Yun Mo asked Xiaoli, "Aren't you going to carry your sister to sleep?"

Xiaoli also thought in her heart, but she still shook her head: "She won't sleep with me, she'll only sleep with leopard."

However, Yun Xun didn't give his sister any face. He opened his mouth and said, "If you don't like it, go further away. Who told you to listen?"

"Then you have so many questions, why don't you think about whether Brother Xiaoli likes to talk to you or not? She has been busy the whole day, she should be tired by now, and will definitely be annoyed by you for nagging. I'm not familiar with you, sorry about it, but you really did give me a hard time."

"You …" He jumped up and was about to hit her.

Xiaoli hurriedly suppressed the irritable youth and tried to smooth things over: "I slept, I slept."

He laid down with an unconvinced expression on his face, but when he saw the cute and innocent boy next to him, he was elated. He calmly stared at the side of the boy's face, as if just looking at him could make him think of himself as a martial arts expert.

The night was peaceful.

Early in the morning of the second day, before Xiaoli could even wake up, she heard Old Cow's muffled cries.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the two older brothers and older sisters beside him. Both of them were still unconscious, looking like they were sleeping soundly.

Xiaoli rubbed her eyes, she stood up from the pile of hay, and greeted the old man opposite him: "Good morning."

The old man who was driving the carriage had already woken up. He was eating grass with the oxen on his back. He turned around and replied, "Good morning."

On the other side, the female leopard had woken up as well and was licking her cubs, lifting her belly to let the pups drink some milk.

Xiaoli moved closer to take a look. Seeing that the mother's hind legs were not getting worse, he touched his sister Xiao Ye and, when Xiao Ye was satisfied with her milk, she went to the nearest mountain stream to wash up.

By the time he returned, the Yun family's siblings were already awake. Because they had just woken up, they were still in a daze. Their eyes were half-closed, and they walked in a crooked manner.

When everyone had washed up, they decided to set off. Xiaoli let the female leopard go and let her lead the little leopards to leave.

But the female leopard did not leave, and instead sat in front of Xiaoli in confusion, staring at the little person in his arms without letting go.

Xiaoli explained to it: "This is my sister, not your baby. I'm going to take her away."

The mother leopard didn't understand, so she leaned forward again and tried to raise her upper body to reach the baby girl in his arms.

Xiaoli took a step back, not allowing it to reach him. Not bothering to speak with it, she turned around and walked away with her sister in her arms.

The female panther panicked, whimpered, and followed him.

The two leopards hurriedly followed him.

After walking for a while, Xiaoli became anxious from being followed. She turned around and said to the female leopard: "She's my sister, she can't be with you guys. You guys can go."

The mother leopard did not leave, but whimpered for her cub.

Xiaoli didn't know what to do, she scratched her head in annoyance.

"He may think we want to steal his child," he said, sitting on the cart.

"This is obviously my sister!" Xiaoli emphasized with all her might.

"But the beast doesn't understand this..."

Xiaoli was very unhappy, but what made him even more unhappy was that his sister actually found out that the leopards were following them. She was struggling in his embrace, wanting to follow the female leopard.

Xiaoli lectured her: "You are a human, not a leopard!"

The little baby girl could not understand what he meant, and with two "wu wu" sounds, she imitated the sound of a leopard as she roared at him.

Xiaoli's heart was cold and aching, her face was filled with a bitter expression.

Yun Xun hurriedly comforted her, "She doesn't understand, so don't worry, let me hug you."

Xiaoli handed his sister over to him. Unexpectedly, she was holding her in her arms, causing the baby girl to struggle even more.

was extremely frightened, he immediately tried to bring his sister back, but right at that moment, a figure with yellow and black spots intertwined with each other passed by quickly.

When he came back to his senses, the baby girl was already gone.

On the ground, the limping female leopard hid her son behind her back. At the same time, she glared furiously and deceivingly at the few people on the oxcart. Her gaze clearly said — "Jouzi!"

Xiaoli immediately followed suit, wanting to snatch her sister.

The mother leopard jumped left and right while protecting the little pup. Because of her large movements, the wound on her hind leg had already been torn open and was bleeding profusely.

A man and a leopard looked at each other. The three of them were confused. The little leopard surrounded the baby girl and started to cry. The little baby girl also started to cry at the mother leopard. Those who didn't know what it meant really thought they were a family.

"What should I do?" Xiaoli pulled at her hair, painfully squatting on the ground, anxious to the point of being bald.

