In the old days, the wells were usually dug roughly. There was no pattern, only going along the way. As time passed, the river at the bottom of the well would be filled with a lot of sand.

But who wants to drink mud water during a drought?

The Sun family's dyeing workshop had opened up a few new wells. The old wells in Zhao Wu Yuan's courtyard were used very little. Perhaps, it had already been many years since they had been maintained.

She decided that she would go to the Sun family's dyed fabric shop tomorrow morning to take a look. Of course, this was on the premise that the Sun family wouldn't stop her, since before the Wan family returned safely, the Sun family would definitely reject her.

But that was fine, she could still sneak in.

After he finished his business, he began to talk about personal matters.

Liu Wei started to talk about the Yun Chu and Yun Xun at the door.

Hearing this, Rong Ling's face did not look good.

Liu Wei smiled and played with his fingertips, and said: "I'll take a look when I get back. Young Master Ruoyun's knife is of a suitable size, so I'll prepare some other tools and ingredients, and then I'll perform the surgery on you as soon as possible. At that time, if Young Master Yun wants to take a look, that's fine too.

Rong Ling was currently in bed all day, and not only was it not easy for him, Liu Wei also felt that it was painful, but there were too many things she had to prepare before the operation, so she could not be impatient.

When it was time for dinner, Yun Che wanted to personally bring food over. Seeing that Rong Ling was about to start eating, she called Liu Wei to come down and eat together with his.

Rong Ling ate in her room due to special circumstances, while the others ate on the first floor.

Just as she walked out of her room, Yun Xi wanted to apologize to Liu Wei immediately, and she was still talking about how Yun Xi wanted to use Rong Ling to practice. Fortunately, she had reacted quickly and stopped her third brother, otherwise, her third brother would have already died.

Liu Wei waved her hand and said that she was fine, but after coming down to the first floor, she still had a good talk with Yun Xi.

When the dishes were all served, the set of sabers Yun Xi had prepared in the afternoon had already been taken away by Liu Wei.

Yun Xi didn't feel any heartache and even asked joyfully, "Then when do you plan to open his chest?"

Liu Wei counted with her fingers, "There are some instruments that need to be made on the spot. The early stage narcotic drugs, the late stage analgesics, they all need to be made specially, and all of the medicinal herbs here seem to be different from the ones at our hometown. Not only are their shapes different, their names are also different, I need to research more on them.

Yun Xi pondered for a moment and said, "The medicinal aspects are fine. What do you lack, feel free to tell me. If it is not here, I will send someone back to the capital to bring it for you."

Liu Wei's face revealed a smile: If that's the case, then I'll be troubling you.

If the medicine could be used well, then it must be used at the best. Ancient surgery had many limitations, and after surgery wounds would more or less produce some infections. At this point, the anti-inflammatory and pain medicine were equivalent to saving the life of the medicine.

After a long discussion, Yun Xi had contracted about 70% to 80% of the required items for the operation.

Liu Wei thanked him sincerely and repeatedly promised that not only would Yun Xi watch the entire operation, he would also explain everything to him once she made a note of it.

In fact, not only Yun Xi, Liu Wei, but even Yun Zhi had sensed that their third brother had come to pay respect to a mister.

On the contrary, the Yun Family's teachings were precisely the words "endless learning". Any profession would always have more people than others, and the sky would always be above the heavens.

Yun Xi and Liu Wei were getting closer and closer to each other. Yun Xin and Yun Xun did not quite understand what they were talking about, so they looked towards the door, waiting for everyone to arrive before they could eat.

However, even after waiting for so long, there were still two people missing from the table.

"Where did Brother Xiaoli and Miss Li go?" Yun Chu whispered to his younger brother.

Yun Xun didn't know either. He could only say, "I'll go take a look."

After saying that, he ran out of the room to look for someone.

There were many people on the street. He peeped around and finally saw Li Yu'er, who was still holding a cloth doll, in the crowd.

He went over to pat Li Yu'er's shoulder and asked: "You're here, where's Little Brother Xiaoli?"

Li Yu'er woodenly turned her head to look at him, before curling her lips and crying loudly.

Li Yu'er was a silly girl. When she cried, she really didn't care about the occasion.

For a moment, everyone around looked at Yun Xun.

Yun Mu himself was panicking too. He wiped her tears in a fluster and said, "You, what happened to you? Don't cry, where's Little brother Xiaoli?"

Li Yu'er sobbed and burped as she pointed ahead with her hand full of sobs and said, "Bad, bad guys hit him, hit him, hit him …"

Yun Xun's eyes stared, he followed Li Yu'er's direction and looked into the crowd, but he did not see anything.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly, is someone hitting little brother Xiaoli? Who hit him? Why did you hit him? Where is he? "

Li Yu'er couldn't answer any logical questions, so she cried very hard, and her hand kept pointing in one direction.

He stomped his foot in anger and hurriedly ran in that direction.

After crying for a while, Li Yu'er caught up. However, unlike the cloud search who was looking around, she knew the place, so she ran straight towards it.

The two of them stopped in front of a small alley.

After arriving here, Yunmiu heard strange sounds of "peng peng peng" and "wu wu wu" coming from the depths of the alleyway.

He asked Li Yu'er, "Here?"

Li Yu'er nodded her head quickly.

"I'll go take a look. You just wait here."

However, before he could finish his sentence, Li Yu'er, who was carrying a cloth doll, suddenly rushed to the front, running very fast.

Yun Mo could only keep up. As he chased, he shouted, "Slow down! Who is the bad guy that you're talking about? Only one? Or several? What does he look like? We're just two people, we didn't even bring helpers! "

(End of chapter)

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