In ancient times, there was a saying that 'hell is yin'. Yang people would head there and enter the cycle of reincarnation as well.

In the end, it was the Yun siblings and the ox-cart old man who hurried down the mountain. Xiaoli stood where she was, looking at the corpse beside him, and suddenly thought of the words her mother had once told him.

At that time, he was still very young, and he was holding onto a medical book as he asked his mother while pointing at the words on it that he didn't recognize.

Ancient Buddhism has a saying, Yang people do evil, Yin people suffer. That is to say, when a person does something wrong before death, they will be punished after going to hell. This hell is also known as the Underworld, and it is where the Ten Yama Kings punish the sinners who committed evil deeds before death.

"Oh, oh, oh." The little guy hurriedly nodded his head and took notes. A four year old child, his writing was crooked. The words' Ten Yama Kings' were written in the same language.

His mother didn't have the slightest intention of helping. She continued, "Hell is divided into eighteen levels. Each level has a special punishment that is brutal and bloody. I can't bear to watch it happen."

The little guy was stunned for a moment. When he heard the word "bloody", his eyes sneakily glanced at the dried corpse on the bedside table. He licked his lips and asked, "Why is it cruel and bloody?"

The mother of the child looked at him. "The first level, 'Tearing Tongue' hell, in the mortal world, anyone who sows discord, glib tongue, or lies will be thrown into the 'Tearing Tongue' hell after death. The kid will pincer your tongue and pull it out, lengthen it's pulled out, and finally drag it to the ground …"

The little guy excitedly sat up straight. His eyes blurred for a moment, as if he was looking forward to it. He really wanted to see it!

The child's mother rubbed her son's forehead and continued to nag him.

When she finished speaking about all eighteen levels of hell, she let out a long sigh, "If retribution really exists in this world, then it should have appeared earlier. What's the point in clearing it after death?"

The child didn't understand and was dumbstruck. After a while, he nodded again.

The mother of the child laughed at him. "I will agree to everything. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand." The child raised his notebook and said, "I've already written it all down!"

Actually, Xiaoli had the same feeling when Sun Erxiao's corpse appeared, but after he fell into the water, the small bag he carried with him had already disappeared, and the small notebook that had followed him for a long time was nowhere to be seen. It had been too long, and Little Rascal couldn't quite remember what each of the eighteen levels of hell represented. All it could remember was that one of the eighteen levels of hell represented was to cut one's finger and connect all ten fingers to the heart.

The other one is the tongue, can pull out longer and longer, especially interesting.

The rest were all blurry, but now that he looked at this man's corpse, the eighteen levels of hell's annotations flashed across Xiaoli's mind once again …

The eighteenth floor, the Blade Saw Hell.

He remembered that when his mother talked about the last one, she was already a little tired. It was very simple to say that those who kidnapped women and children and sold them illegally would go into hell after death and be cut in half by the little devil from their legs up.

Because it was related to the word "child", Xiaoli deliberately made her way into the street. At that time, he was only four years old, with small arms and legs.

He was hoping someone would come and kidnap him, so he might be able to see how the dealer had been sawed in half.

Even though he was still young, he could not figure out the difference between being sawed before his death and being sawed after his death. He knew that being sawed open was very fun, and his intestines were flowing all over the floor.

Of course, in the end he was not abducted and the Qujiang County was not some other place. Let alone walking alone in a crowded place, even in a place with few people, anyone who saw him would immediately send him to the yamen.

There was no other reason. This child was the only son of the legal medical expert, and even the beggars on the streets knew about it.

Just like that, Xiaoli went out for a stroll. After a while, the little fellow lost its patience and gradually forgot about selling people.

But this was something that he had personally experienced, and now that he saw this corpse that had been split apart, Xiaoli felt that it was not as fun and satisfying as he thought it was.

He died in such a terrible way. It was unknown whether this person had expected this to happen while he was still alive.

After staring at the corpse for a while, Xiaoli found a few handfuls of dry grass to cover the corpse's body. She waited for a long time, until a dense number of footsteps came from afar.

