Then, the little boy swaggered into the back hall of the yamen as if no one was around.

After entering the county magistrate's study, regardless of the fact that he was sitting to the side and organizing the documents, he ran to the county magistrate's desk and started rummaging through the messy pile of documents.

"What are you looking for?" asked County Magistrate Song, who had just entered the room.

The little boy said, "This means that the dyeing workshop is not the first crime scene. I had already hypothesized it before, but I still couldn't find any clear evidence. Now, there is, the dyeing workshop doesn't have any suitable crime scene tools, so Second Young Master Sun was killed in a different place and then cut up and thrown into the dyeing workshop."

County Magistrate Song made a sound of 'oh' and sat down on the chair opposite the desk. This chair was reserved for guests at the yamen.

To put it nicely, he could call for a guest.

County Magistrate Song's face was filled with the desire to know more. "In other words, the workers at the dyeing workshop that we investigated previously were not the culprits?"

"Everyone's under suspicion until the case is closed." The little boy corrected everything in a serious manner before starting a small meeting with County Magistrate Song in response to the autopsy report and his latest findings.

Two hours later, the sky had turned dark. The busy boy looked at the 'old man' who was obviously tired and sighed. "Forget it. You can't help me anymore. Let's go, I'll take a look myself."

County Magistrate Song felt rather guilty, saying, "It's fine, just say it."

The little boy was unhappy and his little face showed impatience. "Do you understand what I have said? "Yes, yes, yes."

The little boy knew that he couldn't force him. "Go back, don't disturb me."

County Magistrate Song stood up from his chair and said, "Then busy yourself. I'll be leaving first."

Sitting on the county magistrate's chair, leaning against the county magistrate's desk, the jade carved little boy gave an "En" in worry. He didn't greet them and lowered his head once again to write and draw on a pile of documents.

"He's still busy inside. Whisper softly, so don't disturb him. If you interrupt his train of thought, he'll get angry again."

He was carrying a heavy stack of documents. He had obviously entered his study, but he suddenly had to look at the face of an outsider. "..."

… ….

When Xiaoli returned to the inn from the yamen, it was already very late, so she did not disturb the Uncle Rong who had already fallen asleep. He directly returned to the guest room arranged for him by the Yun Family siblings, but before she fell asleep, he saw the door to his room open.

The memories they had in the Li Family Courtyard were too deep-rooted. Xiaoli didn't even ask her how she knew she was back here, she just patted the spot beside him and said, "Let's sleep together."

Li Yu'er immediately ran over happily and slept on the side of the bed.

After Xiaoli laid down, Li Yu'er smiled and hugged the child beside her as if she was in the Li Family Courtyard. Only then did she close her eyes.

Xiaoli did not struggle and let her go, he knew that Li Yu'er did not have a sense of security and was extremely afraid of strangers. She had left her alone at the inn for one day today, so even though she had asked Uncle Rong and Yun Chuyun to take care of his, she was definitely very afraid in his heart.

The next morning, after Yun Chu woke up, he rolled on the bed out of habit.

After she had finished rolling, she suddenly realized that she had forgotten something. She abruptly sat up, and she suddenly thought of something. Where's Li Yu'er? Where's that stupid Li family girl?

Since they were both female, and Li Yu'er was so silly that she didn't care which direction they went, Yun Chu was afraid that after everyone fell asleep, that silly girl would run around blindly in the dark, so he pulled her along to his room and sleep with him.

But when he woke up, why was he gone?

Yun Chu was scared out of his wits. He hurriedly got up and went to search, but before he could find the person, he saw that the door to the room across from his was ajar.

That was Xiaoli's brother's room. She remembered that Xiaoli had not returned last night before she went to sleep, and should be back now.

She moved closer to take a look and was surprised to see Li Yu'er, who hadn't been in her room for a long time.

At the same time as she heaved a sigh of relief, Yun Chu started to feel wronged again. She stood by the door and complained to Xiaoli's brother, "Sister Yu Er doesn't like me."

Xiaoli was in the middle of washing his face, and after she finished washing herself, she had also washed Li Yu'er's face. Hearing Yun Chu's words, he smiled: "Big Sister Yu'er doesn't know you guys, so I'm afraid of people. However, Big Sister Yun Chu, I'm going to the yamen, and today Big Sister Yu'er has to stay in the inn. I'll have to trouble you to watch over her for me, I just went there to see, Uncle Rong is still awake, I didn't wake him up. "

Yun Chu immediately patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I'll definitely take good care of her. I definitely won't let her run away again!"

Xiaoli bent her eyes and nodded, then told Li Yu'er a few more things before she carried a small bag on her back and left the inn.

Yesterday, when he came to the county city, Wang Ping gave him a small bag, saying that Aunt Wang had sewn it for him, because he always ran to the county city. Since there were many people in the county city, there must be a lot of thieves, so Aunt Wang gave him a small bag and told him to put his things away and not let anyone steal them.

Although this small bag was not the same as the one he had before, Xiaoli still carried it on her back immediately. Although the bag was small, it could really store a lot of things.

He walked towards the yamen in a familiar manner. When he arrived at the entrance of the yamen, Xiaoli saw someone familiar in the distance.

It was Gao Zhu from the Four Seasons Village. He and a group of unfamiliar faces were probably from the Four Seasons Village. Since it was still early in the morning and there weren't many people on the streets, their figures attracted quite a bit of attention.

When he saw Xiaoli, Gao Zhu's eyes immediately lit up, and quickly walked over.

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