When Zhong Ziyu reached the deck, the first thing she saw was a floor covered with bricks.

The sailors all hid behind the hatch. When they saw the captain, they immediately complained and pointed at the ship in indignation.

Zhong Ziyu understood the gist of it, and looked towards the other side with a puzzled look.

Just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly recalled that Liu Wei had called out his name just a moment ago.

His face was dark as he wiped his neck, feeling wronged. He had taken extra care of this new face and even tried to change the color difference on his neck, but why was that woman able to recognize him with a single glance?

Just as he was muttering in his heart, a clear youth's voice suddenly came from the other side of the boat. "Hey, the one wearing the green gown. Yes, you …"

Zhong Ziyu looked left and right in confusion. After confirming that he was the only one left and right wearing a green robe, she took a step forward, walked to the front of the deck, and cupped her hands towards the boat, raising her voice: "I wonder if the two of you are looking for me?"

Yun Mi quickly pushed her sister, "Quickly, speak to him!"

Yun Chu nervously swallowed his saliva, tugging at the corner of his shirt, not knowing where to place his eyes. "Um … Young Master … I, we. "We …"

Her voice was soft and across the boat, so Zhong Ziyu couldn't hear her clearly.

Yun Xun could not bear to watch any longer. He clicked his tongue and shouted, "This is my sister. Her name is Yun Chu, she is very happy …"

"Cloud Searching!" Yun Chu interrupted his younger brother's words, his entire face blushing like a monkey's butt as he desperately pinched his younger brother's arm. "What are you saying, it's so embarrassing, it's so embarrassing …"

Yun Xun's arms turned red and purple from being gobbled up. As he dodged, he shouted, "What are you hitting me for? I'm helping you!"

"Don't speak nonsense!" Yun Chu lowered his head, smoke was coming out from his head, he was even more afraid to look at the one he loved.

The two of them were arguing, even Zhong Ziyu did not understand. He was a little impatient, she was not a patient person, with her personality, she could pretend to be gentle like water when the situation was good, acting warm and affectionate when the time came, but when the other party spoke one word more, he would have the urge to kill.

Now he slowly had the urge to kill, but he controlled himself. He pursed his lips and turned to head back into the cabin.

"Hey hey hey, don't go." He shouted again.

Zhong Ziyu stopped and turned to look at them.

However, Yun Chu couldn't say anything constructive. Due to his bashfulness, he squatted down, hugging his knees and staying at a place where he couldn't see her. He was too excited.

Yun Xun simply hated himself for not being able to meet expectations. After kicking her twice, he still asked her, "What's your name?"

Zhong Ziyu completely lost her patience, without saying a word, she turned and left.

Yun Xun anxiously shouted again, but Zhong Ziyu did not plan to turn back this time.

However, just as he arrived at the cabin door, he saw a beautiful woman, wearing a thin, plain white outer garment, with long hair draped over her shoulders, walk out from the cabin door.

As if he had an instinct, Zhong Ziyu's feet naturally stopped moving. Then, he stared at the steps that Liu Wei had walked out of, and he could not control it … He slowly stepped back.

Because his knee had been broken before, even though it had been reattached, it was still a little lame. Normally, he didn't notice it, but when it came to critical moments, he immediately exposed it.

Zhong Ziyu stumbled when she retreated, but she was not paying attention at all. She had a look of someone who was about to fall at any time.

Liu Wei looked at his leg for a while, and finally remembered that she had broken his leg, and was slightly happy. Seeing that this person had maintained a distance of five steps away from his, she did not express any satisfaction.

Zhong Ziyu immediately said, "I don't know him." Then she explained, "I don't have any friends."

Liu Wei did not know whether to believe it or not, she only looked at the route and suddenly asked: "Are you going back?" Zhong Ziyu: "Wei, Wei Chou went to say it."

Liu Wei did not speak anymore, and under the light of the sun, she started to size him up.

Zhong Ziyu tensed up. The impatience she had towards the boat earlier had already disappeared like smoke, he wanted to stay away from this woman now. Although this woman had just woken up, she was obviously on the edge of going berserk every second. A person without any inner strength at all. "" … "" No, no.

Self-defense was the key in a situation where one was destined to lose.

At least Liu Wei did not make things difficult for Zhong Ziyu, he only came out to see what tricks this man had up her sleeves, and after determining that there was no problem, she pressed at the corner of his brows and entered the cabin weakly.

It didn't matter whether she was truly weak or faking sickness, it was only until she disappeared did Zhong Ziyu finally let out a long sigh.

Afraid that the woman would run out again, Zhong Ziyu quickly entered the cabin, turning the corner to return to her room.

With his departure, both Yun Xun and Yun Chu were stunned.

"Is that a woman?" Yun Chu asked after a long while while while tugging at his younger brother's sleeve with reddened eyes.

Yunmie was rather embarrassed. She coughed and said, "Ah."

After Yun Chu heard this, he cried out loud, "He has a wife! He actually had a wife! Wow, what should I do... "What should I do …"

Yun Xun's head was about to explode from her argument. He covered his ears as he said, "What do we do? You don't even know his name? Since he has a family, why don't you just break it?"

"Simple as that!" Yun Chu yelled at him, "This is the first time I've fallen in love with someone. The first time!"

First love, this was the first love!

However, Yun Xun couldn't do anything about it, "You can't just marry her and be her concubine, can you? How can our young mistress of the Yun Family allow herself to fall so easily?!"

Yun Chu was sobbing as he wiped away his tears, "Of course I won't throw my family's face, but I …" "I …"

Yun Mi sighed and patted her elder sister's shoulder. "Let's grieve."

Yun Chu was extremely sad.

And what made her even more sad was that the ship opposite them, which had clearly been walking side by side with them before, had suddenly turned around and started heading back!

Yun Chu threw himself into Yun Mu's embrace, his heart tearing and his lungs tearing as he wailed, "I didn't want to pester him, but does he really have to hide from me like this? "Oh wow, I'm so angry!"

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