There were a lot of people. With Chen Tai as the leader, there were many familiar faces behind them. They came from Blackwater Village, Third Bai Village, and some that they were unfamiliar with. They should be from other villages.

Xiaoli patted the dirt on her body and stood up.

Xiaoli looked at the crowd, walked over and pulled Chen Tai's hand, and said: "Because he is in such a terrifying state of death, Big Uncle Tai, you should recognize him first, if you can recognize him, then that is enough, don't scare others."

As the representative of the village, no one disagreed with Chen Tai recognizing him as a person. It was just that on the way to the underbrush, Chen Tai reprimanded Xiaoli a little: "Did you know that you scared me to death last night by running away like this? I waited for you at the entrance of the mountain for four hours, and then I called someone to search for you. I almost thought you were eaten by a bear! "

Xiaoli immediately rushed over to pull the grass. Sure enough, upon seeing the corpse, Chen Tai did not scold him anymore. He retreated in fright, his face full of fear.

Xiaoli asked: "Uncle Tai, do you know him?"

Chen Tai trembled as he raised his finger. After a long time, he turned around and pointed at a man in the crowd. He swallowed his saliva and said, "Gao Zhu, this, this, this, isn't this your brother …"

The man called Gao Zhu was stunned for a moment. His honest face revealed a bit of surprise. Then, he carried a machete and walked out, curiously looking into the grass.

With this look, he was also frightened.

"Ugh …" High … High locust! "Gao Huai!"

Gao Zhu was not a person from Bai San Village, nor was he a person from Blackwater Village. He was a person named Four Seasons Village located behind Blackwater Village.

Because Xiaoli had disappeared, last night, Chen Tai had sent people up the mountain to look for him. The direction they were looking for was to cross the mountain and head towards Four Seasons Village.

This morning, they saw the mountain residents of Four Seasons Village cutting firewood, so they asked them about it. Before they could find out the results, someone ran over to inform them that Xiaoli was found, and even found a corpse on the mountain.

Hearing that there were dead people in the mountains, the people from Four Seasons Village did not bother to chop firewood and followed them to see.

The villagers were basically all fishermen. However, the Four Seasons Village was on the back of the mountain and was rather far away from the sea, so half of the villagers were fishermen while the other half were mountain people. The mountain people lived by hunting and cutting firewood, so if there was a case of human life on the mountain, it would be a huge problem for the mountain's residents.

Gao Zhu was an ordinary mountain villager of the Four Seasons Village. He lost his father and mother in his early years, and the only person he had left was his half-brother, Gao Huai.

But the relationship between the two brothers was not good, and Takashimoto Shizuka was lazy, so in a quarrel the year before last, Takasu had left home and gone to the county town. It had been two years since he had returned.

Gao Zhu never asked about his younger brother.

Only once, when Chen Tai went to the county city to sell his fish, did he find out that Gao Huai was pulling a girl to a brothel to be a slave to the brothel.

Later on, when Chen Tai told Gao Zhu about this matter, Gao Zhu listened to him and told him that he would not bother with his younger brother again for the rest of his life.

But now, his younger brother had died. His entire body had been split into two halves. His death was both terrifying and bloody.

After all, he was the biological brother of his father. Gao Zhu couldn't bear it any longer and immediately began to vomit after a while as he covered his mouth and retreated.

Chen Tai also stepped back into the crowd and asked Xiaoli while trembling in fear, "Gao Huai … Just how did Takashimoto Shizuka die? "

Xiaoli stood up, and was in no hurry to say anything else. She first asked Gao Zhu: "Are you brothers with the deceased?"

Gao Zhu, who had vomited so much that water was almost coming out of his mouth, nodded with a displeased expression on his face.

Xiaoli asked again, "When was the last time you met?"

Gao Zhu shook his head. "I haven't seen you in a long time. I don't remember. "At least two years …"

"You're lying." The little guy's childish voice was ice-cold and stern, "You must have seen each other within three days. How could it be that you haven't seen each other in two years?"

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