Seeing Fu Hongda by the window, he had no choice but to say, "Go take a look personally."

Fu Hongda looked at him.

"A life-saving treasure." Without explaining anything, the snake keeper took out a few bottles and stuffed them into his pocket.

An hour had passed, and the person who had sent the message still had not come. The Snake-Keeper could no longer wait. Fu Hongda also knew that there might be some problems along the way. Perhaps, he really would have to make a trip personally.

After they left the Thousand Creations Workshop, they got into the carriage. The coachman was Ah Fu. He listened to his master's instructions, and Ah Fu drove the carriage toward the west gate.

Tonight, the general guarding the west gate was Fu Hongda's men, so it was very convenient for them to go in and out.

After exiting the city gate, Ah Fu rode at full speed according to the predetermined location. He arrived at a thatched cottage on the outskirts of the city before the third fragment of the night.

Earlier, when Zhang Tong had contacted the base outside the city, Fu Hongda had already put in a lot of effort behind the scenes and brought out the thatched cottage. Zhang Tong thought this place was a good place to set up and immediately made his move, but he did not know that he had fallen into Fu Hongda's trap.

According to the plan, when Fu Hongwu entered the grass hut, there would be an attack at the same time. After he was seriously injured, the next morning, Fu Hongwu's offense would be sent to the Qingzhou yamen, and Fu Hongda himself would arrange for him to 'appear' at the appropriate time.

Of course, at the right time, the order to convict the capital would be served.

He felt that there was no need to wait for the conviction order and kill Fu Hongwu to the end. However, Fu Hongda was not willing to accept this, as he wanted Fu Hongwu to become a prisoner. This wish of his was very persistent.

The carriage stopped in front of a thatched cottage in the forest. Both Fu Hongda and the Snake-Keeper could see that the hut was lit up by candles. It was obvious that someone was already living inside.

Then, if Fu Honghao was here, what about the one who attacked him?

The people who were arranged to take action were all Fu Hongda's men. The Snake-Keeper was immediately dissatisfied as he glared at Fu Hongda.

Fu Hongda did not act impulsively. He calmed down and thought about it, then he looked around to see if there were any traps nearby.

"It would be better if I did it myself." As the snake-keeper spoke, he steeled his eyes and walked over.

Fu Hongdara stopped him, "Sir, please wait for a moment, let's take a look."

The snake-keeper thought he was being obscene. He waved his hand away and frowned impatiently.

Right at this moment, ten meters in front of them, a black shadow suddenly flashed by. Then two, three, ten black shadows converged — — Fu Hongda recognized their identities. Those were the people he had arranged.

"Although I don't know why I chose to make my move at this moment, the process isn't important. The result is the most important." As Fu Hongda spoke, she hid herself in the shadows to ensure that there was not the slightest chance of him being exposed.

Soon there was the sound of fighting, followed by the roar of Fu Hongwu.

Everything was as he had expected. A smile appeared on Fu Hongda's face, but the snake-keeper laughed out loud.

After a while, the interior quieted down. The snake-keeper walked directly over and openly entered the thatched cottage.

Fu Hongda wanted to call out to him, but seeing that the matter was settled and there was nothing to be afraid of, he followed him in.

But before he could enter, he heard a rumbling sound from the thatched cottage. Soon after, he saw flames and red clouds soaring into the sky. It seemed as if they were going to pierce a hole in the night sky, causing the ground to shake.

Fu Hongda was dumbstruck as he looked at the scene before him. He looked at the grass hut that had suddenly exploded, and stood there in a daze.

The Snake-Keeper was also shocked.

Fu Hongda's plan did not blow up the grass hut, so he did not know what went wrong. At this point, even the slightest bit of bias that was different from the original plan would make him uneasy.

Ah Fu was also very nervous. "Master, let's retreat quickly. Is there gunpowder here?"

Hearing the word 'gunpowder', Fu Hongda's eyes widened. He staggered backwards, while Ah Fu continued protecting his master.

The two of them ran back to the carriage and anxiously peeped in the direction of the thatched cottage. However, it had already turned into a mass of red light. It was impossible to discern anything there.

"What the hell is going on?" Fu Hongda muttered, his eyes filled with anxiety and confusion.

The Snake-Keeper wanted to rush in and take a look at the situation. Explosions might be rare to the Central Plains people, but to the Witch clan, it was nothing much.

The snake keeper looked at the thatched cottage, his bare hands sweeping up sparks of fire. His eyes scanned the interior of the hut to see what was going on inside.

But when he got closer, before he could put his head in, a burnt hand suddenly stretched out.

The serpentine man stepped back, somewhat taken aback.

When he saw the owner of the hand again, he realized that it was none other than the person who had wanted to get rid of Fu Hongwu.

Fu Honggong's body was still burning and half of it had been corroded by the fire. He looked at the Snake-Keeper who was outside the fire curtain with fear, and as if he had seen his lifeline, he spat out a dry and hoarse voice, as if he was gasping for breath. "Save me …"

After the initial astonishment, the Snake-Keeper took a few steps back and folded his arms, looking at Fu Hongwu's desperate look. The smile in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Fu Hongwu could not believe that his opponent would not save him even if he were to die. He crawled out again, "First … Sir. "Save …"

"Although I don't know why it changed from a kidnapping to an explosion, I am still quite satisfied with the result." The snake keeper laughed and said, then called back: "Fourth master of Fu's Family, are you not coming over?"

His voice was loud and contained inner strength, allowing Fu Hongda, who was in the carriage, to hear him.

When Fu Hongda heard that the other party had so easily revealed his name, he inwardly cursed at him for dying. However, he still braced himself and walked over under Ah Fu's watchful gaze.

When he arrived in front of the thatched cottage, Fu Hongda was stunned to see Fu Hongwu, who had been burned to death. He subconsciously looked left and right, wanting to save him.

Fu Honggang could not die so easily. This brother who had treated trampling on his little brother as a pleasure since he was young wanted him to die in a worse, more shameful and more painful way. He wanted him to lose his reputation, to not be able to rest in peace even after his death.

It was just a fire. What right did this fire have to deprive him of the joy of revenge!

Fu Hongda immediately said to Ah Fu, "Save him."

"Are you crazy?"

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