Liu Wei read the contents on the paper and passed it to Rong Ling.

Rong Ling glanced at it, then threw the paper to the side and asked the snake-keeper: "Why are you going to Liu Lian Lane?"

In Liu Wei's opinion, this question was not really important. She was wondering why Rong Ling wanted to ask about this when he saw the calm Snake-Keeper, whose face had suddenly changed.

The snake-keeper hurriedly nodded his head and lowered it. "See … See you... Person... Pay … "Pay …"

"Old Master Fu?"

The Snake-Keeper paused, looked at Liu Wei, and nodded again.

Liu Wei looked at Rong Ling, wanting to obtain some other information from him.

Rong Ling knew what Liu Wei wanted to ask, and said straightforwardly: "Today, Old Master Fu has indeed gone to Flowing Cloud Lane."

Although he didn't see Old Master Fu today, Rong Ling knew that Old Master Fu had indeed gone there.

On the main street outside the Liu Lian alley, Rong Ling's men came to report, they said that they saw the Fu Mansion's carriage coming this way, and because they guessed that it was Fu Hongwu, Rong Ling was concerned, but they did not expect that the carriage would pass by the entrance of the Liu Lian alley, and not enter the alley.

Rong Ling was not careless and sent her men to investigate.

According to the information gathered from the investigation, the carriage contained the old gramps and his two sons. The two sons accompanied the old gramps to their close friend's mansion, and upon arriving, they entered the mansion without coming out.

He thought it was just a misunderstanding, so Rong Ling didn't pay any more attention to it. Now that he heard from the Snake-Keeper that it was true, Rong Ling remembered that the mansion that Old Master Fu entered wasn't too far away from Liu Lian Lane.

It looked like, no matter how one put it, Old Master Fu wouldn't be able to extricate himself from this matter.

Liu Wei was in low spirits, he did not say a word for a while, and sat on the chair thinking, Rong Ling helped her make the decision, standing up and calling for the hidden guards, ordering them to bring the Snake-keeping people to the neighboring houses to lock them up, and to guard them strictly.

After the room had quieted down, Liu Wei then said to Rong Ling: "Starting tomorrow, send more people to the Fu Mansion."

Rong Ling acknowledged and then said, "Newbie, I'm afraid we won't be able to infiltrate too deep."

"I will think of a way." Originally, she had planned to give the Zhang brothers more time to persuade him to do so. But now, it seemed that there was no time left, she had to obtain the Fu Mansion's network of people as soon as possible.

That night, because his mind was not at ease, Liu Wei slept very well.

In the morning, he had dark circles under his eyes when he woke up.

Liu Wei, on the other hand, didn't mind. She patted the back of his hand and said: "Nothing."

Using breakfast, Rong Ling left the room.

Fu Zichen used the name of recuperating from her injuries to stay at the inn. Seeing that he had nothing better to do, Liu Wei decided to let him go with him to the yamen.

"The case has already been solved, what else is there to do?" The killer was now closed in his room on the second floor, and the procedures for the three Mu Clan brothers' case had been completed. Fu Zichen was no longer willing to run over to the yamen.

"Go to jail." Liu Wei said: "The case of the three brothers of the Mu Family has been solved.

In the end, Fu Zichen had no choice but to let Liu Wei grab the strong guy and let them go to the dungeon together.

Liu Wei went to look for Red.

But today, Liu Wei was already prepared to engage in a protracted war of attrition. Hence, she was not as easy to fool as yesterday, and had stayed in the prison the entire time.

Fu Zichen was bored for a moment, she went to the fields at the back to see what the young masters who were sent in by Liu Wei were like now.

This look was not important, but it completely frightened him.

Previously, it was still in the preparation for the Spring Festival, but now, it was covered with small green stubble. Fu Zichen did not go closer, and from a distance, she could see a group of people working and chatting.

The conversation shocked him.

"Isn't that seedling over there a little short? "I asked the jailer, who had been a farmer for the last three generations, that the young are easy to fall ill, that they will grow up later."

"It can't be, the seedling here is planted together with your own plant, watering and fertilization are all the same, how can it be shorter by a level?"

"Whether it is the soil or not, the soil on our side is fat. The soil on your side is a little yellow."

"That's unreasonable. Why are you giving us loess? "No, I need to find someone in charge!"

"Stop messing around, it's not a matter of the soil, it's you guys who have fallen too deep."

"Eh, it seems to be true. Is there really no problem with that?" Would it not be good to move it out a bit? I'm still waiting for the fall to finish. "

"Autumn? Do you want us to be here in the fall? "

"That's true. I have to let them out before autumn. No, I can't think about it. I can't bear to see them grow up one by one."

"It's the same for me. These fields were fattened up by me. If it weren't for me, how could these seedlings have grown so well? This is all thanks to me. Without me, how would these seedlings have lived?"

"Someone else must have taken over."

"But others definitely aren't as attentive as us. Look at that acre of land over there, it belongs to the people from other cells, and all the seedlings are the same. They have been raising our fields for a few days, and if we were to give them more, we would be done for!"

"Don't be so pessimistic, maybe we won't be able to get out before autumn, and that Master Liu might even continue to lock us up."

"Let's hope so, sigh …"

Fu Zichen had never seen something like this, never!

He didn't know if he had misheard, or if he had seen wrongly, but were those people who worked diligently, truly the proud and insufferable rich kids from the past?

Were they possessed? Or did he get stuck in jail?

Fu Zichen did not believe it. He continued to watch from the side, wanting to see if these people were pretending to be diligent in front of the prison guards.

But he didn't expect that the result would cause him to be disappointed.

Because before noon, something else happened.

If Fu Zichen did not recognize that person, she must be Fu Zihan, the younger brother of the same father and mother. While washing her hands, Fu Zichen walked past an unknown person's field and stepped on empty air, and suddenly stepped on a seedling in his field.

As soon as Fu Zihan stepped on it, a howling sound came from behind, then, Liu Ju, right, that's Liu Sui, Fu Zichen finally recognized it after a long time. Liu Sui quickly ran over and saved Fu Zihan, but it was too late.

Many people were attracted by the plant and surrounded it. Everyone saw that Liu Ju's eyes had turned red. He was holding the plant and his hands were trembling.

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