One second. Org, free of charge!

As Xiaoli said that, she squeezed in and reached out to hug her little sister.

However, they were simultaneously held down by four hands.

Xiao Xiang shook her head. "You can't."

The girl also walked over and said, "This will affect our girl's good name."

Big Sis also said, "Young Miss wants to sleep alone."

Xiaoli looked at the four of them and thought about his mother's words, then said: "Mother said that I am an elder brother, and told me to protect my younger sister, and take care of my younger sister."

"But that's against the rules." Xiao Xiang said seriously.

Actually, she couldn't bear to part with the little miss, so she didn't trust the little gongzi to take good care of her.

"Little gongzi, you don't even know how to take care of little miss, you don't even know how to change diapers!" This little girl is very worried about this little gongzi's ability to work!

The girl was dumb and could not think of anything else, so she nodded her head crazily in agreement.

Xiaoli would not change her clothes, but he felt that she was very smart, and would definitely learn it soon. So she insisted, "Anyway, I'm going to take my sister away, you guys don't know any martial arts, and won't be able to protect my sister."

"No." Ming Xiang blocked the bed.

Xiaoli was a little angry, puffing out his cheeks: "That's my little sister, give it back to me!"

Ming Xiang raised her chin and said, "We are little miss's maidservants. We have to take care of her and not let little gongzi take her away."

"I'm taking him away!" Xiaoli said as she squeezed her way in.

Ming Xiang blocked him and said, "How about this, if the little miss agrees to go with you, we'll let you take her. If she doesn't agree, then that won't do!"

Xiaoli thought about it, felt that this method was feasible, and nodded her head.

Ming Xiang immediately let go of him, Xiaoli anxiously rushed to the side of the bed to look for his sister.

His sister was still sleeping soundly. She was ignorant of the affairs of the outside world.

Xiaoli extended her hand out and poked.

His movements were too fast, and the fragrance was so strong that even the big chick didn't notice. Seeing him exerting so much strength, the little angel who was still sleeping suddenly frowned. Then, although her eyes hadn't opened yet, her little mouth was already starting to flatten.

Xiaoli himself was also shocked, she stretched out his hand and even forgot to retract it.

Ming Xiang became anxious. "The little miss has been woken up. If a child has been woken up, it will be very difficult for her to fall asleep. What if she doesn't want to sleep?"

Pitiful Fragrance quickly moved Xiaoli away, wanting to hug the little miss and coax his.

The big girl also squeezed in to help, causing Xiaoli to be pushed around and thrown out in a short while.

He was also very worried, so he tiptoed and stuck his head out to look. His two little claws were tightly intertwined, afraid that his poke just now would really poke his sister out of a bad state.

Fortunately, the baby didn't cry in the end. It was only very uncomfortable after waking up. Its face was still smelly and wrinkled.

Xiao Xiang lightly patted it with her hand as she coaxed, "Little miss is good, little miss is sleeping …"

But no matter how he coaxed her, the baby didn't close his eyes.

Xiaoli was stopped outside to look through the water. In the end, he gritted her teeth, steeled his heart, and rushed in again.

The big chick was pushed aside by him, while Ming Xiang and Ming Xiang were knocked down by him.

Xiaoli lied on the side of the bed, stared at her sister and said with a dry throat: "I … "I, I am your older brother. Dear, dear older brother, mother said personally. I am really, really, really, true older brother …"

Xiaoli emphasized her words to make sure that her sister did not have an expression of disbelief. She heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Do you want to sleep with me? I, my bed is very big, I will only sleep in a little place, the rest is all yours, I will give everything else to you, I won't kick my blanket, and I don't love to turn over my body, I definitely won't push you down, I promise! "

The baby did not look at him.

Xiaoli looked at her sister, her heart tensed up. Both his hands held each other: "You, do you agree to it? If you don't, they won't let me take you away … …"

The baby's head tilted.

Seeing that she had not said a word, Xiaoli was so anxious that the tip of his nose started to ache, "Are you not going to agree, or do you dislike me …? I really am your big brother … "

Xiao Xiang wanted to tell him, "Your sister was just born half a month ago, how could she possibly answer you?"

Fourth Servant: "…"

After the baby was picked up, it didn't cry or show any expression.

Xiaoli carried his sister and left. In her heart, she thought that when he returned to his room, he would kiss his sister even more. His sister was simply too cute.

