Chen Tai listened to the howls of the beasts for the greater part of the night and his heart also tightened for the greater part. Finally, he could no longer wait any longer. He hastily ran to the nearest Full Moon Village and asked the villagers for help.

Upon learning that Chen Tai was a man, the villagers of the same month village all agreed to let a child enter the mountain alone. They all stared at him reproachfully, then roughly changed into their clothes and climbed up the mountain with their stuff.

The entrance to the mountain was the same moon village's own fork in the road, so they walked smoothly and knew the way. However, when they heard the howls of the different beasts that came from afar, they hesitated.

Chen Tai chatted with them for a long time at the fork in the road, but in the end, only two or three people were willing to enter the mountain at the same time.

Chen Tai was furious. Just as he was about to charge in with the stick, he heard footsteps coming from inside.

It was the sound of messy footsteps, loud, heading towards them.

Chen Tai was startled. The other people from Full Moon Village immediately pulled him aside and stood far away. They even lit their torches.

They thought that some wild beast had come out, but after a while, they saw a human figure running in a hurry.

It was a little boy with a dark face and messy hair.

"Xiaoli!" Seeing that the child had come out, Chen Tai excitedly went up to him and pulled him away, looking him up and down.

Xiaoli had suffered through a lot this time, her sister was not found, and she was even surrounded by wild beasts for half a night, and now that the sky was about to brighten, he finally ran out.

Seeing the people at the entrance, Xiaoli knew that they were the helpers Chen Tai had hired. After all, he had been inside for almost an entire night.

In addition to his gratitude, he hurriedly expressed that he was fine and that no one had to worry about him.

Another person asked, "Then what's with the cries in the forest?"

Xiaoli sighed, pointing to the moon above him, who had not been completely replaced by the morning light, she exposed the true culprit, the pack of wolves that had howled towards the moon the whole night.

Only then did the villagers all nod their heads in succession. There were also people who were curious. "It's not like I'm only at the first grade, nor is it at the fifteenth. Why is it still at the full moon?"

The mysteriousness of the Celestial Phenomenon wasn't something ordinary people like them could explain. In short, once the child was safely out, everything would be fine.

When the villagers of Full Moon Village saw that there was nothing left, they said their goodbyes and returned to the village one after another.

After they left, Xiaoli tugged on Chen Tai's hand and said, "Uncle Tai, this time, you have to help me."

Chen Tai was shocked. "What happened to you? Is he injured? "

Xiaoli shook her head with a bitter face: "My sister hasn't been found yet, I don't know where she went. I still have to go into the mountains, Uncle Tai, I will trouble you to go back to the village and call for more people.

At first, Xiaoli knew the leopard's nest's location and she also confirmed his sister's exact location. But after last night, the female leopard's family was scared off by the wild beasts that filled the forest, so Xiaoli stayed in the leopard's nest for an entire night and didn't see them return.

Now that his sister's coordinates were lost and the pearl was also missing, Xiaoli himself would definitely not be able to find an entire mountain, so he could only seek for more helpers.

Chen Tai very faithfully agreed immediately, but he was not at ease with Xiaoli, and told him that before he brings people back to find him, Xiaoli would not be allowed to enter the mountain alone.

Xiaoli rolled her eyes. She knew that if she did not agree to it, Da Tai would not be able to rest easy, so she nodded and agreed.

Chen Tai didn't know that the child had any ulterior motives. He also didn't know that after he drove the donkey cart away, the little fellow turned its head and sneaked into the woods.

As the day grew brighter, the animals who had been barking all night were tired.

There were no more howls in the forest, only the chirping of insects.

Xiaoli walked along the steep mountain road forward. He had deliberately found a path that was difficult to walk on.

Because they would subconsciously think that a zigzag path was safer than an unobstructed straight road. Just like a person, when they had enemies chasing after them, they would subconsciously go into a zigzag alley instead of running straight ahead on a long, flat road.

Xiaoli walked towards the west.

The sound of the wolf's howl had come from the east last night, so he guessed that the female leopard would take the cub and run in the direction farthest from the wolf's howl.

After a quarter of an hour of walking, he found the leopard's footprints in a damp patch of soil. Beside the messy Plum Blossom footprints were two small plum blossoms. They should be the little leopard's footprints.

However, if he continued to walk forward, the footprints would quickly disappear.

In front of them was a clump of shrubs overgrown with a great many horses.

Xiaoli scratched her face, and after scratching out a few small red lumps on her neck, he tragically discovered that these insect ants were poisonous, and the lumps on his skin became larger and larger.

Xiaoli hurriedly plucked some cool grass that was nearby that could be used to stop the itch, then took off her outer clothes and covered her head before continuing on with great difficulty.

After walking for a while, he saw a puddle.

It could not really be considered a puddle of water. It was a natural pit, and because it had been stored in the rain all year round, it looked even more like a reservoir.

Xiaoli thought that all of the beasts in the vicinity must be drinking in this pond.

When he thought about it, he also grew thirsty. Licking his lips, he crawled on the ground and drank half a cup of water. The water was very clear, but the taste wasn't good.

After that, when he left, he started to collect the wild fruits around him.

Wild fruit can quench thirst and fill the stomach, much better than the water in the cistern.

As he walked away, the surrounding environment gradually became worse.

At first there was a road, but then there was no road. As they left the reservoir, the shrubs grew deeper and deeper.

In the end, Xiaoli no longer dared to walk on land. He started to climb trees, and jumped from tree to tree.

At this time, the Black Water Village and Bai San Village villagers that Chen Tai had brought over had already entered the mountain. Some people had entered the mountain through other forks, while others followed Chen Tai to the forks in the same moon village to look for Xiaoli.

After searching, he obviously didn't find anything.

Xiaoli believed that if Chen Tai didn't see him, he would definitely go into the mountain to look for him. Thus, he was at ease and did not wait for them.

He did not know that this mountain was this deep. He thought that this mountain had already been separated from the others. Every region had different villages that were contracted, so it was not considered too barren.

However, the road he was walking on had clearly reached the barbaric level of the primitive jungle, and he was unable to differentiate between north, south, east and west.

Since he could not find his way out, he decided to rely on his intuition to continue walking. As he walked, he finally found traces of mining in front of him.

There were several trees, and it was obvious that they had been cut down with an axe. Thus, it was clear that he had once again entered into the territory of a certain village.

As long as there was human smoke, there would naturally be a path.

This time, Xiaoli didn't dare to walk blindly, afraid that she would delay her search for her sister. He followed the path that left the deepest mark, and randomly looked for someone to ask about the direction first.

With this departure, he entered a red field.

The tip of his nose could also smell the rich fragrance of the rose.

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