Yu Ran was drowsy for a good long while, the look in her eyes became even weirder.

The elder looked at his disciple. "You've guessed it?"

Yu Ran was truly shocked: "Master, do you mean that sister-in-law and sister-in-law are related to the previous dynasty?"

The Celestials told humans what they had learned from nature, so anthropology avoided harm and dug wells.

The god race also told the news about humans to nature, and so, nature created some rules to punish humans for breaking those rules.

Humans and nature complemented each other, and this was all because of the god race. But as time passed, humans and nature had fused with each other, and humans understood the rules of nature, they would not overuse and hunt. Nature also understood the needs of humans, and they would stand on trees to protect humans from wind and rain.

At this time, the God race's role slowly decreased until who knows what generation, the God race's people, lost their ability to communicate with nature. They couldn't hear the wind and rain, couldn't see through the plants, they were no longer special people, they became real people, and were not too different from other people.

But at that time, humans were no longer just primitive humans who only knew how to survive. They learned how to fight, how to fight, and even how to establish a dynasty.

The news about the God race completely disappeared in the era of chaos. No one knew the final whereabouts of that race. Did they just return to the forest? Completely hidden? Or had he also entered the war, and was now a person from a certain empire?

Yu Ran was very clear on this legend about the God Clan. What she knew was even clearer than most of his peers by several times.

She and Fang Que, were good sisters who grew up together. Before both families were destroyed, they were carefree, protected by their parents, and served by servants.

When she was young, Yu Ran grew up listening to the rumors of the god race. That was the story her grandmother told her.

It wasn't until the destruction of his family, the death of his grandmother, and his escape from death that Yu Ran found out that his family was truly loyal to the so-called "God Tribe".

When master carried her and Fang Que back, it was in the capacity of an old friend. Master said that the two of you were loyal to the end.

At that time, Yu Ran was still very young, and she didn't know what that meant.

Yu Ran's surname was Li and Fang Que's surname was Zhou. Their ancestors were the survivors of the previous dynasty, and it had already been a few hundred years since the dynasty was destroyed, the Li and Zhou families had long escaped from their former glory, with the group of unknown black-clothed men charging in and burning down the entire mansion. When they finally killed everyone, the Li and Zhou families were merely the two wealthy merchants in a small city in Jiangnan.

Those people were people from the imperial government, and because of a so-called treasure deposit, they found out about it. There were very few survivors from the previous dynasty, and the Zhou family of the Li family, as one of the two famous people from the previous dynasty, was targeted by those people. They were unable to find the answer they wanted, and thus, once and for all, they exterminated the roots and killed the two families.

Yu Ran's grandmother had served her previous dynasty before, and was extremely happy. There was a rumor that the former dynasty's Scarlet Profound Nation's origin was overseas, and in a very long legend, the remnants of the god race were also overseas.

Almost all of the previous dynasty's officials treated the previous dynasty's royal family as the descendant of the God race. They were loyal to the God race and were superior, claiming that they were the holy people closest to God.

But who would have thought that one day, because of this absurd theism, they would be ruined?

When he heard that the person who renewed his sister-in-law's life was still alive, she must be the king of all things in the world, the lord of all things, Yu Ran couldn't help but think of the legendary god race and their ability to communicate with all living things.

In reality, her master's words had confirmed her guess.

If his sister-in-law had the characteristics of a member of the god race and was related to that person by blood, then what was the relationship between his sister-in-law and the Chi Xuan Dynasty? His sister-in-law should be thousands of miles away from the Crimson Xuan Kingdom.

The old man saw that his disciple had suddenly become agitated. He stretched out his hand and placed it on his disciple's trembling fingertip. "You still want to hear a story?"

Yu Ran looked at her master, and nodded heavily.

The old man looked up to the sky again. "We're back on the companion moon. With the appearance of the mother star, the companion moon has completed its final mission. It has returned to the moon's side. But, do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

Yu Ran had not calmed down yet, all she could think about were the people in her memories, her father, her mother, her grandmother … Being suddenly asked by her Master, she replied without thinking, "It's a good thing, right?"

"But the moon has disappeared. How can it come back to the moon? To disappear with the moon? "

Yu Ran paused for a while, then asked: "Isn't that a good thing?"

The old man continued, "But if it doesn't leave, and the mother planet doesn't come down safely, wouldn't it be even worse?"

Yu Ran was extremely annoyed: "I'm not guessing anymore, just say it, if you don't want to, forget it."

The elder shook his head. He felt that his disciple was too impatient, but he did not explain. He only sighed and said, "It's really hard to say."

Yu Ran did not understand, and did not speak further.

After a while, the old man continued, "Oh right, Mother planet has been born. Have you thought about how you're going to present your little niece with this gift?"

Yu Ran was startled: "What?"

The elder pointed at the sky and said, "Mother Earth, your sister-in-law has given birth to a child. Are you not giving her any gifts?"

Yu Ran: "..."

The old man frowned, "What good will Master do? There's nothing special about this ocean. There's no sincerity in catching two fishes … "

Yu Ran: "..."

Yu Ran had just immersed herself in his sister-in-law's thought. If she was truly a descendant of the previous dynasty, then his family's death due to the previous dynasty was related to her sister-in-law? In the next moment, her master suddenly discussed about gifts with her …

Yes, yes, no matter what, he was still an elder and should be giving gifts. However, there was indeed nothing to show on this sea …

"Eh?" Yu Ran suddenly called out, her eyes looking at the sea surface: "Is that a shark?"

The old man followed her directions and nodded his head, "That should be the case."

"Send the shark." Yu Ran said: "This fish is big and delicious, should I go and catch it?"

The old man considered for a moment. "Two for one? "That's not good. Why don't we just capture two?"

Yu Ran curled her lips: "wouldn't it be fine to just capture the big one, there are too many of these two …"

The two discussed and finally decided to catch the shark first. When they saw the other big fish, they would catch them again. It was not good to give the shark to both of them, since the whale's size was also quite large.

But before Yu Ran went into the water, he asked: "Master, how do you know that sister-in-law has a daughter?"

The elder shook his finger, "Heaven's will cannot be revealed."

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