To lose one's direction in the sea was fatal to all.

They gathered the skilled helmsmen, and after some discussion, the helmsmen came to an agreement that they should return the same way they came.

Even if he might not be able to return successfully, at least it was better than walking aimlessly further and further away.

Rong Ling was still in the helmsman cabin, while Yue Dansheng was also there.

Liu Wei was just outside the helmsman cabin, she could see that the sea surface was tranquil and calm, but who knew if this would be the calm before the storm?

"Mother." Xiaoli held onto a piece of non-toxic fruit that she had found with much difficulty, and rubbed it against her mother's body while she ate.

Liu Wei caressed his head: "What's wrong?"

"I see fog." Xiaoli pointed to the direction of the deck. He had come here from the deck earlier.

Liu Wei took the opportunity to look towards the deck, and saw a ball of white mist floating about.

The sea climate was just like that, only foggy.

"Don't go outside, go stay in your room. If you have nothing to do all day, find some books and read them. Don't think that your Uncle Rong is busy, and it will be easy for you to stay there."

Xiaoli curled her lips, she did not understand how the topic of conversation had changed to reading books.

However, he did not dare to resist. He could only mutter a "hmm" and raise his head to meet his little sister's eyes.

"Mom, I want to hug my little sister."

Xiaoli's hands were steady, and it was good for him to carry the child, so Liu Wei gave the ugly one to him.

After getting her sister, Xiaoli smiled and went out to play while hugging her.

But not long after he left, Liu Wei heard the baby's wails. She anxiously went over, only to see Xiaoli carrying the ugly man to the deck, and in the sunlight, she allowed her to see the scenery.

However, the little girl didn't look at anything and only stared at the top of her head. She was crying like she was being abused.

Xiaoli was also panicking, she did not know what her sister was crying about.

Liu Wei stepped forward and brought his daughter over, caressing her in her embrace, Xiaoli anxiously said. "Mother, I didn't let the sun shine on my sister, I brought her out to see the birds." He was talking about a flock of geese that just happened to fly across the sky.

Liu Wei glanced at the flock of geese. That group of geese was far away, there was no way they would be scared of the ugliness.

"Forget it, let's go in." Maybe the kid just didn't want to blow.

When they entered the cabin, the ugly girl was still sobbing. Seeing her crying so uncomfortably, Xiaoli also felt unwell.

Liu Wei looked at his daughter, then looked towards the deck. After a while, she carried his daughter and left.

As soon as he stepped off the deck, Ugly began to cry again. When he entered the cabin, he stopped crying.

After going back and forth twice, Liu Wei's gaze was fixated on the floating white mist in the air.

"Ming Xiang, cherish the fragrance." Liu Wei called out.

Er Xiang, who was making some clothes and shoes in his room, ran out when he heard what Liu Wei said. Liu Wei passed the ugly appearance to them, then pulled Xiaoli and said: "Go and prepare a test tube beaker and some dry liquid."

Xiaoli was startled, she foolishly said "Oh" and obediently ran into the room.

After a while, he came back with a set of test tubes, a syringe, and even a spirit lamp.

Liu Wei took an iron pipe, pulled out a syringe and went up onto the deck.

Two hours later, Liu Wei carried a burning red glass cup and hurriedly ran into the helmsman cabin.

Rong Ling saw her perspiring profusely, and asked: "What's wrong?"

Liu Wei's eyes lit up as she raised the glass.

There was half a cup of bright blue liquid in the cup. It was unknown what it was, but it was crystal clear under the light of the sun.

"This is?"

Nature is amazing. You can find the best creatures in the world in nature, but you can also find the scariest ones.

In the dark and gloomy forest, there must be a damp and cold land suitable for the living of the murky and hideous beasts. These beasts enjoyed the protection brought by nature's pollution. In the worst kind of environment, they lived a better life than any light creatures.

Liu Wei shook the glass in her hand, poured a small amount of it onto a white porcelain plate, and said to Rong Ling: "I have seen lots of marsh gas, but I have never seen a type of marsh gas. It's so clean, so beautiful."

Rong Ling frowned, she picked up the plate and sniffed it with her nose.

"Poisonous?" he asked.

Liu Wei shook her head: "It's not poisonous, but it's definitely biogas, and there's contamination from the miasma."

Realizing that this was condensed from the sea mist that they saw everyday, Rong Ling's expression was terrible. Even though Liu Wei said that it was not poisonous, but since it was contaminated, it must be bad for the human body.

"There are so many tools on the ship, I can't figure out the source of the pollution, but I think it has something to do with marine life. Maybe this is why we got lost."

Rong Ling didn't quite understand: "More specifically."

Liu Wei said: "In my opinion, this kind of pollution should be caused by the release of some kind of fish from the sea. The fish spread some kind of poison into the seawater, and when the seawater turned into mist, this kind of pollution turned into air and entered our respiratory tract."

Rong Ling's frown deepened.

Liu Wei quickly added: "Of course, I use the term poison to describe it, but it's not said that it's poisonous, at least I can't feel any changes in my body. I'm thinking, this should be a type of secretion barrier, I've seen a type of animal on the land, because the living environment is different, they are born here, they would automatically release a type of substance that scientists call 'hallucinogen', this kind of substance is absorbed by other organisms or humans, causing them to hallucinate, but there's no life danger, this kind of animal is too weak, so we can only rely on this secretion, in case of danger, we can only use it to confuse the enemies and escape."

Rong Ling was silent for a moment: "The one you have in your hand, is this one as well?"

"Ten." Liu Wei asked: "Demon Sea, why is it called Demon Sea, because the people who come in are unable to leave, what makes them unable to leave? That could only mean losing his direction, so why would he lose it? Was it the sea, or the creatures? I don't think there are that many Bermuda deltas in the world, so I prefer the latter. "

Rong Ling did not understand half of her words, but he did not ask. Liu Wei would often say a few words that he did not understand, and he had already learnt to be used to it.

Liu Wei squinted her eyes and said resolutely: "Fishing!"

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