That huge python was still alive. In fact, its willpower was still very strong.

Liu Wei walked over and said to the pearl and Gu Gun, "You can't kill it, we don't know the structure of this snake, but at least we know now that it hasn't lost its life after receiving so many injuries. It's a little scary."

Hearing Liu Wei's words, Pearl looked at the snake carefully, and then muttered to herself, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk."

The pearl flew to the tallest branch nearby and similarly called out, "Jiya!"

As soon as their cries ended, faint sounds came from the shadows of the trees in all directions.

This was the outskirts of the city, and it was also close to a forest. The crowd watched helplessly as countless birds emerged from the shadows of the trees. Some were big, some were small, some were small; some were small, some were sparrows.

These birds seemed to have received some sort of summons. When everyone, including Liu Wei, could not help but take a few steps back, the birds surrounded the python at a fast speed.

Bird was a loud noise. The hissing sound of the snake had been suppressed to the point where it could no longer be heard.

Liu Wei, who was being protected by Rong Ling, stood very far away. Everyone watched as the hundreds of thousands of birds gradually divided the snake into their food. Yes, it was true that they could not kill it, so they ate it. There was no difference between eating it alive and eating it dead anyway.

Time passed bit by bit until an hour later, the birds finally dispersed one by one. Only three vultures with big appetites were left, licking the skin clean.

Pearl came over and said to Liu Wei: "Jie, jie, jie, jie."

This meant that this snake had been roasted, and its body had a burnt smell. Its subordinates all liked to eat it.

Liu Wei said, "There's arsenic."

Pearl asked, "Jie Jie?"

Liu Wei nodded. "Yes, arsenic. A poison."

Pearl stiffened. She probably didn't expect that there would be the risk of food poisoning.

Liu Wei sighed and turned to one of them, "Wake up Ji Bing, tell him to make the arsenic antidote and the powder. The powder will be able to melt into the water and the weight won't be too much.

The man left.

Liu Wei was so worried that she shouted at the three vultures that were still not saying anything, "Jie, jie, jie, jie."

When the three vultures heard this, they were a little confused, but they stopped eating. They smacked their lips and obediently stood to the side.

Liu Wei rubbed Pearl's head, "It's fine. I didn't use arsenic that much, and it was all placed inside the bomb. That snake skin was so tough that it was fried for a long time.

After Pearl finished listening, she could only look sadly at the three vultures that were still staring at the snake skin and not daring to eat them, as per the orders of her boss.

… ….

Ji Bing did not sleep at all, after being notified, she rushed over to the saltpeter house and took the remaining herbs to make the antidote.

Two hours later, Liu Wei called for a large basin of water.

Sprinkle the same amount of powder, neutralize it, and have Pearl call her bird friends to have a drink.

Those three vultures were the fastest, they gulped down everything like cattle. Pearl couldn't bear to watch any further, so she wanted to teach them a few things, but was called over by Liu Wei.

"Let me look at your mouth." Liu Wei broke apart the pearl on its sharp beak, and said to Rong Ling: "Look, is the pearl's beak broken?"

Rong Ling reached out her hands to touch it, but the pearl was still angry at him.

Liu Wei patted its head. "Don't be naughty."

The pearl was so aggrieved that it stopped moving, nestling in Liu Wei's embrace, letting it crack about freely.

The pearl's mouth did not break, and the tip of its mouth was not sharp. At least it did not stab into anyone, but Liu Wei still did not understand, how could it bite a hole like that snake just now?

"Does your mouth hurt?" she asked.

Pearl shook her head lazily. "Hehe."

"It doesn't hurt at all?"

"Heh heh."

Liu Wei frowned: "Then how did you do it just now? How did you pierce through the thick skin of that snake? "

Pearl innocently looked at her and said, "Jie, jie, jie, jie."

Liu Wei: "..."

Rong Ling did not understand and asked her: "What did it say?"

Liu Wei said with mixed emotions, "It said that just a peck would break the skin. That Loach is huge, but its skin is crispy."


Wasn't it a python?

Rong Ling did not say anything, when all the birds had finished drinking the water, Pearl ordered, "Jie Jie Jie Jie … …"

The birds also chirped along. After a while, they all dispersed, flying off in all directions.

When they had dispersed, Liu Wei looked at the ground outside again.

There was only one python that had fallen there. Now, not to mention its shadow, there were only two pieces of snake skin left. There was only a stench of blood and organs that had been mixed in the messy grass.

The snake's body, apart from the snake gall, was completely devoured.

Liu Wei regretted a little bit before she turned around to look at Rong Ling.

At this time, Rong Ling was talking to someone else. When Liu Wei walked over, she heard him instructing someone to flank the snake-keeper's courtyard.

When he was done with his orders, one of them raised his hand and asked a question.

"Why?" Rong Ling asked.

The bailiff, who had raised his hand, looked at Liu Wei with an obscure gaze, then looked at the calamity bird in Liu Wei's embrace, then at the eagle standing upright behind Liu Wei, and pinched her fingers in grievance: "Second Prince, may I ask, are these two demons?"

Rong Ling: "..."

Liu Wei explained, "A person who is raised by his family and able to understand human nature is not a demon."

The bailiff heaved a sigh of relief, and so did the other bailiffs.

After making the plan, Rong Ling led her men to go, he did not want Liu Wei to follow him again, so she insisted on going, the witch's methods were strange and dangerous, although the python was dead, it was hard to protect the other party from having other beasts, if she did not follow, she could not be at ease.

Rong Ling was unable to force her, so he could only allow her to join in, but she strictly ordered her not to get too close.

When they arrived at the courtyard, they saw that the courtyard was brightly lit. Rong Ling gestured with a serious expression, and everyone followed the orders and stood guard.

The yamen runners were not that skilled, they could only crouch at the "front and back" doors and wait. Rong Ling and Liu Wei led the hidden guards to enter the inner chamber.

The moment he stepped into the Inner Palace, Liu Wei started to feel uncomfortable. The smell of the snakes here was too strong, even more so than the smell of the python just now.

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