

"Are the hawthorn from other places all so thick?"

"In any case, the land of Fengzhou and the capital is so thick."

"Then what else?"

"Have a good chat?" Liu Wei interrupted the two of them and laughed sinisterly: "It looks like you two are really close friends."

Liu Mo and Ji Bing looked at each other in tacit understanding. He knew that he had failed to change the topic.

Alright, since I can't avoid it, I'll face it head on!

Ji Bing suddenly raised her neck, and stared at Liu Wei with a fearless face: "Thank you for saving me, I am very grateful, and consider it as me owing you a favor!"

Liu Wei scoffed, "What can you do for me?"

Ji Bing was very embarrassed, he also felt that the person in front of him did not need his return.

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