Isn't it true that a mere resident marshal would cause a country to feel fear? You take 500 people, and I'll take 1000 people. The mountain pass next to the Cyan Plains is the border of the Qing Province. Summoning 1000 soldiers is easy.

This was the intent of snatching Fang Ruzhu and Qin Wu from Leng Ning's hands!

King of Quan looked around and asked, "What about Fang Ruzhu and Qin Wu?"

"They're all right." He said coldly, "Sir Qin has some martial arts. It's enough to protect himself. Master Fang was startled, but he was not injured."

King of Quan frowned: "It's hard to risk your life for you."

Leng Ying shook his head. He had promised to send her back to the capital. Since he had agreed, it meant that he had considered the danger and severity. Now that something happened, there was no reason for him to blame it all on others.

He picked up a crossbow from the table beside him and handed it over coldly, "Has Your Highness ever seen this type of bow and arrow before?"

King of Quan picked up the crossbow and looked around: "Never seen this before, this is?"

"It's a weapon used by those bandits." "This crossbow is twice as small and light as an ordinary longbow. Those bandits used this crossbow to shoot arrows at us while they were lying in ambush in the valley. However, Your Highness might have guessed that how far away they were when they shot at us."

King of Quan thought for a moment, then said: "Normal long-ranged arrows can reach up to 150 steps, this type of crossbow is smaller, the arrows are shorter, it should be … … About seventy steps? "

Coldly shaking his head, he said in a heavy voice, "At least three hundred steps."

"What?" King of Quan was stunned. Looking at the crossbow in her hand, her face was filled with disbelief.

"If the range of this crossbow wasn't too far, how could my five hundred elite soldiers not sense it? Your Royal Highness, if those bandits are equipped with such crossbows, then their light cavalry and distant archers would be invincible … "

King of Quan's face was also very gloomy: This is a unique structure, I have never seen such a place in the Central Plains, but is it made by the Hu?

"I don't know."

Because of this, the national weapon control had always been strict. This was also the reason why only two hundred thousand were able to gather together to fight against the rebel army after dozens of years. It was easy to find soldiers, but not easy to prepare weapons.

Ordinary weapons could be forged in a self-built metal workshop. However, if one was a bit more advanced and more refined, it would require the brainstorming of countless craftsmen. It would cost a lot of effort, money, and time.

Looking at the crossbow in his hand again and again, King of Quan frowned, but he did not loosen his hold on it.

He couldn't do anything, he only wanted to catch the two young men who had escaped. The other side actually used such a terrifying new weapon, then if it really was a battle between two armies, then what terrifying weapon would they use against each other?

There was a long silence.

After a long while, he finally said coldly: "In this matter, Your Highness has a plan. As for Master Fang and Lord Qin, I'm afraid you'll have to rely on Second Prince for help."

He had brought half of his elite soldiers with him, but he was still injured. Even if it was in public or private, he could not force himself to use up more forces for the sake of two outsiders.

If the Second Prince appeared, perhaps Fang Ruzhu and Qin Wu's face would be a little ugly, but there wouldn't be any casualties.

As for the people of the empress, they can disregard the troops of the Azure Province, but they can't not even give face to the Second Prince s.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the Empress was not crazy, she would not dare to act rashly when she saw the banner of the Second Prince.

King of Quan knew that it was cold and also tried her best. She patted Yue Yang's shoulder and weighed the crossbow in his hand before clenching it tightly, "I will inform Ah Ling. As for this thing, I will take it."

Since the cold intent had already been told to the King of Quan, there was no longer any intent of hiding it, and she said graciously: "The Mansion is capable of craftsmen, and can understand the mysteries of this place. If one day, my Army of the Central Plains can also wear this Luo, it will greatly boost the morale of our warriors. Of course, this Luo Mu will also be sent to the capital, this, we still need to first explain it to Your Highness."

King of Quan naturally understood and nodded, praising, "Marshal Leng is righteous."

Fang Ruzhu and Qin Guan were in a hurry to leave, and now that the battle had broken out, the two of them were even more determined to leave Qing Village as soon as possible.

But now that the garrison had been defeated and suffered heavy casualties, it was not a good time for the two of them to urge the cold.

In the end, Leng Yi still came over personally and handed a message to the two of them: "I have already handed the task of escorting the two of you to Second Prince.

Hearing this, Fang Ruzhu immediately frowned, but Qin Wu knew that there was nothing he could do. He nodded at Leng Ning and solemnly said: "I, Qin, will remember Marshal's kindness."

Leng Ying did not look at Fang Ruzhu's obviously unhappy face and said: "Not just during the battle, but I lost more than two hundred elite soldiers. I'm serious …."

Qin Wu continued, "When this matter is returned to the capital, I will inform the government that Marshal Qin need not blame himself. He can take care of the soldiers' pensions and the arrangements for the families."

With these words of his, the coldness in his voice finally became a bit more comfortable. He silently nodded his head and didn't stay in the room for long. After a while, he left.

When Rong Ling received the news from the King of Quan, she was still sleeping.

She was really sleepy. After lying on the bed for so long, she had actually slept for quite a while.

It was not yet evening, and the great hall downstairs was decorated with a cheerful atmosphere. However, only the servants of the inn were busy.

Fu Zichen and Xiaoli both went back to their rooms. As the only witness to the marriage, the two of them were rather bored.

Liu Xiaoli simply did not know why she had to get up so early today. Also, his mother was perfectly fine, suddenly wanting to wear a lady's outfit.

The subordinate sent by the King of Quan was a familiar face to Rong Ling. In fact, the King of Quan had always used their army, which was Xing Yi's group, to protect their lives. Because of their Witch bloodline, they were well-built and hardworking.

But this time, the Witch Clan's sheepskin that was used against them was completely torn apart. Not being able to kill them in front of everyone, and the army that followed from the back had already killed them all in one go. This was the greatest tolerance of the King of Quan, as they did not want to alert the enemy.

Rong Ling had seen this guard twice and knew that this guard was a little stiff, but he was still a loyal person.

The other party handed over the letter personally written by King of Quan.

When Rong Ling opened it and read, her pitch black eyes circled around the two lines of words a few times, and then she pinched the letter and crumpled it into a ball, and threw it to the guard.

The guard hurriedly caught the sword and looked at the young prince in confusion.

Rong Ling's voice was very indifferent, but his tone was so cold that it didn't contain the slightest bit of warmth. "Today is the wedding of a Japanese king, yet royal uncle isn't here to celebrate.

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