The reason why Xiaoli left the inn early was because he wanted to take advantage of the morning when she was still clear-headed to go to the yamen's study room and take a look at the things she had seen last night.

His mother had said that the most important thing for him to do in one day was to wait for morning.

However, he did not expect the villagers of Four Seasons Village to arrive so early. According to their route, could it be that this group of people had left in the middle of the night?

It had to be said that the villagers of Four Seasons Village were much more timid and cowardly when compared to the first time the villagers of Cypress Three Village reported a crime and dared to go against the county magistrate.

In the end, Gao Zhu still hit the wailing drum.

As he kept his eyes on them, he didn't know what these country bumpkins were planning to do. It was only then that he realized that these people were here to report the case.

And a murder.

Since someone had reported the case, they had to go and report it. Thus, one of the two bailiffs entered the yamen to find lodging for the Grand Master.

At a few minutes after dawn, the county yamen of Xicheng County had been promoted to the Hall.

County Magistrate Song arrived very quickly. Firstly, the house he lived in was on the same street as the yamen. Secondly, he heard the news that the ferocious kid from Blackwater Village had arrived. Together with the other reporting villagers, they were waiting for him at the yamen.

If it was anyone else, it would have been fine. However, it was that troublesome child. There was nothing he could do, so he could only hurry over. He didn't even have time to eat in the morning.

As expected, after arriving, he saw that the hall was full of people.

The Grand Master walked quickly towards him and whispered in his ear. When County Magistrate Song heard this, he sat down on the seat of honor and slapped the wooden table.

It was a popular procedure, as well as common details. Because he had already known about the various questions on the corpse of Takashimoto Shizuka a one day earlier, after a simple interrogation, County Magistrate Song entered the main topic.

The main point of his question was, he shifted his gaze to the short and pretty boy carrying a small bag and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

Xiaoli answered with a "hmm" and stood up. She walked to the front of the locust corpse and took off the white cloth.

The little guy squatted down and pointed at the human corpse that had been cut into two halves. Ignoring the unprepared panic of the surrounding bailiffs, he said obediently to the county magistrate, "First, let's talk about the weapon. From the angle of the victim's wounds and the cut marks, it's obvious that this person was … …"

The process of the autopsy was quickly recorded by the Grand Master.

When Xiaoli finished speaking about what she said on the mountain, an hour had already passed. In fact, Xiaoli had already mentioned all of this to County Magistrate Song last night.

Thus, County Magistrate Song was not too surprised. He answered as if it was a matter of course, "What do you think we should do next?"

"Is there even a need to ask? "Of course we should go to Takashimoto Shizuka's house first. He has a huge mansion in the county."

County Magistrate Song nodded his head obediently. Then, he turned his head and ordered two bailiffs to bring the men to Takashimoto Shizuka's residence.

This was the first time he had entered the yamen, the first time he reported a case, and he was currently whispering to the people of Four Seasons Village who looked at everything in surprise, "Why do I feel like that county magistrate doesn't have any opinions?"

"You saw it too? I think so too. He seems to be asking Liu Ling Tong about everything. "

"Then... Can he solve the case? "

"I think... "It's not going well..."

At this time, in an inn in the county, Rong Ling had already woken up.

After a while, the door opened.

It was Yun Xun. He brought out a basin to wash Young Master Rong's face.

Seeing him, Rong Ling asked in a clear and cold voice: "Could you call Xiaoli for me?"

Yun Mo wrung out the handkerchief in the basin and stood up: "Brother Xiaoli, you've gone out. It seems like you've gone to the yamen. It's been almost two hours."

Rong Ling frowned: "I did, when will you be back?"

"I don't know." Yun Mu busied herself with finding: "Brother Xiaoli is busy, the villagers will probably enter the city today, and the corpses discovered on the mountain previously will also be brought over. Brother Xiaoli has to pay attention to the previous two murders as well as this new murder case. Busy … Maybe I'll be back tonight? "

Rong Ling: "..."

Yun Mu was also very enthusiastic, "What does Young Master Rong want to find Little Brother Xiaoli for? Can I do it for you? "

Rong Ling looked at him for a while, then said calmly: "My daughter is still accompanying leopard."

"Ah, that baby girl." Speaking of that, Yun Xun remembered, and then he anxiously shook his head: "No no, I do not dare to go near that leopard, that leopard is fierce, it was lucky that it was crippled at the beginning, but Little brother Xiaoli helped it recover, and on the second day, that leopard became even stronger, and even bared its fangs at me."

Rong Ling closed her dark eyes, her eyebrows knitted tightly, and said: "You may call me Brother Yun Xi."

"My third brother? Young Master Rong, my third brother doesn't have any martial arts, don't count on me. "

Rong Ling, "... "Miss Yun Xu …"

"Not to mention my Sister Four, even if she is of high status, no one would dare to fight her. However, compared to her, she is still inferior."

Rong Ling: "..."

Rong Ling: "..."

After all, he was someone else's child, so Rong Ling didn't dare for them to risk their lives just like that. He was deep in thought for a while, then raised his head and asked: "Xiaoli, are you really that busy?"

Yun Lu nodded his head heavily, "I'm too busy!"

He then added, "Waking up early in the morning to get greedy for the dark!"

And then he concluded, "It's all for this family!"

Finally, he sighed, "There's still my old father who is seriously ill in bed!"

Old Father: "…" "Yes."

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