The rope was tied to his waist while the other end was tied to the nearest Pagoda tree.

Liu Wei urged Xiaoli to stand guard by the well. Xiaoli was a little displeased, as if she also wanted to go down and check what was wrong with the well, at the same time he was also suspicious: "Mother, why do you feel that there is a problem with the well, regardless of whether it is blocked or not, if there is something wrong with the bottom of the head, it has nothing to do with the case.

From the beginning, Xiaoli did not think too much about Sun Jian's case.

Liu Wei shook her head, "It's precisely because when Sun Jian died, there were still many people coming and going from the Dye Cloth Workshop, which made it impossible for the culprit to bring in the corpses from the entrance. Let's assume that the culprit is a familiar face of the Sun family or someone from the cloth-shop. Then, wouldn't he be afraid of encountering an acquaintance when he brings in goods in the middle of the night? He had delivered the goods the night before, and the next day, everyone had discovered the corpse of the second young master. Did his acquaintances not suspect him? Didn't they tell the officials? "Let's assume that the murderer is not a familiar face of the Sun family and is a stranger. You and I both know that even if the workshop's front and back doors opened and relaxed, it would still be targeted at the internal staff. For external staff, they would still be on guard, so a stranger suddenly brought a corpse into the workshop in the middle of the night.

Xiaoli's brows tightly knitted together, "So that's why Mother has always thought that there are other paths within the cloth shop. And this path is the path that Sun Jian's corpse took in? But that's not right, Sun Jian was crushed to a pulp, we assume that the murderer turned the corpse into meat paste outside, and that he only delivered a vat of meat paste. Then, if we go through the door, we can obviously push a small cart, but according to what you said, this well is the way, so how can the murderer pull out a large vat, or some other container that doesn't reveal any blood? Where is the cylinder at the mouth of the well? "

Liu Wei decided to stop fiddling with the rope and stared at his son: "Do you really think that the murderer took care of the corpse outside and then brought it in? Can't he just bring the corpse in and crush it? "

Xiaoli firmly shook her head: "The commotion is too big, Mother said so too, the dyed cloth shop is full of people at night."

Liu Wei crossed her arms, her eyes sweeping the surroundings: "How many rooms are there?"

Xiaoli also looked at it, and answered: "Other than Zhao Wu's small courtyard, there is a row of seven different rooms."

Liu Wei raised her chin: "Go and see what is in the room."

Xiaoli was full of suspicion, but she still went closer to the row of rooms' door and peeked her head out. After only taking a few glances, her expression changed.

Liu Wei had a rope tied around her waist, and walked over: "Yesterday, I went around this sky well a few times, you think I was playing around? These rooms have all been filled with clay vats, as well as a few wooden piers for cloth pestles, and even a sunburn pole. As long as you cut the corpse and enter it with good luck, and then mash it up again, by the second half of the night, when all the workers who were working in the workshop are resting, he will be able to transport the corpse out and place it in the center of the dyeing field.

Xiaoli was still a little stupid, she stood there blankly for a moment, then said: "Then Zhao Wu lives across from us, did he not hear anything?"

"Zhao Wu is the foreman. Since there are workers rushing to work, he naturally has to stand guard. Did you not see the schedule for the cloth shop's employees? Two months ago, the Sun family received a large order. Last month, they were in a hurry to get infected during the whole month, and more than half of the workers were busy until the third day before they could sleep. Did you not take a good look? "

Realizing that he might have made another mistake, Xiaoli started to sweat profusely.

Liu Wei sighed, and nodded his son's head: "When will you learn to see the six ways of life and listen to everything around you?"

Xiaoli swallowed her saliva and quickly pushed her mother away: "Then mother, go down the well. I'll guard it from above and guarantee that there won't be any danger, and we won't be discovered!"

Liu Wei was not in a hurry to leave, so she asked calmly: "Is there a problem now? Ask whatever the problem is, and don't just think about it. "

Xiaoli scratched her head and thought for a while, which made him think of something else: "Mother, why do you think the murderer has to change the corpse into such a different shape? Those who don't know would think that he has studied the new dishes. Mother, do you think that the culprit is a chef? "

Liu Wei was shocked by his son's brain circuit, she turned and said: "I want to know everything, what are you still doing here? She had become a Buddha on the spot! "Now that I don't even know the murderer's motive, how am I supposed to know what he's thinking?"

Xiaoli pouted: "Isn't the Jiang Clan the suspect?"

"But she obviously can't carry the corpse. She still has other accomplices, so what can you tell just by looking at her?" "Perhaps she knows about this, and is helping the murderer open the door, looking at the wind. The one who really did it, what he's thinking in his heart, is the key."

Xiaoli stubbornly said to his mother: "Maybe the Jiang Clan is the main culprit. If she were to dictate the manner of committing the crime and the execution of the accomplices, then the Jiang Clan's mental history would be the key!"

"Where's the evidence?" Liu Wei stared at the well, "Now it is all speculation, there is no conclusive evidence at all."

Xiaoli thought that it was also logical.

Sighing, he continued to urge her, "Then mother, you go down to the well. If there really is a way down the well, then the conclusive evidence might be inside."

Liu Wei went down the well, it was very dark down there.

But it was dark at first, and by the time we got to the bottom, there were stars in front of us.

Smelling the moist air coming from the soil, Liu Wei's feet were hanging in the air, and further down was a small river flowing with water.

Placing the rope at the bottom, Liu Wei stepped into the water, using her feet to probe the large object beneath him.

A stone, a very large stone, almost the size of the entire well, but for the river, it was unaffected because the river could still move on either side of the stone.

The well in Zhao Wu's courtyard had a wooden bucket thrown down the well. The bucket should be able to hit the rock. If the bucket was twisted to the side and shook a little, it might hit the surrounding river.

So, this big rock was the reason for the blockage in the well?

(End of chapter)

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