"Your sister?" Xiaoli was surprised: "I never heard that you have a sister."

The Jiang family had a son and a daughter, who were born with a dragon and a phoenix. Their son was Sun Jun. Their daughter was Sun Ke. How could they have any other children?

But Sun Ke said, "She's my younger sister. Little Hua always calls me older sister, blood-related older sister."

Steward Sun glanced at them, his eyes fixed on Sun Ke. "What are you doing out here again?" he asked with a straight face.

Sun Ke shook his body and said, "I, I, I'm looking for … …" "Looking for mother..."

Xiaoli spoke up for her: "When I met Little Sister Ke Er just now, she said that her mother had disappeared, so I brought her out to look."

Steward Sun's heart was currently filled with dead grandchildren, so he couldn't be bothered to pay any attention to Sun Ke. He lifted his foot and left.

After he left, Sun Ke heaved a sigh of relief, Xiaoli had already pulled her into the hall.

In the hall, Liu Wei was still sitting there. His hands were already bandaged, and her two fingers were wrapped up like two carrots, making her feel awkward. He tried to hide her fingers inside his wide sleeves.

When Xiaoli came in, she made Sun Ke wait first, then she ran over to her mother's side and muttered to herself for a good while. When Liu Wei heard that Madame Jiang had disappeared, she was stunned for a moment, then looked at Sun Ke who was behind him.

Sun Ke looked nervously at Liu Wei, politely nodding her head.

Liu Wei waved her over.

Liu Wei took out another peanut candy from her sleeve and gave it to her.

Sun Ke didn't pick up the phone and looked at his little brother.

Xiaoli then said: "Take it."

Only then did Sun Ke gently catch it. He didn't eat it and caught it in his hand.

Liu Wei said: "Your big brother Xiaoli said that your mother is gone, uncle will bring you to find her, okay?"

Sun Ke nodded. "Alright!"

"But uncle doesn't know the way. Can you bring uncle to visit your sister Little Flower's house? Your mother might be there."

Sun Ke immediately agreed. "I know the way, I'll bring uncle."

Liu Wei pinched her cheek: "Good girl."

Sun Ke pursed his lips bashfully. After being praised, even his ears turned red.

Such a soft and cute little girl was just too cute. Liu Wei could understand now why Rong Ling wanted a daughter, she also suddenly wanted to go back home and hug her family.

This Sun Ke was so cute that he had completely captured Liu Wei. Even Xiaoli did not let go of his little sister's hand and voluntarily peeled the peanut butter to feed her.

As the sweet candy entered his mouth, Sun Ke was overjoyed. Along the way, he talked a lot, giving directions to his uncle and little brother while talking about Little Flower's little sister.

Sun Yiyi really liked Little Flower a lot, she really liked Little Flower as if she was her own little sister.

But the more she spoke, the more Liu Wei was puzzled.

With the Jiang Clan's character, how could they treat an unfamiliar girl so well?

He was so lucky that he almost surpassed his own daughter.

Furthermore, Sun Ke mentioned that his grandmother had given him some good cloths. Sun Ke didn't even have the qualifications to cut off the clothes, while Lady Jiang had sent them all to the girl called Little Flower.

She called Jiang Shi a mother, but this mother wasn't necessarily the child of Jiang Shi.

In the countryside, the closest of nieces and nieces may also call their aunts "aunts and nieces".

However, if that Little Flower was the niece of the Jiang family, then it wouldn't make sense for them to be pasting their family members like this. Since they already had children of their own, no matter how much they felt for the other children, their own children would still be the first priority.

Carrying all their confusion, they soon arrived at the Royal Residence five streets away.

Before entering, Liu Wei had asked around a little, and only two people stayed in the Wang Residence: Old Lady Wang and her granddaughter Wang Xiaohua.

The one who knocked on the door was Sun Ke. Seeing the familiar door, she immediately ran over.

The door was quickly opened by Old Mrs. Wang.

"Grandma Wang." Sun Ke greeted with a smile.

Old Lady Wang was stunned and blurted out, "Why are you here?" Didn't your mother take Little Flower away? What's wrong now? "

Sun Ke was extremely excited, "Grandma Wang, has my mother come before? Where is she now? I waited at home for a long time, but I couldn't find her. "

Old Lady Wang said, "She said an hour ago that Little Flower was not safe here and had taken her somewhere else. Did you run out to tell her? This … Who are these two people? "

Sun Ke replied, "This is a very kind uncle Liu, this is brother Xiaoli."

Old Lady Wang stared at the two strangers for a moment before asking, "Does your mother know them?"

Sun Ke replied, "I do. My mother has seen big brother Xiaoli a few times."

After all, it was someone else's business, so Old Lady Wang didn't bother with it. She was just a silver worker, and with so many secrets in her head, every time she came to see Little Flower, she would send her away so that she wouldn't hear their conversation and guard against everything they did.

She didn't want to worry about Madame Jiang. Seeing that these two strangers didn't seem like kidnappers, she didn't care and only warned Sun Ke, "Your mother left. You should go back too. Don't wander around the streets anymore.

Sun Ke obediently complied. Lady Wang was about to close the door.

However, Liu Wei pressed her hand on the door and suddenly said: "All these years, I have troubled mother Wang to hide. Second Young Madam said that I will give you this bit of silver as an additional gift, from now on, Little Flower will not bother mother anymore."

As he spoke, he withdrew two taels of silver from his bosom and passed it over.

Who wouldn't want money?

Old Lady Wang immediately brought the money over!

I thought that she was really familiar with the Jiang family and also knew about Little Flower's affairs, so I sighed and said, "I also heard about Sun Jun's matters, it seems like the culprit is actually targeting their Sun family. With the loss of her first two sons, it's probably going to be their turn of grandsons, but I say, she really doesn't need to worry about Little Flower, she's always been pretty good with me, and the neighbors all thought that she's my granddaughter. You know her and you can also talk to her. Little Flower and I have already been together for a few years, even if it's not for that little bit of silver, I'm still willing to help her keep it. Just don't always take me for a thief, I'm not interested in her at all! "

When Liu Wei heard this, the expression on her face changed several times.

In the end, under Xiaoli's astonished gaze and Sun Ke's confused gaze, Liu Wei lightly nodded her head, "That's the reason. I'll explain it to her later."

(End of chapter)

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