Many people comforted Liu Ju, saying, "Forget it, this seedling is small, it's not easy to make a living."

But Liu Ju didn't listen. He put down the half-dead seedling in his hand and pushed it towards Fu Zihan. The field was already unstable, Fu Zihan didn't expect him to make a move and fell down.

This time, Fu Ziyao and Fu Ziwen also rushed up to Liu Ju and jostled him, shouting: "He didn't mean to do it, do you have to do it!"

Because they were not the vanguard of the labour force, the three Fu's Family brothers were completely bullied. Fortunately the prison guards came back and separated them, which ended the war.

When Fu Zichen saw this, he did not know what to say. He silently left, and her back view looked somewhat desolate for some reason.

On the other side, Liu Wei was still in a confrontation with Red Seeking Palace.

Seeking Red bit his teeth so that he wouldn't let go, but Liu Wei was very patient as she continued to dawdle with her.

Zhang Yu could not bear to watch any longer. The main issue was that, the people inside the prison did not speak, and the Master Liu outside did not speak as well. Separated by a metal fence, their gazes met, and without making any sound, he was stuck in the middle, feeling very uncomfortable.

In the end, he spoke first. "I wonder when lunch will be served."

After saying that, the surroundings became even quieter...

Zhang Yu was very embarrassed and could only pout her mouth and keep quiet.

Later, at a quarter past noon, lunch arrived. As there was no abuse on the food, Zhang Yinfeng was able to eat quite well.

Liu Wei thus got up and finally left the dungeon.

Seeing that the person had left, Xunhong harrumphed.

Zhang Yu looked at Xun Hong and said, "Why are you doing this?"

He ignored her and lowered his head to eat.

Zhang Yu knew that Xun Hong was still wary of her and wouldn't listen to anything she said, so she could only give up.

Liu Wei walked out of the corner and saw Fu Zichen walking back. His expression was a little ugly and she asked: "What's wrong?"

Fu Zichen shook her head, she was silent for a moment, then asked: "What is a labour vanguard?"

Liu Wei was startled, and then answered subconsciously: "Among the group, the labour force is the highest. The labour vanguard has a flag and a small red flower, the flower is hand-cut. I specially found the best paper-chopping man in Qingzhou to cut it for me.

Fu Zichen: "..."

Liu Wei already knew what he experienced, she reached out and patted his shoulder: "You might not believe me if I told them, but if I didn't push forward the policy of the labour vanguard, they would be setting up a choir. Since they have already chosen the song, they would go back to the prison to rehearse after work, and the other cells beside them have already given their opinions.

Fu Zichen: "..."

"But it's good for now." Liu Wei said sincerely: "In order to strive to be the vanguard of the labourers, they have worked even harder and are exhausted every day. They no longer have the strength to sing anymore."

Because Fu Zichen's heart had suffered a blow, in the afternoon, Liu Wei would control him and prevent him from going out and wandering around randomly, allowing him to persuade him to find the right person.

But Fu Zichen did not know who Xunhong was, and was stunned for a while, and did not say a word.

In the end, Liu Wei still said it herself, but Search for Red still followed the same way she did in the morning, not knowing anything at all, so she just shut up.

Seeing that the whole day was about to be used up, news came from outside in the evening.

After Liu Wei heard the bailiff's report, she looked at Xunhong. "A murder case has occurred.

Search Red suddenly stood up from the ground, he stared at Liu Wei and clenched her fists.

Liu Wei said coldly: "It's not us who did it, but you should know in your heart. You have been missing for a day and a night;

"It's all your fault!" He gritted his teeth and rushed over, grabbing the door tightly. "Let me out!"

Liu Wei stood up and sighed: "I've said so much to you today, nice words, you're not listening. Fu Hongjie used such underhanded methods to hurt you, but you have to listen to him. Someone has to hit you, force you, torture you, and you're willing to cooperate? "

After Liu Wei finished this sentence, she left.

Xun Hong stared at Liu Wei's back until it disappeared and then slumped on the ground.

Zhang Yu came over and comforted her, "What this lord says is right, the day you go missing, Master will use a little red spot of a person as a hostage and kill him just like that. Do you really have to be completely loyal to him?"

"I …" He wanted to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, he couldn't continue.

After the little red girl was brought back, Liu Wei personally examined her corpse while Fu Zichen helped her record the information down, and also asked: "How did she die?"

Liu Wei checked and said: "I died from internal injuries." As she spoke, she untied the girl's clothes, revealing a bloody handprint on her chest.

