Ji Bing struggled but she did not succeed as she was grabbed by the big sized man in mid air. She then looked at the boy on the other side, this boy should know martial arts, but he was also caught by the big sized man and did not resist at all.

The beggar was so anxious that he started crying. He knelt on the ground and begged, "My lord, please spare my life. I was wrong, I shouldn't have asked for money from you. Please don't hurt them, my lord …"

"Scram!" The big man raised his leg and kicked the beggar far away.

"Really?" The boy's eyes widened and he blinked. "Do you know how to cut?"

The big man was stunned, he had not expected the child to ask this question.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard the child say, "Do you know the proportion of the cut? Do you know which scalpel to use to cut the limbs, which scalpel to cut the cavity? Do you know how much strength to use in the chest and abdomen? Do you know how to preserve a cut of human skin? Do you know what use human bones have after the flesh is separated and the organs are removed? Do you know what kind of bone is suitable for a specimen? "

The big man's expression gradually turned stiff.

As the boy finished asking his question, the pair of pitch black eyes stared straight at him … When the big man saw the disdain and contempt in those eyes, he immediately became angry from embarrassment.

"You have a mother here, a son of a bitch who doesn't have a father to teach! "Let's see if laozi will …"

"You're scolding my dad?" The boy's soft and cute face suddenly turned dangerous.

The big man continued cursing.

The boy pursed his lips, his white and tender hands on the back of the big guy's hand that was grabbing his collar, then he slipped and slid onto the big guy's wrist, and then he twisted. Before the big guy could react, he felt a bone in his hand ache, and his hands unconsciously loosened, and the two children were thrown away.

Ji Bing fell to the ground, feeling the pain in his butt, when he rubbed his butt and raised his head, she only saw the boy raising her leg, kicking the big sized man over, then pouncing over, stepping on the big sized man's head, bending over, grabbing onto her neck, lifting him up smoothly before smashing him ruthlessly into the distance.

With a bang, the big man was smashed into the wall. After falling, his back hit a rock on the street and he grimaced in pain.

Before the burly man could regain his wits, the boy who was like a cannonball pounced over once again. He rudely grabbed the man's hair and threw his head onto a rock!

"Do you know how angry I am? Do you know how long I've been walking? Do you know that I haven't found my father yet? You still dare to scold my father! I told you to scold my dad! I told you to scold my dad! "

While the boy was muttering, he was also beating the big man up as if he was a punching bag. In just a short moment, the big man's face was covered in blood and he was on his last breath.

The big bloke had blood in his throat as he begged for mercy while crying, "Help, help …" "Help …"

However, the boy seemed to be provoked. Not only did he not let go, he even became more energetic.

Seeing that he could not continue like this, Ji Bing immediately carried the boy and dragged him behind: "If you continue to beat him up, you will beat him to death!"

"Let go! Let go!" The boy struggled crazily, but he didn't use his inner force to injure his brother because he remembered that the brother he had met by chance didn't know martial arts.

Ji Bing pulled him back a little: "In this public place, you can't kill him. I have poison, Flower Serpent Liquid, Myriad Spider Water, Crane Red and Arsenic are also fine, wait for the place with fewer people, we can poison him to death then."

After he took a few deep breaths, he seemed to have thought of something. He felt around in his chest, but he couldn't find anything. He patted his body for a bit, and finally fished out a hairy spider from his thick hair.

The hairy spider was still tired and impatient after being dragged out. It stretched its hairy legs a few times before lowering its head and continuing to sleep.

"Hua, someone is bullying me." The boy complained to the hairy spider.

The spider called Flower lifted his eyes to look at him, then climbed up from his palm, over the boy's arm, over his shoulder, and finally crawled back into his hair, lying where he had been sleeping and warm. He also pulled back a few strands of hair to cover his broad back, creating the illusion that "I'm not here, there's no spider here".

The boy could see that Flower had no intention of avenging him, so he could only sigh. Then he turned to his brother and said, "Then I want the Ten Thousand Spider Water."

Ji Bing held back for a moment, then held back: "I didn't bring it."

The boy suddenly had a look of "I didn't let you waste so much time talking".

At the same time, beside a window on the second floor of the inn, Liu Wei looked down timidly, and asked Rong Ling who was in front of him: "Have you left?"

Rong Ling magnanimously stood in front of the window, looking down. Her son whom she had not seen for a long time casually replied: "No."

Liu Wei gave an irritated "tsk" sound, and stood in a circle inside the house: "Why are we at Qingzhou, aren't your people guarding the various city gates, why are there no sounds of the wind?"

When Liu Wei was closing the window earlier, she saw Ji Bing downstairs.

Ji Bing wanted to knock on the door but was hesitant, causing Liu Wei to care. He just stared at him for a while, thinking that if the child still did not come in, she would go down and ask him, but unexpectedly, something happened. Soon after, she saw an extremely familiar figure appear from the darkness.

Liu Wei knew that Li Mu was coming to the Cyan Plains, but she did not expect that he would arrive so quickly.

Liu Wei was a little hesitant as she stood very far away from the window. From time to time, she would follow Rong Ling again, "Come in a bit, don't let him find out."

Rong Ling turned to look at her: "You're not going to meet him?"

Liu Wei probed: "Send someone to take him to another place and trick him into coming here in two days, will you be able to do it?"

Rong Ling narrowed her eyes coldly, "He's your son."

Liu Wei sighed: "I really hope that he isn't my son."

Rong Ling: "..."

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