Liu Wei immediately sat up, wanting to go down the bed to take a look.

Rong Ling held her down and said: "Don't go down, be careful not to blow the wind."

Liu Wei had no choice but to stay in bed and urge him: "Quickly go check if they have returned. It and the pearl went to the sea to look for you before. They are not human after all, and there are very few islands nearby.

Rong Ling embraced Liu Wei, protected her well, and helped her stroke the hair at the side of his ears.

Liu Wei quickly waved her hand to allow her opponent to come forward.

Gu Gu eyed Rong Ling, then glanced at Liu Wei, and finally retracted her wings, walking to the front of the bed.

Liu Wei passed his daughter to her child's father, held onto Gugu, feeling around, checking to see if it was injured. Realizing that it was fine, she heaved a sigh of relief, patted on the eagle's head, and asked: "Where's the pearl?"

He obediently let his master touch him. Hearing the familiar name, he seemed to think for a moment before tilting his head, "Gu gu …"

Liu Wei could not understand its words and could only guess: "The pearl did not come back with you?"

"Gu gu gu …"

"Yes or no? If you have it, flap your wings. If you don't, don't fan it. "

Gugu did not flap her wings, but continued to cry out, "Gugu …"

Liu Wei frowned, communication was a big problem, in the past when Pearl was by his side, she did not have these kinds of troubles. Of course, if she could understand Pearl's words, it would be a miracle that he could not explain in the first place.

"Gu gu gu …"

Seeing that Liu Wei did not understand, she became anxious and could not help but jump in place.

Xiao Ye, who was curled up in Rong Ling's embrace, was not afraid of the big birds.

She still gave up in the end. She waved her hand and said tiredly: "The pearl should be fine, the pearl has accompanied me for more than ten years, I have long since reached a mutual understanding with it, if something were to happen to it, there is no way I would not know."

At this point, her heart couldn't help but skip a beat as she recalled her bad premonition for the past two days.

Could that ominous feeling be referring to pearls?

As she thought of this, her chest suddenly felt sluggish. Suddenly, her heart ached.

She quickly pressed her hand on her heart, her eyes revealing fear.

Could it be … Could it really be …


… ….

On the small fishing boat that had entered the Western Sea Region, Yu Ran cooked the remaining dried corn in the cabin and passed it to her master.

The old man with a white beard and white eyebrows took the pieces of corn and slowly began to eat them one by one.

Yu Ran sat on the bow of the ship, her feet swaying outside the boat, he leisurely asked her master, "Master, what did you mean by 'Heavenly Fate Star', 'accompanied by' Moon Star 'and' Mother Star 'last time?"

The benevolent old man snorted softly when he heard this. "Now you believe in me?"

Yu Ran chuckled, "Anyway, it's boring. It's fine to listen to Master's nonsense."

The old man glared at her with an unfriendly expression.

Yu Ran urged her: "Master, quickly tell me, what exactly do you mean by that? You said that the Accompanying Moon Star is dim, the Mother Star is bright, and you even said that the Mother Star would replace the Accompanied Moon Star to become the Heavenly Fate Star's Guardian Star. Let alone whether or not Master really knows how to view the stars, these names, you do not have to pay attention to them.

The elder sighed. "That's right. Where's the moon?"

Yu Ran did not understand.

"Accompanying the moon is naturally something I should do. I should return to the moon's side."

"Moon?" Yu Ran could not help but look at the sky. It was still daytime, and there were only bright blue skies and white clouds.

The old man sighed, "According to the legends, every star in the sky is every person in the mortal world …"

From the moment one was born, they would leave behind a trace of a star in the sky. This star was known as Heavenly Fate Star, and it was a record of one's lifetime glory and decline.

Before the ancient time, people used to view people by the stars. The sky was cleaner then than it is now, and when night came, the stars would appear densely in the distance. They were bright and dim, shining brightly.

The Heavenly Fate Star was illuminated by humans. A knowledgeable scholar could use the Gate of Wonder and the five elements of heaven and earth to guess which star matched which person.

Of course, this was only limited to the people of the current era. For example, the Emperor, the Emperor, and the Empress. These people were all extraordinary characters, and their Heavenly Fate Stars were completely different from the other stars.

"Then, for Master to be able to see my sister-in-law's Heavenly Fate Star, does that mean that my sister-in-law is different from the rest?"

The old man nodded. "Your sister-in-law would naturally be different. Ever since you mentioned her name, age, and birth to me, I deduced that she was an outsider."

"Huh?" Yu Ran was puzzled: "Not an outsider, but an outsider?"

The old man looked at his disciple. "Your sister-in-law's fate is unfortunate. Her life isn't her own. In my opinion, she should have passed away early on."

"Hmm?" This statement was beyond Yu Ran's expectations. "passed away?"

The old man's gaze turned heavy, "Someone used his own life to renew her life, thus she became an outsider. Her life span has already been cut off while the Heavenly Fate Realm is still as glorious as before."

"Continuing?" These words really scared Yu Ran to death. She bit his finger and said weakly: "Isn't that a monster?"

"You're wrong. What kind of demon is a life for a life?"

Yu Ran still did not understand: "Then what does that mean? How is that possible? "

The old man sighed. "Heaven bless the silly girl. It wasn't that she wanted that person's life, but that person gave it to her on his own. Simply put, your sister-in-law didn't live her own life. She lived two lives."

Yu Ran didn't even eat the corn, she just withdrew her legs from the bow of the ship and coiled them up as she listened to her master attentively.

"Who gave her life?"

The old man looked at the sky. "Moon."

Yu Ran followed his gaze and mumbled, "Moon?"

The old man asked, "If everyone corresponds to a star in the sky, then who corresponds to a moon?"

Yu Ran became silent, then said: "Are you saying that the person corresponding to Moon, him, gave his life to sister-in-law? Who is he? "

"A blood-related family."

Yu Ran was even more confused.

The old man said, "Even I can't tell who he is, but he is still a close relative. Perhaps his parents or brothers are close, but if that person is still alive, he will definitely become the ruler of this world."

"Become an emperor?" Yu Ran was surprised.

The old man shook his head and sighed again, "Since when did the world belong to humans? In the mountains, in the rain and in the wind, in all things under heaven and earth, that is the world. "

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