Now Sun Lord was also dead.

When Steward Sun heard the news, he was already unsteady on his feet. Madam Sun's eyes widened even more. She tilted her head back and fainted on the spot.

The maid who sent the message also had tears on her face as she sobbed, "The carriage broke down in flames. "Du …"

"Scram, you scram!" Jiang Shi pushed the servant girl away and fell back a few steps, staggering as she held onto the corner of the table.

Sun Ke walked over worriedly. The little milk baby carefully tugged at the corner of his mother's clothes.

However, Jiang Shi waved his hand and scolded, "Scram!"

Sun Ke was already young, so it wasn't easy for him to stand on his feet. Now that his mother had pushed him, his entire Penetrating Energy fell onto the ground.

When she fell down, she made a loud 'bang' sound. The little girl didn't understand what was going on, but her little face wrinkled. With a 'wah' sound, she started crying loudly.

When the servant girl saw this, she wanted to help, but when she saw Jiang Shi's expression, her body shivered, but she didn't dare to do anything unnecessary, so she swallowed her saliva and said: "This servant has brought the message. Madam still has matters to attend to, this servant will be leaving first."

The maid ran off. When she was far away, she turned around and looked at her daughter on the ground.

Sun Ke was very scared. When he saw his mother looking at him, he extended his small hand and sobbed, "Mother …"

Jiang Shi closed her eyes and didn't say anything. She turned around and entered the inner room. She opened the cabinet to change clothes.

In the cool autumn, Bing Bing couldn't sit on the ground. In the end, she picked herself up and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand to wipe the tears off her face. She walked up to her mother's feet and sniffed softly, "Mother …"

Madame Jiang's face twitched. Sun Ke let out a cry and she started twitching. In the end, her mood rose to a peak. She threw her clothes away, lowered her head, and shouted, "You're not allowed to call out again!"

Sun Ke was scared stiff. His eyes were wide open and he wanted to cry.

The tip of Madame Jiang's nose twitched as she finally burst into tears. "My Lord, my Lord will not die! He won't, he won't..."

Sun Ke sobbed as he stuck to his mother's leg and asked, "Mother, mother, what's wrong? Mom, don't scold Ke Er. Ke Er doesn't want to anger Mom anymore, and Ke Er knows she's wrong … "

After forcefully tearing Sun Ke apart, Jiang Shi took a deep breath, changed into a new set of clothes in one go and started walking outside.

Sun Ke chased after his mother, but couldn't catch her no matter what. In the end, he could only watch his mother walk out of the yard and disappear.

Sun Ke wanted to cry again, but he was afraid that his mother would be angered when she saw her crying. He could only suppress his tears and quietly went to the house to get a small stool to sit in front of the door, waiting for his mother to come back.

This wait lasted for two hours. She was so cold that she sneezed several times. Finally, someone from Little Rock Road arrived.

It was a little brother, taller than her, and she needed to raise her head to see her face.

"Hello, big brother." Little Sun politely stood up and greeted the little brother that he had met several times.

Xiaoli looked at the little girl, then looked inside the courtyard door and asked: "Your name is Ke Er, right?"

Sun Ke nodded and obediently replied, "My name is Sun Ke. I'm three years old this year."

Xiaoli patted her head and asked: "Why are you sitting outside by yourself, is your mother in the room?"

Little Sun teared up. In the end, he didn't fall down. He said dejectedly, "Mother went out. I'm waiting for Mother here."

Xiaoli looked at Sun Ke's thin clothes, held her hand and said: "I'll bring you to see your mother, but you need to wear one more shirt, where are your clothes?"

Little Sun pointed to the interior of the house and said, "It's in the cabinet."

Xiaoli pulled her into the house, opened up the cabinet and scanned the whole place. In the end, she took out a thick shirt and put it on Sun Ke.

After putting on her clothes, Sun Ke felt that he had warmed up quite a bit. She shrunk her neck and felt very comfortable. She then shyly smiled at her little brother.

Xiaoli pinched her little face and said: "Let's go look for your mother now, but we need to go see my mother first. My mother is in the hall talking with your grandfather."

Sun Ke nodded his head hurriedly. As long as he could find his mother, everything was fine.

On the way there, Xiaoli asked again, "Have you always lived with your mother? Is there someone serving you? "

Sun Ke said, "Mother said that the people in the second branch all serve Father. We have to take care of ourselves."

"And after your father's death? Aren't those people here to serve you? "

Sun Ke shook his head. "I've never seen them before..."

Xiaoli's eyeballs moved for a while, then she asked: "Did you know that something happened to your brother? Just before, the carriage he was sitting on was on fire."

"But your mother must have known, that's why she went out. Do you know where she went?"

Sun Ke shook his head again. "Mother didn't say."

It seemed like he wouldn't be able to find anything from this little girl.

Just as Xiaoli was disappointed, Sun Ke suddenly thought of something, and said: "I know, Mother will definitely go see Little Flower."

Xiaoli stopped for a moment: "Little Flower Sister?"

Sun Ke nodded. "It's Little Flower sister from five streets away. Mom will bring me to see Little Flower sister every few days. Little Flower sister is as old as me, and we're fine. Little Flower sister has a polysaccharides man, a cloth tiger, and a puppy. Oh right, a kitten also has a long beard …"

Xiaoli crouched down, grabbed Sun Ke's shoulder and inquired in detail, "Who is that Little Flower sister, why does your mother have to visit her every few days?"

Sun Ke said crisply, "Little Flower is my little sister, she also calls my mother 'mother'!"

(End of chapter)

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