Fu Hongda's eyes were all red. It was unknown if he was too excited or if the flames were shining. "Mister told me that he can't die today."

"Who told you that?" "What's the difference between seriously injuring him and killing him? I wanted to kill him from the beginning, but now is a godsend opportunity, his life should be like that, you don't have to worry about it."

"But …"

But before he could even get close, the snake keeper had already kicked the dying man into the house.

Fu Honggang stumbled as he fell to the ground. A pillar on the roof fell down, landing right on his chest. A mournful scream rang out, echoing in the wilderness of the night.

That sorrowful cry was like the final boom before the death of an elephant. This colossus that had always stood in Fu Hongda's heart had finally collapsed at this moment.

Fu Hongda still did not know how to react. He stared at the house, which no longer had any view. His heart was in turmoil. Fu Hongzhi died just like that? He died so easily?

"Don't just stand there. Hurry up and take care of the aftermath." The snake keeper reminded him from his stupor.

Fu Hongda came back to his senses and was about to give the order to Ah Fu, but he suddenly realized something. Logically speaking, from the time he captured Fu Honghao to the time he took care of the situation, he had already arranged for someone to do the job.

The ten people who had just entered the thatched cottage were nowhere to be seen. Fu Hongxiang, Seeking Red, and Zhang Tong should have been in the thatched cottage …

At this moment, there was only one, Fu Honghao.

Something's wrong, people, where are they?

Burned to death? Silent?

However, if more than ten people died in such a small thatched cottage, how could there be no sound at all?

If even Fu Honggong was able to climb within the fire for so long and seek help, would those martial artists not even be able to match up to a single Fu Honggong?

Fu Hongda thought of the insides. After a moment, his heart skipped a beat. He glared at the snake keeper and said, "Hurry and go!"

Fu Hongda was shocked. He turned around and ran, but just as he took a step, he was tripped.

He fell to the ground and looked at Ah Fu with disbelief, unable to control his expression.

Leng Ning brought the two battalions of elite soldiers, a total of 320 people, and immediately rushed over. With a cold expression, he looked at the burning thatched cottage, then strode over to Fu Hongda, grabbed him by the collar, and said while gnashing his teeth, "What a good move, I underestimated you. You two, come take a seat in our base camp."

The Snake-Keeper anxiously looked at the elite soldiers and imperial guards that surrounded them. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and turned his gaze towards Fu Hongda.

Fu Hongda was also very shocked. He was lying on the ground, in a sorry state that he had never been in before.

Rong Ling stood behind the group of people and stared at the blazing grass hut, her brows knitted together.

Liu Wei arrived rather late, and the fake Fu Ziqing was personally sent by Liu Wei to Leng Yi's trusted aide. That person was the best piece of evidence to topple Fu Hongda.

When Liu Wei arrived, she saw the chaos in front of him. Fu Hongda had interfered with both the government and the yamen's affairs, so in order to completely defeat this person, he could only use the resident army. Rong Ling had also confirmed Fu Hongda's wolfish ambitions, colluded with the Witch Clan, and conspired against them to call the General of the Azure Province's army, who only managed to deal with him after dragging things out until now was because of the King of Quan.

During the period when King of Quan was away from Liao, he had entrusted all the affairs of Liaozhou to Gossamer to manage. Gossamer was also a member of the Witch clan.

In order to confirm the specific situation of his influence being eroded in the Liaozhou, they could only delay their plans to capture Fu Hongda and the Snake-Keeper.

And this time, Fu Hongda had delivered himself to him.

Fu Hongda could not bear the loneliness anymore, and made a move against the second house, causing a huge fire. He then used the fire to pull Fu Hongfeng into the water, and played a game of guessing at him. Rong Ling and the others observed the situation, and at the most critical moment, caught him all in one fell swoop.

Liu Wei was not clear about the current situation, and asked Rong Ling: "Why is it burning up, where are Fu Hongwu and Searching for Red?"

Rong Ling pursed his lips into a line: "Something went wrong."

Liu Wei was startled.

When Rong Ling and Leng Xiao were at peace, a group of people left the base camp and headed towards the thatched cottage. They calculated the time, and communicated well with Ling Hong, knowing when to ambush the best, but when they arrived at the place, they saw that it was already dark inside.

At this moment, Ah Fu, who was watching over Fu Hongda, received a message from a spy.

Yes, Fu Hongda had always thought that there was no response from the spies. In fact, the response had come long ago, and had been intercepted by Ah Fu.

That was the problem.

The scout replied. They were secretly taken captive, and the woman who accompanied Fu Honghao was taken away by another group.

Ah Fu immediately passed the news on to Rong Ling, both Rong Ling and Leng Ying had seen it, but they were unable to confirm what was going on with the other faction that suddenly appeared.

However, according to the scouts, they were heading towards the southern outskirts of the city.

Rong Ling had sent people to follow him. They had made many plans tonight, but none of them allowed Fu Hong to truly escape from the Qing Zhou Province.

At that time, Rong Ling's mind was wandering, thinking that the north and south side of the city were too far away, could it be that Fu Hongda had discovered something, intentionally causing a mystery, and come up with another plan to catch him?

No one dared to look down on Fu Hongda. His methods were treacherous, and he was also patient. These were all his labels.

It was only when news came from the south and Fu Hong Hao and the others were caught that Rong Ling gave up on her idea. At that time, no one would have thought that there was something wrong with the cold soldiers.

There was nothing to the south of the city. When they arrived at the north side, the grass hut was already on fire. Fu Hongda and the Snake-Keeper were standing outside the house.

Even if he did not capture the two of them on the spot, even if he brought them back now, he might not be able to convict them. They had almost failed with tonight's plan, even if he could barely convict Fu Hongda of plotting against them, he might not be able to drown the Shamans in it.

At the end of the day, the Fu's Family was a small problem, but the witches were the big problem.

The Witch Clan's ambition was too great, no one knew which forces they were in contact with other than the Fu's Family.

Given the size of the entire Greencloud Kingdom, they would probably have already gathered a large number of forces by the name of the King of Quan. These powers could shake the capital far away, but if they wanted to shake the Liaozhou, it would only take an instant.

Nurturing tigers was a source of trouble. This was what it meant to nurture tigers was a source of trouble.

She walked to the front and stood at the back of the group to look at Fu Hongda and the Snake-Keeper. In an instant, she observed all of their expressions and after a moment, she returned to Rong Ling and said, "It's not Fu Hongda."

Rong Ling looked at her.

Liu Wei said confidently: "When a person is faced with an unexpected event, there will be a stress reaction. The stress reaction is a high-speed and highly tense state of mind, the most direct manifestation being the mental stress, panic, and rapid rise in adrenaline, which resulted in a series of reactions. Look at Fu Hongda, he's panicking right now, this is a situation that he obviously did not expect. He is currently madly thinking about how to protect himself, how to plan for himself, and how to retreat safely. He clearly has no grasp of the situation in front of him, if he really can scheme and play with you, will he panic now? Will you be impatient? I suspect that there might really be another group of people who took Fu Hongwu away. At the same time, they used the conflict between us and Fu Hongda to return Fu Hongfeng to kill him in front of us. "

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