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almost failed to hug her well as he quickly lowered his head to check if his daughter was feeling uncomfortable. Then, he reached out to stroke his daughter's little head.

Rong Ling also looked over, with her big hands caressing his daughter's face, she asked: Are you uncomfortable from the wind?

Xiaoli leaned her head forward to look, seeing his sister pink and tender, her eyebrows knitted together. She reached out her hand to touch her heart in pain: "Xiao Ye, I'm big brother, look at me quickly."

How could a few months of baby be clean? The moment he opened his mouth, he began to cry.

The ugly started to lose his temper for no reason, the crying quickly alerted the others. Everyone gathered together and used all sorts of methods, but they just couldn't make the baby show any joy.

Rong Ling also heard the commotion, and immediately ignored Yue Dansheng, stuffed the map into his hands, and walked into the boat cabin.

Yue Dansheng was still holding onto the map, looking at the situation on the sea surface. The small wind just now had caused a fog to form, but on this day, the fog gathered and dispersed quickly.

When the white fog surrounding the ship gradually disappeared, the heartbreaking baby girl in the cabin stopped crying as well.

Before Rong Ling returned, she heard his daughter crying, but once she entered the cabin, his daughter didn't cry anymore.

He walked to Liu Wei's side, where Liu Wei was also confused and could not stop feeling out her daughter's pulse.

The ugly woman seemed to have forgotten that she had made a ruckus before. Two teardrops hung on her upper eyelid. In the blink of an eye, the teardrops touched her lower eyelid, making her eyes water. Her pink lips pursed.

Liu Wei didn't understand. He pinched her little face and asked: "Why are you smiling again?"

ugly did not understand the words of an adult, but he stared at his mother with bright eyes, unwilling to let her go.

Seeing that the child was alright, the others left as well. Yue Dansheng then entered the cabin, and said: "Let's go ahead for a while, there should be a deserted island."

There was an island that could at least land on land. It was better to land or to watch from the sidelines than to float on the sea.

Judging from the map, this legendary deserted island was not far from their current location. It would at most take three to five days to reach.

However, if one were to search for it, one wouldn't even see a single leaf in the past ten days, let alone three to five days.

Liu Wei wondered if she had taken the wrong path.

But according to the fake map, it was also correct.

They were now at the boundary between the deep sea and the small island. The boundary was only half a fingernail away from the island, but if one were to look for it, it would feel like they could traverse an ocean.

After another seven days, they finally saw a clump of green on the distant horizon.

Liu Wei took the binoculars and looked around, then excitedly said to Rong Ling: "It's over there, Green Island!"

Liu Wei had made this telescope by himself, because he wanted to find Rong Ling, she had made a few of them using his current glass materials, but they were too rough for his to see, and in this era, it was enough.

At that time, they were in a rush to leave the capital, so Liu Wei didn't stay for long after finding Rong Ling and returning to the Cyan Plains. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a problem for him to give the Forging Design to Jin Nanyun and have her make a few more good performance telescopes.

If you don't have a good telescope, you can use it if you don't have a good one.

Rong Ling looked at the hazy green color in the distance. Based on her experience, she guessed that it was indeed a green island, but from the location, it was quite a distance away from the one indicated on the map.

"Let's go take a look first."

At his command, the helmsman turned and headed for Green Island.

Having stayed in the water for too long, the moment they heard that they were going to land, the entire ship became excited. After all, they were not the proper navy, and most of the soldiers felt a sense of belonging to the land.

Wang Shan ran like a dead horse, and so did the island. It looked pretty close, but it really wasn't that fast.

This island was indeed very small. The entire island was like a lone boat floating in the middle of the ocean.

The experienced helmsman went ashore and looked around. He then said with certainty, "We can't spend the night on this island."

No one understood what was going on. After finally being able to step on the ground, everyone wanted to rest for two days.

"This is a floating island, its base is low, so it's fine if we don't encounter any wind or waves. However, whenever we encounter a bad climate, it's easy for the tide to rise, and when the tide rises, the entire island will be submerged!"

It would be drowned, and he really couldn't afford to stay here any longer.

Liu Wei, Rong Ling and the rest discussed for a while, then she asked the helmsman a few more questions. Finally, she decided to rest on the small island for half a day, and they would continue walking on the ship before nightfall.

He had already landed on the ground, so he had to be satisfied with standing before sailing.

It was not bad to be on the island for half a day. Soldiers, boatmen, and even the well-trained dark guards were happy. Once on the island, they would light a fire and look for some fruits.

There were many plants on the island, but most of them didn't bear fruit.

In the end, he found a tree that only bore a palm-sized red fruit. Liu Wei examined it for a while and helplessly announced that it could not be eaten.

Why not? Poison!

This was indeed not an island that could let a living person live. Although there were no birds of prey or beasts on the island, there was no water source for food. Even if a normal person were to stay here, he would not live past many days.

There was nothing on the island, and the enthusiasm of the people who had just come ashore was soon gone.

Rong Ling was still studying the map, while Yue Dansheng was also drawing on the ground.

Liu Wei walked over and sat beside the two and pointed to the map: "I still feel that this island is not marked on it."

There was too much of a difference in direction.

Yue Dansheng raised her head at this time, a branch in her hand, and used the branch to point at something she had drawn herself: "It should be here."

Liu Wei tilted her head to look, and only after looking for a long time did she nod in agreement: "Right, it should be here."

With that, the three of them fell silent.

After a moment, it was still Yue Dansheng who said: "We flew."

From the moment they entered the depths of the sea, when they were searching for the small island on the map, they had unknowingly gotten lost.

Right now, their location was no longer within the area indicated by the map, and the small island on the map was nowhere to be seen. Even if they wanted to return to the deep sea boundary, they might not even be able to do so.

"I seem to know now how the old ancestor of the Rong family, with his hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and my grandfather went missing." Liu Wei felt that they would follow the footsteps of their predecessors.

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