Fu Zichen recorded everything on a piece of paper, then asked: "Murderer?"

Liu Wei said: "Get someone to check out the experts around Fu Hongwu, and see who is proficient in palm techniques, who is the murderer."

"Clang clang …" The sound of shattering porcelain came from behind him.

Liu Wei and Fu Zichen turned their heads at the same time and saw that at the door — — Zhang Feng was standing in the middle of a few pieces of broken tea cups, looking at them with a pale face.

"Uncle Feng?" Liu Wei was suspicious, but just as she was about to ask, something flashed past her mind, and she immediately turned to look at the corpse: "Could it be, Uncle Feng's third brother is an expert in palm techniques?"

Zhang Feng kneeled down on the ground with a sound of 'putong'. Because there were broken pieces of porcelain on the ground, his knee was directly stabbed by two pieces of porcelain, but he didn't get up. "Spare us!"

Liu Wei immediately stepped forward to support him, and said: "Don't worry Uncle Feng, as long as we can prove that he was instigated to kill people, although we cannot acquit him, he can still be easily killed."

Zhang Feng seemed to have aged ten years. "Really?"

"Really." Liu Wei nodded her head, then consoled her: "This matter requires Uncle Feng to personally rush over, and tell Zhang Yu about it.

"This …" Isn't this asking for hatred from Zhang Tong?

However, Liu Wei did not explain. The three of them, no matter what their private relationship was, belonged to the same boat. Zhang Yu had already betrayed their ship, and ifhe did not betray Fu Hong, even if she went back, she could only watch as Fu Hong Gui pampered Zhang Tong. To her, that was a situation with no chance of survival.

She would never be able to get Fu Honghong's help again, and the danger of a little bit of red would only increase with the passing of time. Even Zhang Tong had surpassed her, and she would only be reduced to following the lead of Zhang Tong.

This result was a substantial blow to her.

Zhang Feng accepted the order and left.

When Liu Wei and Fu Zichen finished with their autopsy report, it was already two hours later. Just as the two were about to leave, they received a report from the prison.

He wanted to see the lord.

"I didn't expect the effect to be so remarkable." Liu Wei laughed, she was very satisfied with Zhang Feng's efficiency.

When Xun Hong saw Liu Wei, the first thing he said was that Little Red's body was there.

Liu Wei fulfilled her request and personally brought everyone to the morgue.

Seeing the corpse, he was sure that the opponent's life was injured. When he came out, Xunhong's face was filled with determination, he stared at Liu Wei and said: "I agree to your request."

Liu Wei already expected it and nodded.

But Red said, "You have to do what you say. A little red, you can't die anymore! Not a single one! "

"No problem." Liu Wei said.

At the end of the day, Liu Wei left the yamen very late.

There were two carriages waiting outside the yamen. One of them was arranged by Sima Xi to send them back, and the other belonged to Rong Ling.

Liu Wei went straight to Rong Ling's carriage, Fu Zichen followed behind, but when Liu Wei got onto the carriage, just as Fu Zichen was about to step in, Rong Ling's cold voice sounded out: "Drive."

The wagon driver looked at Fu Zichen who had half a leg on him, quickly raised the whip and urged the horse forward.

Fu Zichen was only able to stabilize her body after taking two steps back. She watched the horse carriage get further and further away as her eyes narrowed into a line.

Inside the carriage, Liu Wei said, "Why do you two always have to go against each other, so can't you get along a little?"

Liu Wei was helpless to do anything to him, she took out a list from her sleeve and handed it over: "This is written in red, it's all her eyes and ears buried in the Fu Mansion.

"Yes." After taking the list, Rong Ling also passed a piece of letter to her: "I just arrived today."

Liu Wei opened it and saw that it was a letter from the capital. The contents of the letter were very long and the main thrust of the letter was - Royal Uncle, Master, I'm sorry, I lost Xiaoli.

Liu Wei was expressionless, and asked: "Lost?"

Rong Ling kept the letter and passed another one to her.

This letter was delivered together with Rong Jindong's letter. The contents of the letter were, in short,: The little gongzi was befuddled by a servant girl, the dark guard was severely injured, the dog was bitten by a guard, and the flower spider was used to scare the servant boy. After that, they left the capital, and from the looks of it, they went towards the Cyan Plains.

Liu Wei: "..."

Rong Ling: "You promised to return within half a month."

Liu Wei: "..."

Rong Ling: "You agreed, I didn't."

Liu Wei: "..."

Rong Ling: "Think about how to explain it."

Liu Wei: "..."

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