After the guard heard what Rong Ling said, she was stunned and did not know how to reply. After thinking for a moment, she spoke in a stern voice and told his everything that had happened on the official road.

The guard explained in detail, hoping wholeheartedly that the young prince would change his mind after knowing what had happened and lend him his men so that he could report the incident.

However, the other party was clearly more heartless than he had imagined. "If you want to borrow your master's money, come and borrow it yourself."

After going back and forth the entire journey, just as the sun was about to set, King of Quan came to the inn.

Liu Wei had already woken up, and was no longer wearing her bride's clothes, but an ordinary set of jujube red male clothing. She was just strolling leisurely around the lobby of the first floor as he ate dinner.

Rong Ling sat beside her and cooked some food for her. He occasionally gave her a spoonful of soup and urged her to drink.

The two guests who were participating in the wedding banquet were also at the same table. Fu Zichen had a strange expression on her face as she played with the wine cup beside her hand, but she did not eat a single mouthful.

Xiaoli, on the other hand, was the most at ease. She was very happy to eat a big meal today, and she even secretly hid two big fat chicken legs, planning to go find a little beggar on the opposite side of the street after finishing their meal. Two chicken legs, one little beggar.

King of Quan came with a travel worn look. Upon entering the hall, the first thing she saw was a full room full of red silk. There were happy couplets on the pillars and happy knots in front of the railings.

In short, everything that entered his eyes was red, and even Rong Ling who was dressed as a groom and sitting right at the table had a pair of sharp red eyes.

King of Quan choked and walked over with bulging eyes. She immediately asked: "Are you guys really married?"

Liu Wei chewed on the bamboo shoot in her mouth, glanced at King of Quan expressionlessly, then lowered her head and continued to eat her food.

Rong Ling stood up, and formally stood in front of King of Quan.

was stunned by his sudden face-to-face look and stammered uncomfortably: "You, what are you doing?"

"Thank you very much." Rong Ling said calmly, after that he reached out his hand and pointed to his trusted servant at the door: "I'll deliver the gift over there."

King of Quan was almost angered to death by him: "I am not here to attend your wedding banquet! I'm here to discuss proper business with you. Let me tell you, this matter concerns the Emperor …. "

"The gift from over there." Rong Ling decisively interrupted her opponent's blabbering, and stubbornly decided to be more sincere in the matter of presents.

The wedding reception was just like when to set off a cannon, or when to sail a flowerboat. It was an essential part of the wedding process.

And the process had to be followed!

Fu Zichen, who was also suffering from the same illness, timely reminded King of Quan: "He doesn't accept gifts worth less than three thousand silver, and says that it doesn't suit his status. If you can't purchase a present worth more than three thousand silver, then give him three thousand silver, and she will accept this."

King of Quan was angered to the point that her nose felt like flames, "This marriage of yours, I had never agreed to it before, what is this supposed to be? There's no such thing as high school or high school.

Rong Ling's expression immediately changed, the look in his eyes became so sharp that it seemed as if blood was about to seep out.

"Cough, cough." Liu Wei was stumped by the hot soup, she quietly turned her head, cautiously looked at Rong Ling's expression and quickly tried to smooth things over: There's a matchmaker, how can there be no matchmaker? The heavens shall be the father, the earth the mother, and the earth the mother of all the people! " After she finished speaking, she carefully pulled on Rong Ling's sleeves: "Sit down first, calm down."

When Rong Ling was facing Liu Wei, she was always a bit gentler. He looked at her newlywed wife's terrified face, but didn't make a sound in the end. After sitting down, his back was facing the King of Quan.

"You …"

King of Quan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Liu Wei: "Your Highness said she has important matters to discuss, why don't we sit down and talk?"

King of Quan's nose was not her nose, and his eyes not his eyes were just a little stubborn. In the end, she still humphed and sat down opposite Rong Ling, then gave a look to the guards accompanying him.

The guard nodded his head in understanding, then led the rest of the people to chase away the rest of the people in the hall. They then guarded the great hall properly, and heard King of Quan say, "Fang family's brat, Fang Ruzhu, didn't you guys come here to pick up his sister last time?

Liu Wei would definitely remember Fang Ruzhu. It was this man that suddenly left Qingzhou after quarreling with his mother, and she was still brooding over this matter.

"What happened to him?"

King of Quan glanced at Rong Ling. She had already told him the reason behind the letter that came earlier, but the other party had obviously not told him.

After hearing it, the first one to react was actually not Liu Wei, but Xiaoli.

Xiaoli's greasy mouth formed a "o" shape. He was stunned for a moment before asking slowly: "Qin … Rustle … "Big brother?"

King of Quan looked at him, and the other three looked at him too.

Rong Ling, Liu Wei did not know that their son was acquainted with Rong Su's dog friend Qin Wai?

"What did you call him?" Liu Wei frowned and asked.

Xiaoli blinked her eyes and said honestly: "Big brother Qin, I came to the Azure Province in his carriage, and his carriage was ambushed by bad people. I saved him, and after entering the city, it was also he who told me to temporarily stay at the inn before finding father, and said that as long as I recited his name, the manager of the inn would definitely let me stay. I didn't receive any money, it's just that I didn't expect that father would be at the inn …"

Liu Wei's expression darkened: Why didn't you tell me this before?

Xiaoli was dumbstruck. "Father didn't ask, I thought it was nothing urgent …"

Liu Wei glared at him snappily. Just as sshe was about to teach him another lesson, he heard Rong Ling ask, "He doesn't recognize you?"

Xiaoli nodded his head like a chick pecking rice grains: "I know him, we travelled together. I know that he is called Big Brother Qin, and he knows that I am called Liu Xiaoli."

"Not this one." Rong Ling frowned: "Has he never seen you before?"

"Huh?" Xiaoli thought for a while, then shook her head: "We have not met before, and I have not seen him either."

Rong Ling remembered the first time she brought Xiaoli into the palace, it was a grand banquet and Qin Wu was there as well. It was just that she did not know where they were at, and perhaps, the two of them did not even have time to meet before they left.

Qin Wu and Rong Su were close friends, so Rong Ling was never completely at ease with him. After Qin Wu was ambushed, Xiaoli helped. Did the other party not suspect anything?

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