The fastest way to do so was to update the chapter on Forensic Berserker Consort!

Because of the loss of love, Yun Chu lost his soul for the next few days.

That day, when it was time for dinner, she suddenly thought of something and went to eat.

Yun Chu still did not speak.

The next day, the boat arrived at noon.

In the end, Yun Chu was truly afraid of Sister Four. Although she still looked dispirited, she was not as serious as she was a few days ago.

Cloud wanted to wait at the teahouse near the pier for a long time, until she saw the boat, when she saw Yun Xun, she would wave.

Yunmian immediately jumped up in response.

"Sister Four!"

Yun Zhi held onto a embroidered handkerchief and smiled as she wiped the sweat off her brother's forehead, "Why are you still so restless? You went to visit the grandfather's home, and didn't let the grandfather teach you how to set up a proper place?"

"Grandfather couldn't care less about me. When he saw third brother, his eyes went straight to the point. He stayed in Gong Cheng for 15 days, and he talked and laughed with third brother for 14 days straight. He even wanted to pass on his legacy to third brother."

Yun Yang wanted to guess what was going on, but didn't say anything. He looked towards the dock again. "Where are your Third Brother and Eighth Sister?"

"Stay at the back, we have to support them …" "That's why it's slower."

"Help?" Yun Yang was puzzled.

Yun Xun then told him that their boat had saved a dying person on the road …

Then he continued, "Although you have been resting for a few days, the wound is too deep. I estimate that you have to be careful when you walk since you don't have enough strength for a year or so."

The Yun Family had always been a great benefactor. Once Yun Yang heard that there was another patient, he did not ask about the background of the other party and immediately walked forward.

He wanted to pick them up and see what the injuries were like. And then she went over and they came out.

Yun Chu also saw her and called out, "Sister Four."

Yun Che wanted to quickly go over, but he saw Yun Chu and Yun Xi standing on either side of a man in a brown robe who was having difficulty walking. The man had a stern face, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes; his facial features were good, but his face was pale, and his lips were pale.

Logically speaking, such a person shouldn't be walking casually, but it was inevitable that he would have to move if he wanted to disembark.

However, if he walked for too long, he would definitely feel unwell. Yun Xin felt a bit of pain in her heart, so she replaced Yun Chu and held onto the man's left arm.

When she took it over, her eyes met the man's. It was a very black, very sharp pair of eyes.

Yun Xiao wanted to laugh, so he nodded.

The man did not make a sound. He looked at his arm hesitantly, thinking to himself that a certain someone had once said, "Men and women shouldn't be too intimate with each other."

Of course, he hadn't treated Yun Chu as a woman before. He was just a child, a silly little girl.

Yun Xi said, "Sir Rong, this is my younger sister, Yun Xiang."

Just as Rong Ling was about to say something, she felt a burst of pain from her chest the moment she raised her Innate Qi.

He frowned, caught unawares by the sudden pain.

Yun Xin quickly looked at him and asked carefully, "What's wrong?"

Yun Xi said, "Maybe the wound has been torn open again. Get on the carriage first. Where is the carriage?"

"Up ahead."

Several people helped the seriously injured man onto the horse carriage and leaned him against the soft cushion on the wall.

Because the boat still had luggage, Yun Xi left Yun Chu in the carriage to take care of Rong Ling while he took Yun Zhi and Yun Mu to carry their things.

Although it was said to be moving things, in reality, it was just watching the boatmen moving. However, because there were some personal things that they didn't want to touch, it was still up to them to take them.

When he moved the luggage, Rong Ling had already somewhat calmed down from the pain and closed his eyes.

Seeing that he was fine, Yun Chu felt bored sitting on the side, so he quietly opened the curtain and walked out.

The moment she went out, she saw that there were people selling candied fruits on the dock.

She immediately forgot about her first love and became lovelorn. As she hurried to buy candied fruits and candied fruits, she even heard gossip from the tea house.

"Are you sure it's the Sun family's second young master? Didn't they say that humans had been smashed into paste? "You recognize him?" It seemed to be saying … His face could barely be seen. He was also wearing the same clothes as before he went missing, and there was also the jade pendant that was passed down in his family. The Sun family went to identify him, and said that he was the Second Young Master. "

"How can a perfectly fine person die like that? This must be a huge enmity. He has been tormented to such an extent …"

Yun Chu was curious, so he stuck his head out and asked, "Uncles, what are you talking about?"

The hospitable old man said to the little girl who looked like he had come from somewhere else, "It means that the rich Sun Clan's outer sect of Qianbei Town, this outer sect's Second Young Master Sun, was found dead in the dyeing vat of the Sun Clan's cloth shop the day before yesterday. Obediently, he was found alive and well, his body was smashed into mincemeat by someone's stone, and blood and bone filled the entire dyeing vat."

Yun Chu's eyes widened, he grabbed the candied fruits and trembled, "Is that true? Was it that scary? "Then who is the culprit?"

The old man waved his hand, "How could I know? The officials are all busy and haven't found any clues. However, I heard that there's another matter."

Yun Chu was especially gossipy, "What is it, what is it?"

"I know, I know." Another man suddenly spoke up, "I am from the former Niu Village, in the village next to our village, Bai San Village. A few days ago, a girl was found dead, and then, somehow, after checking around, I found out that the girl gave birth to a child. But that girl is still unmarried, where did this child come from? In the end, two days later, the yamen authorities found out that the young lady's adulterer was none other than the second son of the Sun family. Yet, the second son of the Sun family had gone missing.

Yun Chu acted like he was listening to a story. After hearing it, he asked again, "Then is Second Young Master Sun and that girl really a pair in the past? "And the child?"

The man laughed heartily, "What pair? Who else is Second Young Master Sun not a pair with? In fact, he's also a regular customer of the Smoky Willow Lane, a lecherous person with over ten people. However, I didn't find out about their child, nor did I hear that the Sun family's second house had a grandson. I don't think that child brought back any Sun family. "

Yun Chu thought this was a tragic love story of a talented man and a beautiful woman, but the couple died together. He suddenly told her that Sun Erxiao was a trash.

Yun Chu suddenly thought of his first love and was so angry that he bent the stick in his hand!

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