Ji Jin's return didn't make Ji Wu feel any better about his guilt.

After seeing her younger sister for a long time, Ji Hu felt like he had collapsed. He threw himself into his younger sister's embrace and tears started streaming down his face.

Ji Jin's golden eyes lit up slightly as she looked at her elder sister. She patted her back in heartache and advised, "Cousin will definitely be safe. Elder sister, you have to believe me."

If it was a Gu worm, could it be that this Gu worm really meant that Ji Nanzheng was not dead?

Ji Jin waited for her elder sister to calm down a bit before pulling her to a nearby bush. She pointed at her own eyes and said, "Elder sister, my cousin is fine."

Ji Wu looked into her eyes and held her shoulder. "You can see things that others can't? Tell me, what did you see? "

Ji Xiu sighed and patted her sister's hand away to make her hold it more tightly. "Other than the difference in color, my eyes are no different from a normal person's. I can't see ghosts or gods, I just … just know."

Ji Xiu shook his head. "No, you must have seen something. Tell me, how did you leave? When did you go out? Where is it now? Hurry and tell me, hurry and tell me! "

Ji Jin felt a bit dizzy from being shaken like this. In the end, she could only yell, "Intuition, my intuition!"

"What intuition?"

"That's right. I have this feeling, a deep feeling …"

What was this deep feeling?

Ji Cha didn't understand what was being said. She seemed to have lost her ability to judge, and didn't want to guess at such ambiguous words.

Ji Jin, however, couldn't understand as well. Golden Eyed Race had appeared in the ancestors of Ji's Family before.

It was precisely because the golden-eyed ancestor had once created a legend that after Ji Jin was born, she was discovered, which gave her the special treatment of the entire clan.

The people of Ji's Family believed that this pair of eyes must have some other use. Although they did not know what the old ancestor had done with a pair of golden eyes, but a person with golden eyes also appeared amongst their younger generation. This way, they could give it a try and slowly try.

Ji Gui was in a trance and felt a sense of foreboding. She had a premonition that something had happened at home, so she left the boat and headed straight home.

At first, she thought it was the twin sisters' mutual understanding that Ji Cha had called out to her from the bottom of her heart. However, when she sensed that her cousin was safe, she subconsciously touched her eyes.

Many people were boasting about Jin Tong's ability, and Ji Jin herself was filled with curiosity towards his eyes.

She touched her eyes subconsciously, not daring to impose this sudden feeling on her eyes. However, she faintly guessed that these eyes of hers might have inherited the will of her ancestor, and that they might have the ability to see through the heavens. Although she did not know whether this was right or wrong, it was enough to make her feel the safety of her loved ones.

In the end, Ji Xiu didn't listen to her at all. She ran back to the edge of the cliff and continued to read on.

Ji Jin had to go and pull her again.

The two sisters came and went, pulling each other until the sky turned dark. Finally, Ji Wu forcefully dragged her sister to wash up and rest …

It had been a whole month, but Ji Cha still hadn't given up on searching for her cousin. When the other clansmen saw her like this, they all felt a bit of heartache.

On the contrary, it was her own little sister who had a carefree attitude. Many people gossiped behind her back, saying that her little sister was very heartless, that her elder sister was sensible, that she had gone out twice, and that she would not be sensible when she came back, that it was indeed true that outside of Lingzhou, there were many dragons and tigers' cave, and she could not go, and would be in trouble if she went out.

One month later, he would still not be able to find the person he was looking for.

How could such a foolish and foolish old man disappear without a reason in the metal barrel of the Ji's Family Castle? No matter how you looked at it, it didn't make sense.

But so what if they couldn't find it? If they couldn't find it, then so be it. Gradually, everyone started to open their eyes. Initially, they were too embarrassed to try to persuade Ji Hu, but now, everyone was knocking on their doors.

The soldiers in the castle no longer followed Ji Cha to the bottom of the cliff to search for the culprit. They were ordered by the patriarch to give up on searching.

When everyone left, Ji Cha was in despair, and Ji Jin was at the side, still saying, "Cousin truly is fine."

Ji Cha couldn't wait to slap her to death. Why was this child so generous? She was a cousin who had taken care of them since they were young. She was a cousin who had raised them. If she couldn't be found, could you show a little sadness? Even if it was just for show.

However, Ji Jin's personality was honest. After getting beaten up by her elder sister, she didn't get into trouble and only lightly blinked her eyes. Under the rays of the sun, her pair of eyes were even more beautiful than the most precious glass bead in the world.

At the same time, a thousand kilometers away on the bay, Rong Ling was holding onto that crude map as she stood at the top of the deck with Yue Dansheng. He looked at the sea in front of them, then looked at the markings on the map and pointed at a certain point: "This should be the last landing point."

Beyond this point was the Sea of Devils.

Starting from the Cyan Plains, they travelled at full speed, fighting for the fastest time possible to cross the deep sea.

Because of the beauty of the heavens and the fact that the helmsmen on the ship were all old hands from the sea, they were both experienced and efficient. In just a month's time, they had already reached the edge indicated by the map, and according to normal logic, as long as they arrived at the landing point, they would be able to see the Sea of Devils from the west, all the way to the west.

However, everyone knew that it wouldn't be that easy. There was definitely another route between the deep sea and the sea of devils, but without a seal, they couldn't break it.

Liu Wei coaxed the ugly man to sleep as he walked out of the deck.

Seeing Rong Ling and Yue Dansheng looking at the human skin map and pointing at it, she could not help but be curious, and peeked his head out.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, bringing with it a thick mist.

The sea was wet, and the wind often brought fog with it. This was a normal occurrence. The three people on the deck weren't surprised, instead, they focused their attention on the map.

Only the ugly one in Liu Wei's embrace, a pair of glass-like black eyes, was looking at the white mist in the sky.

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