The ox-cart in front also stopped. Just as Yun Mi and Yun Chu were about to run over, they sensed something and stopped running.

The two of them suddenly stopped, especially Yun Chu, who was walking in a strange posture.

She opened her eyes wide, and then slowly, little by little, she looked to her right, and then she was in the trees, with dark, bloodshot eyes.

"Ah!" The little girl cried out and retreated a few steps.

He stood in front of his sister and also saw the pair of eyes in the bushes. The boy was calmer than the girl. He let out a breath and walked over slowly step by step. He then stretched out his hand and quickly peeled away the bushes.

When he saw what was happening in the bushes, the calmness he had been trying so hard to maintain vanished like smoke into thin air. With a "plop", he sat on the ground. His calves had gone limp and his face was filled with shock and fear.

"AHH!" Yun Chu closed his eyes and screamed.

Xiaoli and the female leopard were also shocked by the scream.

Xiaoli wanted to give chase, but she stomped her feet and clenched her teeth. Thinking that the female leopard would not harm Xiao Ye, she lifted her leg and rushed towards Yun Chu.

When he got there, he saw the Yun siblings sitting on the ground, scared out of their wits. The old man who was driving the ox was also standing not too far away, shaking his finger at the trees.

Xiaoli looked at the bushes, because the branches had been disturbed by the cloud search, she could not see the pair of eyes, but she could see a hand stretched out horizontally.

It was a man's hand, thick and dry.

Xiaoli frowned and was about to walk over, but Yun Chu stopped him, her eyes opened wide, and said with a trembling voice: "Dead, dead, dead, dead."

Xiaoli was startled, and immediately patted her hand to pacify her, and quickly walked over.

Just as Yun Chu had said, he was a dead man.

The owner of the corpse was a man. He was completely naked.

Xiaoli sized the man up once, and then fixed his gaze on his body that was split into two halves.

Yes, it was split in half. A person, a complete person, was sliced in half from between the legs up to the top with an unknown blunt weapon.

One on the left and one on the right. The proportions were perfect, but the sight was shocking.

This was the third corpse that Xiaoli had seen in the past ten days. Just like the first two, they died a distorted death.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say. Instinctively, he squatted down and carefully examined the corpse once more.

He wanted to know if the man had been cut in half before he died, or after he died.

If he died, then it could only be said that the killer hated this person to the point of not leaving his body intact. However, if he died, then it was very possible that he saw himself cut open.

"Xiao, Xiaoli, Little Brother Xiaoli …" He stretched out his hand, wanting the other party to return as soon as possible.

If it was a normal dead person, Yun Xun wouldn't be so useless. The Yun Family was a medicinal family, and he had been taught by his father since he was young, so how could a child of the Yun Family be afraid of a dead person?

But that wasn't an ordinary dead person. That person, that person had been … It was cut in half!

If he could only recall that scene once, it would be enough for him to feel so disgusted that he would vomit. Even closing his eyes would be like having a nightmare.

Even if Xiaoli's martial arts were high, she is still a child, how can a child look at this kind of thing!

Xiaoli, who had been looking at this since she was young, waved her hand towards the back and explained solemnly: "This person has not died for more than eighteen hours. That is to say, when we were settling down here last night, he had already died here."

Their current location was not far from where they slept last night. It was precisely because of this that the moment Xiaoli said this, Yun Chu immediately rolled his eyes, as if he was about to faint.

Xiaoli did not bring anything with him, and did not know how to console them. She could only rush to the ox-driver and say: "Uncle, please send the two of them down the mountain, then inform the villagers at the foot of the mountain, saying that corpses have been found on the mountain. I will wait for them here."

"Are you here?" "Stop here! Who knows if the murderer is still here! Come down the mountain with us! Let's go quickly!"

"I can't leave. My sister is still on the mountain."

Only then did Yun Xun realize that the baby girl and the leopards were all gone.

However, leaving a little boy on the mountain, how could he do that? "After we go down the mountain, find someone to look for your sister. Let's go."

Xiaoli shook her head, she did not care too much as she sat down beside the corpse. She closed the corpse's eyes that were filled with grievances and said: "I am used to corpses, so I will not feel uncomfortable. It will also be troublesome when I go down the mountain.

"But …"

"Big brother Yunmeng." Xiaoli suddenly called out to him as his black eyes shone: "Aren't you looking for Heishui Village's Little Brother Liu?" He pointed to her nose: "My surname is Liu, my name is Liu Xiaoli."

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