Liu Wei pursed her lips, her eyes searching in all directions, and in the end, just as Rong Ling was about to bring her men into the main room, she shouted: "Wait!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei lowered her eyes, and took out the acupuncture bag that she was carrying around with him. She took out three silver needles, and with a twist of her finger, he flew towards a clump of trees on the left.

After waiting for everyone to light up a torch, Liu Wei looked at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling comprehended, and brought her people to rush into the inner room, and sure enough, the inner room was empty, the entire floor was densely packed with fine snakes.

The constables quickly used fire to force the group of snakes to not dare to approach. They retreated step by step, and in a short while, they had reached the center of the courtyard.

Countless snakes were left behind in the yard, but there were no snake breeders. It could even be said that there were no signs of human habitation here.

"What's going on?" Rong Ling asked Liu Wei.

Liu Wei also did not understand, and said: "Let's stop here for tonight, we will evacuate safely. Starting tomorrow, send people to wait outside, and now, we can only wait for the snake-keeper to appear by himself."

Knowing that this was the only solution, even if he was unwilling, he could only accept it.

After a night of hard work, he had only managed to break that giant python and find the laboratory of the snake breeder. There was still no news of the real mastermind.

Liu Wei was still thinking about this even after she went back to the inn to sleep.

Rong Ling returned to the kitchen and brought her a bowl of chicken soup, which he had instructed the servants to simmer this day.

Liu Wei sat up and drank the soup only to see Rong Ling taking out a letter and opening it.

"What is this?" she asked.

Rong Ling replied: "Yue Dansheng's reply."

Hearing the three words Yue Dansheng, Liu Wei's eyes lit up, and she moved closer to look as well.

There weren't many words on the letter. Rong Ling swept a glance through it, and handed it over to Liu Wei, for her to sit down and read.

Liu Wei held the letter and took another sip of the soup. Seeing a line of words suddenly appear from the letter, she spat out the soup with a "Pu" sound.

Rong Ling frowned, then used a handkerchief to wipe her hair, and lightly said: "No matter how much soup you drink, it won't taste good."

Liu Wei passed the letter to him right under his nose: "Look here! Did you see that line of words!? "

Rong Ling glanced at it, her expression light: "Mhm."

Liu Wei opened her eyes wide: "Yue Dansheng! Kill Zhong Ziyu? "Didn't I remember that they knew each other?"

"So what if we know each other?" Rong Ling looked at Liu Wei with a profound gaze. "Are you still not willing to give up?"

"What are you talking about?" Liu Wei smacked his lips together. "Why are you making fun of me?"

Rong Ling scoffed, "A person that deserves to die. I don't know who it is, but in the capital, I will definitely spare him."

Liu Wei thought about that and felt a bit embarrassed: "Didn't I feel that it would be more fun to let him live than die? Let me tell you, just like how I hurt him, if he can live on his own within ten years, it'll be considered my loss! "

Rong Ling did not make a sound.

However, Liu Wei looked at the letter, and still didn't understand: "Yue Dansheng said that she found the other half of the map on Zhong Ziyu's body, but why is the map on Zhong Ziyu's body?"

"How would I know?" Rong Ling replied shamelessly.

Liu Wei looked at him and asked, "Then do you really think Yue Dansheng will kill him? I heard Miss Hong say that in the past, when Zhong Ziyu committed so many life cases in Qingzhou, it was all because the Baxiu Studio protected him. "Mother did it out of consideration for me. If it wasn't for the incident that happened later on, I'm afraid that Mother would really have continued protecting me."

Rong Ling had heard of this matter before, but did not think much of it. "There is only one map, why does killing people for treasures seem strange?"

Liu Wei shook her head: "Since they know each other, can't they talk properly? It's fine if I just borrow it, but why did I start killing people. Tsk, I really like Ji Bing, wasn't she Ji Bing's father? "

Rong Ling did not make a sound.

The reason for Yue Dansheng's letter was mainly because she had found the map. When he had researched the entire terrain and sent a copy of the map to Rong Ling, she would thank him for her help.

Even the mention of Zhong Ziyu in the letter only brought one line.

Rong Ling guessed that Yue Dansheng should be aware of the grudge between Zhong Ziyu and the two of them, and with that, he could be considered to have avenged them.

Regarding this, Rong Ling was very satisfied, but Liu Wei was a little worried about Ji Bing.

The next day, Liu Wei saw Fu Zichen downstairs at first glance. She quickly walked over and asked: "I didn't see you yesterday."

Fu Zichen was currently using his breakfast, his tone light: "Reporting to the Fu's Family."

Liu Wei sat opposite of him, "My mother left with Mo, and you didn't even come to send her off."

Fu Zichen did not say anything, but gave Liu Wei a bowl of porridge.

Liu Wei held the bowl of hot porridge and drank a mouthful. Suddenly, he heard Fu Zichen ask: "Did he ask?"

Liu Wei: "What?"

Fu Zichen looked elsewhere, "Liu Mo asked, why don't I send him off?"

Liu Wei thought for a while, then shook his head: "That's not true, I don't think he noticed your absence either … …"

Just as he finished speaking, with a "thump" sound, Fu Zichen dropped the bowl in his hands, got up, and turned to leave.

Liu Wei asked from behind: "Where are you going?"

Fu Zichen didn't even turn her head around, "The yamen."

Liu Wei said: "I'm going too, wait for me."

Fu Zichen said coldly, "No!"

Liu Wei: "..."

Rong Ling led her people to keep an eye on the snake-keeper's whereabouts. Liu Wei ate her breakfast and went to the yamen herself, when she arrived, she saw Zhang Feng waiting for her at the door.

Seeing her, he said anxiously: "I heard about what happened last night. Miss, you have to save Ah Yu …"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng nodded with a depressed look on his face.

"Don't worry." Liu Wei comforted Uncle Feng: "As long as he cooperates with me, I can protect him."

"Miss." Zhang Feng mumbled and looked like he was in a dilemma, "Ah Yu is a good kid, he's not bad at all. With Miss's guarantee, I believe he will be fine, but aside from him, I also have a brother..."

Liu Wei knows this too, Zhang Tong.

When mentioning Zhang Tong, Liu Wei did not dare guarantee anything. Even if she understood Uncle Feng's heart of love, he would not be so irresponsible and biased when it came to matters of right and wrong.

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