Xijin County consists of dozens of villages, each of which has to pay the imperial government a tax on the countryside.

The villages were scattered and scattered all around the Mountains and Seas. Therefore, every time the taxes were levied, the yamen runners would have to travel through mountains and rivers, and it was a very arduous task.

The Song County's magistrate, Ren Xi, had been in the County Magistrate's office for twelve years. It had been difficult for him to manage the first year or two, but that was also the reason why he was in such a poor location.

The White Mountain Prefecture was also very worried. After so many years had passed, Xijin County would still have to flood whenever there was a flash flood, and crack whenever there was a landslide.

As soon as County Commander Song arrived at Xijin County, he felt that he had been set up.

Moreover, he was getting old and did not want to cause a ruckus, so he wanted to return to the capital. All his family members had moved to Xicheng County, so in terms of the economy of Xicheng County, he valued it a lot. In order to obtain the ownership of a village, he once quarreled with Lin County, which was also part of the Lu Bai County under Bai Shan Zhou.

It was very simple at the beginning, didn't the Song County Order go to every subordinate village after taking over? As he walked, he arrived at a small village full of Chinese rose flowers. The village was called "Hong Jia Village".

But who would have thought that the chief of Red Village would say that they were not a village of Western Jin County. Their location was not within the Western Jin County.

However, on the documents issued by the county magistrate, it was clearly stated that Hongjia Village was the jurisdiction of Xijin County.

The Chief of the Red Village said, "Every year, we will hand it over to the county of Lu Bai, and it has been decades since we have paid the tax."

County Magistrate Song was shocked and immediately decided to seek Lu Bai County for compensation.

Lu Bai County is more economically developed than Xijin County. Lu Bai County's County Commander is also a distant cousin of Bai Shan Zhou Prefecture. How could they possibly compensate you? In fact, the Red Village was built at the middle of the border between Lu Bai County and Xi Jin County, so it was reasonable to say that it belonged to anyone.

As a result, when the matter reached the Mansion Arena, the mansion lord's face turned black at the end. He scolded them and told them to scram!

There were only eight families in this village. For a small amount of tax, how could he be embarrassed to have a red face and thick neck?

After returning home, the County Magistrate of Lu Bai County was worried about whether or not his Prefecture Overseer elder cousin would feel ashamed of him. In order to show off, he immediately wrote a letter and said, "I won't trouble you to worry too much. We don't need this Red Village and will give it to Western Jin County."

He was afraid that he would offend the lord of the prefecture just for a small village like this. After he returned, he immediately wrote a letter saying that they didn't want the Red Village and would give it to Lu Bai County.

After finally judging the situation, he decided to give Western Jin County some face. After all, they were from Difficult County, and their financial situation was a bit too poor. It was a pity that they divided the Hong Village into West Jin County.

But before he had finished writing his reply, the Jingjiang Prefecture suddenly paid a visit, and in order to entertain the guests from afar, he had left the place behind.

Then, after a while, he forgot.

From then on, no one from Lu Bai County came to collect taxes, and no one from Western Jin County did either. Hong Family Village became a special village that had no one in charge.

The village chief estimated that it had been two months, and he knew that they were trying to take advantage of him. He was afraid that they would grow wings and fly away, so he specifically reminded the villagers, "In the future, let's not go to the county, and don't interact with the other villages around. Don't let them know that we don't pay taxes, otherwise they'll report us for doing it."

Ten years had passed, and twelve years had passed. The current village of Hong Family was located in the deepest part of the Huai Shan Swamp. It was a deserted area, with a large field of farmland and flower fields to the east.

This place was like a paradise, a small independent world.

Xiaoli stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the house whose aroma of flowers was pleasing to the nose, which was followed by the chirping of chickens, slowly smoking. He was startled for a moment, then quickly ran to the house that had lit up the smoke.

The one who opened the door was a little girl. She had just woken up and was combing her hair, so she held a wooden comb in her hand and tied it around one end of her head. On the other side, she was still untied.

Before the little girl's mother came out, his sister came out first. She was a fifteen to sixteen year old girl. The girl originally wanted to curse her sister for making a racket early in the morning, but when she saw the strangers outside, she was also shocked and shouted, "Mother!"

After being called by the sisters, the aunt finally walked out. Before she could say anything, she was stunned for a moment and then asked in a daze, "Who are you?"

Xiaoli was a polite little friend, he immediately introduced herself respectfully: "Hello everyone, I am lost, I am from Blackwater Village, I would like to ask, how can I walk back to Blackwater Village? Would you mind telling me? "

The little girl raised her head to look at the big girl, and the big girl raised her head to look at the mother. The family of three pondered for a moment, then the aunt finally called into the room, "The child's father, the child's father!"

