After finding the reason, Liu Wei looked forward.

The underground river flowed from right to left, and after Liu Wei stepped on the stones, he nodded out of thin air for a few steps, and then scurried to the side, where the bluestone banks were.

Along the bluestone bank, Liu Wei slowly probed.

After some thought, she stopped and looked into the water.

The most efficient way to save time and energy for the murderer was to board the boat and enter through the mountain pass. After that, they would go all the way to the bottom of Zhao Wu Yuan's well and find a way to climb up.

If so, it would be subtle.

The flowing water was a very magical thing. It could annihilate and remove all traces of life.

Liu Wei continued to walk forward, and got further and further away.

By the time she stopped in the dark, the well was no longer visible above the river, that is to say, there were no houses in this section of the river, no one to dig a well or fetch water.

Liu Wei continued to walk, and just like that, after walking for nearly an hour, she saw light in front of her.

It was an exit.

The water flow at the exit was much faster than before.

It was inevitable that he would be soaked to the skin if he wanted to leave this place.

Gritting her teeth, Liu Wei decided that she had no other choice. It was obviously impossible for her to return along the same path now. Green Stone Cliff was too difficult for adults.

Putting all her strength into her mouth, she rushed out to contact them. When Liu Wei came back to her senses, she was already out of the ground, floating in the water, and had a look at the scene outside.

Slowly swimming against the water's flow, they swam to a distant shore. Upon reaching the shore, Liu Wei was already soaked, she twisted his hair, and took out a handful of water.

Autumn was cool, and a mountain breeze was blowing. Her nose was slightly itchy, and she sneezed three times.

Liu Wei continued to walk forward. Not long after, she saw a small wooden boat.

Walking to the side of the wooden boat, Liu Wei found that there were a few patches on the boat, and even the oars were broken into two.

The wooden boat was placed beside a pile of rocks on the shore. Liu Wei casually tied it with the reins, and after being silent for a while, she walked forward again.

If she went any further, she guessed it would be a small house.

The structure of the wooden house looked like a makeshift sleeping room set up by a mountain hunter.

Liu Wei walked over and looked through the window.

There was only one table, two benches, and a stove.

There was also a huge iron pot embedded on the stove.

There was something sticky and sticky in the iron pot. It must have been washed after using the pot, and there was still a faint stench coming from the pot.

Facing the smelly stench, Liu Wei rubbed the sticky substance on the pot a little and took a sniff. Then, her eyes narrowed.

"Sure enough."

This sticky substance was a mixture of human flesh and oil. This was where Sun Tong's corpse had been fried.

Then, he looked at the machete beside him that had blood on it. Liu Wei confirmed once again that the minced meat on it was human meat and the blood was human blood.

It looked like this was the scene of the murderer's dismemberment.

It's here, it's here.

Now, she just needed to determine how many exits there were in the mountain, and where the killer's path was. This case was already halfway through.

The mountain road was hard to walk on, so Liu Wei simply used her Qi to float up in the air.

Qing Gong was a magic treasure used for travelling, but it also consumed a lot of physical strength at the same time. There were many trees on the mountain that flew too high to see the way down.

Just when she was so tired that she had no choice but to stop to rest on a tree branch, she heard the cry of a bird not far away.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk …"

Then there was another eagle's cry.

"Gu gu gu …"

Liu Wei had always been carrying Gugu, but Gugu was after all, not a human.

Therefore, even before she got off the boat, she had told Gugu to let it fly to the mountains around the county town. It really grew bigger and bigger, and its physique was too eye-catching everywhere.

After meeting up with Rong Ling, Liu Wei hadn't seen the pearl yet.

Hearing Xiaoli say that Pearl's health was not very good, that she had been injured before, that she did not like to move, and that her mental state was low. Therefore, after Rong Ling, Xiaoli, and Ugly Three reunited, Pearl left Huai Shan, and said that she "had to go and receive the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth".

Regardless of whether or not this silly bird had heard too much about books and lost his wits, he had left for good. It had been half a month and he hadn't even seen a single strand of hair.

Huai Shan was too big, Xiaoli did not know where the silly bird had run off to, thus when her mother returned, he had no way to notify Pearl.

But now, Liu Wei was unable to control herself and shouted out, "Pearl!"

The two of them were rushing over towards her. Upon hearing the shouts, they rushed over even more forcefully, and before long, they bumped into a plump black bird in Liu Wei's embrace. The pearl rolled around on Liu Wei's body, sticking and chirping and jumping around.

Liu Wei also missed it, holding it and stroking its fur, she raised her head and whined.

With the help of the two, Liu Wei didn't even walk past them anymore, she was so lazy that she acted like a big boss.

… ….

Xiaoli waited and waited at the dyeing workshop. She waited and waited anxiously, calling out her mother's name at the bottom of the well.

He was worried that something might have happened to his mother, so how could something happen to her?

However, when he saw that the sun was setting in the west and the sun was about to set, his mother still did not respond. He finally panicked, wondering if he should go down and take a look as well.

At this moment, a black star bird spiraled down from the sky and accurately landed on his head. It opened its mouth and cried out towards him.

Xiaoli was extremely happy, she held onto the black bird's leg and took it down, then said: "Pearl, how did you know I was here? I've been looking for you for two days. Where did you go? Right, let me tell you, I've found my mother. You haven't seen her yet, have you? She went down into the well. You'll see her when she comes up! "

Hearing Xiaoli's startled words, Pearl snorted at him, as if she was looking down on him, "Hehehe …"

Xiaoli was startled: "You saw mother? How could that be? She's at the bottom of the well. Where did you see her? "

Pearl explained to him, "Hehehehe. "Heh …" "Jie, jie, jie …"

The pearl spoke for a long time, after Xiaoli heard it, he nodded her head, "Gu gu is also here, good good good, mother wants me to go to the yamen, right? I'll go right now! "

… ….

Liu Wei had gone to the yamen at exactly the time of dinner.

When County Magistrate Song saw her, he almost cried. He slammed the table and asked, "Where did you hide the Sun family's young mistress?" Do you know that the Sun family is almost forcing me to death? The Sun family members were blocking the entrance of my house. They wanted people from me, people from me, people from me! You sent a little spirit child to tell me to hold on. I've held on for the entire night. What about today? Where was he? You're still hiding from me. Where have you been all day? I sent people to the inn. They said that you went out with the little boy before daybreak. Where did the two of you go? Where's the eldest young mistress!? "

Even Liu Wei sympathized with him a little, but he could not return the favor, but to be frank, it was hurtful. She decided to change the topic a little.

So she asked, "Who owns East Third Street?"

He didn't know why she asked this. After a moment, he replied, "What happened to the merchant, Senior Officer Li?"

Liu Wei then asked: "How much money does that Great Officer Li have? The family members were all at a loss. "

Speaking of wealth, it was Song County's old trade: "Other than Steward Sun, the businesses of the two families are not the same, but they both earn money. Ninety percent of the cargo ships near the docks belong to the Li family, and they are all extremely wealthy, but they don't seem to be thriving, like an only son and three daughters. I heard that he found a son born in an outer room a few years ago.

County Magistrate Song snorted, "What kind of person can you be? You're about the same as Sun Jian."

At this point, he became suspicious again. "Why on earth are you asking these questions?"

Liu Wei waved her hand. "Nothing much, I was just looking for the culprit, the one who killed Sun Yige and Sun Tong."

County Magistrate Song: "?"

(End of chapter)

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