Zhong Ziyu's bellyful of anger, in the end, completely vented it all on Wan Shi.

He raised his hand and hacked Wan Zhenghao unconscious.

His inner force was gone, and his moves were still there.

After he left, Xiaoli asked his mother: "What do we do next?"

Liu Wei flung her hands: "Return to the inn, I'm hungry."

Xiaoli was hungry too, but he rubbed her stomach, she was still worried: "But the young mistress of the Sun family is gone, and everyone in the house has seen us, will they come to get us?"

"Let them find the county yamen." Liu Wei held his son's hand, and explained the rules to him while they walked: "At times like this, we have to remain calm, even if we are the ones who took him away, but we are working for the yamen, if anything happens, the priority is obviously to find the yamen. Don't worry, when County Commander Song can't take it anymore, there will be still Zhong Ziyu, it won't burn our heads."

His thought was quite straightforward, it was just that he thought that the people did not see him after they left, then the Sun family would definitely cause trouble for them, even if they pushed the blame onto the county's yamen or Zhong Ziyu, the Sun family would not necessarily buy it, they would definitely still chase after them, what would they do then?

It was just as Liu Wei had said, they were working for the county magistrate office, but they refused to admit it. They said that they had never seen the Wan family, and even if the Sun family people suspected that they were the ones who kidnapped the person, at most, they could only demand an explanation from the Song Family.

At this moment, County Magistrate Song still didn't know that trouble was about to arrive for him. He was still having a headache collecting a thousand silver taels. It had only been a few hours, but he had more white hair at night than he had this morning.

As for Liu Wei, he had already finished his first day of investigation and was returning home from work.

When she returned to the tavern, before it was time for dinner, she went to Rong Ling's room first. Once she went upstairs, she was stunned.

Liu Wei walked over and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," said Yun Chu. "Sister Four told me to stand here. I'm not sure if Third Brother can get close."

"Fourth Sister wants me to keep these keys in my possession. They're all for locking the door to Young Master Rong's room."

Liu Wei took a glance and saw that there were actually four locks on the door to Rong Ling's room. All of them were copper colored iron hoops, big locks that were the size of an adult's palm.

Liu Wei was even more confused now. "What's wrong with Third Young Master Yun?"

Yun Chu wasn't too clear on the inside and only shook his head. Yun Mi had heard something, and mysteriously said, "Third brother went out early today, and went to the blacksmith's shop on the next street. When he came back, he brought a few things with him, and he looked very strange, like a dagger or a dagger, very weird!"

Like a dagger or a dagger?

Liu Wei was silent for a moment, then said: "Is it that long, or that narrow?"

"Yes, yes, yes. That's it. Do you know about it?"

How could she not know that it was the scalpel she had drawn for Yun Xi last night!

Yun Xi was very curious about the size of the scalpel and what the scalpel was. She was very curious about the size Liu Wei had marked for him, but she really did not expect that Yun Xi would create it in a day.

No matter how ambitious Yun Xi was, he could not act so recklessly. Even if it was not Rong Ling, no one else could.

Liu Wei felt that he should find Yun Xi to talk, but now, she could only express his gratitude towards Yun Chu and Yun Xun.

And Yun Xiao, Yun Xi was too impulsive, it was all because Yun Yang had stopped her.

Liu Wei thanked her very formally. He blushed and gave the key to her room to her, saying that they did not do anything.

After Liu Wei smiled and entered the room, she saw that Rong Ling had already sat up on the bed and was sitting cross-legged as she looked at her.

Liu Wei walked over, and then went over and gave him a "Chirp" in the mouth.

Rong Ling also laughed, and wanted to pinch her hand, but instead reached out and touched a piece of cloth. He was stunned, she looked down, and discovered that Liu Wei's forefinger and middle finger were wrapped up by the cloth.

He frowned. "What's going on?"

Liu Wei then said, "Something happened in the prison and it's nothing serious, Xiaoli was too nervous and tied up like this."

Rong Ling held her hand and looked, the more she looked, the more serious her face became, until finally, killing intent condensed between her brows.

Liu Wei hurriedly held his face and gave him another two kisses on the lips. He then said softly, "Many things have happened today, let me slowly explain to you."

Liu Wei spoke very carefully. From the start, when she talked about Sun Jun's death, it was already very clear that it was caused by the Wan family, and the Wan family didn't deny it at all. Now that the Wan family was under control, the most important person was the Jiang family.

Was Jiang Shi the one who killed Huang Erbao, Gao Huai, Sun Jian, and Sun Tong? If so, how did she do it?

Takashimoto Shizuka had been chopped into two halves and thrown into the wilderness. Sun Jian and Sun Tong had been crushed into meat paste and Sun Tong had been blown into pieces. Could a single woman from the Jiang Clan really complete these difficult maneuvers?

Of course, from the knocker on the door, it could be seen that there were at least two murderers. Who was the other one and what role did Jiang Han play in it? Was it the mastermind or the accomplice?

The Jiang Clan was undoubtedly the first suspect in Liu Wei's mind, but if there were two murderers, who could the other one be?

The environmental evidence was very instructive, but when Liu Wei went to take a look around, the most suspicious thing was the main entrance and the well underneath the sky well.

When he talked about the well, Liu Wei's tone was still a little indistinct. Rather, it was Rong Ling who was stunned, as he said with calm eyes: "Do you know what kind of vaults are set up at the old mine?"

Liu Wei looked up and sat up straight: "Explain it clearly."

(End of chapter)

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