After a while, a hunter came out. After passing by the woman in the house, he looked at the little boy with a nonchalant look, "It's very hard to get out of here. Are you from Blackwater Village? Is there a village near us called Blackwater Village? "

The little girl who had never seen anyone since she was young shook her head in bewilderment.

She had seen strangers when she was very young, but when she grew up, she had long forgotten them.

The mother of the child recalled for a moment and finally asked, "Is it the village of Miss Red Powder? Is that village called Blackwater Village? "

Hearing that they mentioned red powder, Xiaoli was startled, creasing her eyebrows and asked: "You guys, you recognize Miss red powder?"

Before her father died and her family fell into decline, I went to her house to send away the ducks. But then I heard that the Su palace was sealed up by the yamen, and her mother left with her sister, and she even left the brothel. It was such a pity, but later on didn't they say that an old friend of her father's redeemed her? She even moved to one of the villages across the mountain.

Xiaoli stared at the aunt for a long time. After confirming that she was not lying, she said, "She passed away ten years ago."

The aunt was stunned. She turned around and looked at her husband. "Really?"

The child's father was also confused. "How would I know? I, a hunting beast, won't be able to go to that mountain." The aunt thought so too, but could not quite accept it. "What a sinner."

Then, when she looked at Xiaoli again, she spoke in a gentle and gentle tone, "Are you lost? Although we don't know how to get to Blackwater Village, my man wants to enter the mountain later to send you through the Swamp Forest. When you reach there, you will be able to leave the mountain after walking not too far.

Xiaoli thought for a while, then finally shook her head. "Thank you, Aunt, but I will ask the others first. No need to send me off, just give me directions and it will be alright … …" Then he looked left and right, wondering whose door she was going to knock on next.

However, the aunt said, "Don't look anymore. We don't know and no one else does. However, the Village Head probably knows that the Village Head goes out of the village every month to sell his goods. I will bring you to the Village Head."

The aunt was an enthusiastic person, she pulled Xiaoli and brought him to the largest farmhouse.

Halfway there, she saw that there was an open door in one of the courtyards. She was stunned for a moment before suddenly exclaiming in surprise, "Grandpa Bai is back?"

The person in the farmhouse had clearly heard the sound outside the door as well. After a while, a hunchbacked old man walked out.

Auntie Xu laughed, "Grandpa Bai came back last night? Aiya, you haven't come back for a long time. I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again this year. "

"Some matters just happened to return." As Grandpa Bai said this, he looked at the little boy that Auntie Xu was leading. One old and one young, they looked at each other across the sky. Then, Grandpa Bai bent over and beckoned the little boy over. "Come here."

Xiaoli was dumbstruck, he did not know who this old man was, but since the other party was an elder and had called him, after hesitating for a bit, he slowly walked over.

The farmyard was all short walls and fences. Xiaoli pushed open the unlatched gate and walked in, then Grandfather Bai took out some hawthorn candy from his pocket and handed it over to him. "You look so fast, in the blink of an eye you're already so tall."

Xiaoli blinked, "Ah?"

Auntie Xu, who was standing outside the door, understood and laughed. "Grandpa Bai, this is not my precious son. My precious son is a girl. How could you forget?"

Grandpa Bai's smiling face suddenly froze, then he slapped his forehead and said, "Look at my memory."

After Lady Xu laughed, she explained, "This is a child from Blackwater Village. He's lost his way and I'm taking him to find the village head. With such a young child, he lost them for an entire night and his parents died from anxiety."

Grandpa Bai smiled and nodded. It was as if he was trying to hide the fact that he had recognized the wrong person. He quickly pushed the child away. "Then go, don't make the family anxious."

Aunt Xu pulled Xiaoli out again. Before she left, she said to Grandfather Bai, "I'll have my family bring some cured meat to you. You haven't returned to the village in the past few years, everyone in the village misses you."

Grandpa Bai nodded with a smile and stood there with his hands behind his back.

Xiaoli was still holding onto the hawthorn candy in her hand, thinking, although the old grandfather recognized the wrong person, as the junior, he still had to express his gratitude.

He was about to turn around and thank the old man when he saw that the old man had already walked back into the room.

Xiaoli could only put the hawthorn candy into her pocket and decided to eat it later.

On the other side, after Grandpa Bai returned to the house, he first looked at the injured female leopard that had occupied his entire brick bed, then looked at the two exceptionally lively young leopards that were dragging his blanket on the floor.

Finally, he looked at the naked baby girl who was crawling on the brick bed. He muttered worriedly, "Should I borrow two sets of clothes first?"

There was no answer to his question, only the white wolf sitting by the bed raised its head and whimpered.

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