Ming Xiang and Xi Xiang did not dare to be careless as they hurriedly watched.

They spent the night in peace.

On the second day, Ming Xiang Xi, the four big chicks, went to serve Liu Wei with a depressed look on their faces, as if they were drug addicts who had lost their drugs.

Liu Wei looked at the dark circles under their eyes and asked: "What's wrong?"

The four of them shook their heads in unison, and then, as if they had lost all will, they numbly pinched the towels and held the water basin in their hands, waiting upon the young miss to use her breakfast.

This kind of zombie-like situation continued all the way until Xiaoli woke up. With a small basket on his back, he placed her sister in the basket and brought her to visit her mother.

As soon as they saw the little miss, the four maids immediately rushed over and grabbed the basket, rushing to carry the baby inside.

Ming Xiang's eyes were filled with tears as she asked, "How come little miss has lost so much weight?"

Xiao Xiang could not help but sob, "It seems like his clothes were in a mess as well. He wasn't even properly dressed."

The girl tiptoed. "Let me see, let me see!"

When Liu Wei saw the four of them who seemed to have revived, she shockingly opened her mouth and asked Xiaoli, "What's going on?"

Xiaoli smiled, his eyes like crescent moons, he pursed his lips and did not say a word.

Liu Wei was now a sitting duck. Previously, it had been difficult for him to give birth, but now she was very weak.

Rong Ling didn't allow her to move. In the past half a month, he had made her stay on the bed and not go anywhere.

Thus, she was forced to watch the "five person competition" case for an entire morning. Until Rong Ling arrived, she immediately pulled on her hand and had him chase these people out.

In the end the others were chased out, and Liu Wei kept her daughter. She hugged her daughter and said grievingly to Rong Ling: "I haven't touched a single finger of hers this morning."

Rong Ling laughed, she leaned over and kissed his daughter's forehead, then raised her head and kissed his daughter's forehead.

Liu Wei hugged Rong Ling tightly, leaning on his shoulder and asked: "Where are we now?"

Rong Ling caressed her hair and said: "If nothing goes wrong, after three days, we will enter Songzhou Harbor."

Liu Wei nodded, she straightened her body and asked: "Are you sure, your master and junior sister are fine?"

At the same time, they used these two forces to interrogate the other pirates in the nearby waters. After they were assigned and organized, Rong Ling sent thirty of her secret guards to search in fifteen different directions with all her might, ensuring that he could find her own family members that had fallen into the water along with him as soon as possible.

Yesterday, the Dark Guard had already reported that outside of the two rivers, in another region of the sea near the end of An Prefecture, someone had seen a sage-like, ruddy old man. There was also a beautiful girl with facial features riding on a boat without a master, heading into the deep sea.

On the other side, there were also reports that a weird and ancient boat had been discovered on the side line of the sea in the direction of the Liaozhou. That boat also looked like a fishing boat, but there were no fish goods hanging on the outside of the boat.

After a full day of tracking, the dark guard discovered that there were seven or eight people living on the ship. Amongst them, there was only one girl and the others were all men, while the girl had a gorgeous appearance, but her face was a bit pale.

It was unknown if his master was with Fang Que or with Yu Ran.

The other should be with Yama Minamiya, and they should be separated when they fell into the water as well. However, for some reason, the two parties were rescued in different directions, one towards the west, and the other towards the west. They were about to enter the deep Western Sea, while the other was towards the east, in the direction of the Liaozhou.

However, this was also good. They were far away from the main sea, and it was also difficult to find the people who were chasing them.

In reality, after Rong Ling robbed Blood Axe Old Black's pirate ship, she had planned to catch all of the people who were chasing them in one fell swoop. However, after walking around for two days, she could not find a single person.

It wasn't good for them to delay in the sea for too long, so they finally managed to move the ocean line towards the main waterway. However, in reality, the dark guards, who had suffered for more than ten days, were stifling in their anger.

"Since we have news of your master and the others, we need to bring them back as soon as possible." Liu Wei said, then thought of something: "These two days, I have been feeling uneasy, I feel that something bad is going to happen."

Rong Ling looked at her and nervously caressed her face: "Are you uncomfortable?"

Liu Wei shook her head. This feeling was very strange. She had a bad premonition, but she didn't know where it came from.

"Gu gu …"

At this moment, a familiar eagle cry sounded out from outside the cabin window.

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