This voice belonged to Uncle Xing. Ji Bing was stunned for a moment as she stared straight at the half-open window of the guest room beneath the tree.

Father. His own father?

"It should be true." This was Ji Feng's voice. As he spoke, he sighed, "At the very least, this is what Liu Wei said."

Ji Bing hid in the shadows under the dense bushes among the trees. Beside him, there was a sparrow nest, and the sparrows in the nest did not chirp as they seemed to know him, only staring at him with their bright eyes. Ji Bing was startled.

Ji Bing looked at the sparrows for a while before stepping onto the branches beside them. She then grabbed the sleeping White Orchid Spider from inside the net she was tying up, and before the White Orchid Spider could react, she was already wearing it inside a red fist-sized bag. The bag was tied to her waist.

Gingerly, he went down the tree. As he passed by the nest of sparrows, Ji Bing subconsciously looked again, only to see two grey heads poking their heads out, looking at him and then at the red bag on his waist.

Apparently, the sparrows already knew that there was a natural enemy above their heads, hidden by the dense bushes. It was hard for them to jump and jump around under the eyes of this natural enemy, so they didn't know it at all.

After bringing the White Orchid Spider back to the room, Ji Bing took it out. Under the ferocious gaze of the furry spider, she poked its bulging back and the spider's leg that seemed to be stuck in her hand. It was as if she had made some difficult decision.

After a moment, he exhaled and put the spider back into the red bag. Once again, he tied the spider to his waist. Then, he quietly locked the door and quietly climbed out of the window.

Ji Bing stumbled along the way, asking people while searching for her way. Finally, after two hours, she arrived at the entrance of the inn.

The inn was very big, and because it was dark, the lanterns by the entrance were especially bright and tall.

Ji Bing walked around the door a few times hesitantly, but didn't make up her mind to knock.

Seeing that it was getting late, he knew he couldn't drag it out any longer, but he just couldn't move a single step.

"Clang!" A loud sound suddenly rang out from behind him.

Ji Bing turned her head to look, only to see a fierce looking burly man on the street kicking a short beggar away.

Because the action was too big, when the fierce looking man kicked down the beggar, he even shattered the broken bowl in the beggar's hand.

The beggar laid on the ground, trembling as he cried, "I, I was wrong. Please spare me, please spare me."

With these words, the burly man actually wanted to smash the child to the ground.

Ji Bing knew that if sshe really hit the wall, even if the beggar did not die, he would at least break a bone. He quickly stepped forward and advised: "Even if he accidentally messed with your pants, you will just have to compensate, what need to hurt others!"

The big man didn't know that it was already dark and there were still people on the street.

Ji Bing kept a straight face and did not say a word to touch her chest. Only then did she realise that she did not bring any silver, and his face immediately turned ugly.

The big man snorted, "No silver? "Scram if you don't have money, so as to prevent your uncle's anger from turning against you, I will cut you into pieces too!"

Ji Bing did not leave, she was considering whether she should directly take action to save the beggar. Although his martial arts were poor, that was only against other people who knew the same martial arts, facing ordinary people without any martial arts, he still had a chance of winning.

However, this big man was tall and strong, so he might not really succeed.

While he was hesitating, the burly man threw the beggar onto the ground. The beggar cried out in alarm, and suddenly, a red figure flew over from the distance. In the nick of time, the beggar was caught.

After the red figure finished hugging the person, it raised its head. A jade carved face was exposed in front of it.

It was a child.

The person who suddenly rushed out to save the beggar was actually a child. He was five or six years old, and Ji Bing could tell that he was shorter than, maybe even shorter than the malnourished beggar.

The boy had a beautiful face, fair and tender skin, and big black eyes. When Ji Bing met his eyes, he felt that these eyes were a little familiar, and in his memories, there was another person whose eyes were so bright and clear, as if they could see through everything.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked the beggar in his arms.

The beggar withdrew from the embrace of his younger brother with lingering fear, but because of his fear, his eyes were full of tears. Upon hearing his question, tears began to fall from his eyes.

"No, no, I'm fine!"

He even touched it and took out a bottle from his bosom. That bottle looked very similar to the bottle that Ji Bing used to store the venom, but the thing in the bottle that the boy had obviously looked even better.

He shook the bottle, took out two red pills, and handed them to the beggar. "I'll treat you to some."

The beggar bit his lips and touched the boy's fair palm with his dirty hands. When he touched the red ball, he took one and put it in his mouth.

A sweet smell immediately wafted into his nose. The Pauper raised his head in surprise. It was clear that he had been subdued by the smell.

"What … what is this?"

"Candy." The boy proudly raised his chin and said, "My sister made it. I have two sisters, the eldest sister can make a lot of delicious food, the younger sister can make beautiful clothes, a bonus bag, and even embroidery."

The beggar was very envious, and asked timidly: "Can you give me another? I want to bring it back for my mother to eat. "

"Sure." The boy generously handed the bottle to the beggar, "It's all for you. When I go home, my sister will cook more for me. I can't finish it all."

The beggar held the bottle and stuffed it into the deepest part of his thin clothes.

The beggar was safe and sound, Ji Bing then looked at the boy who saved him, and felt that he should have nothing to do here, and decided to turn around and leave.

However, before he could even take a step forward, he was already covered by the black shadow above his head.

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