Jiang Shi knew that the other party was still trying to trick her, but when she heard Wan Shi Shi's bad words, she couldn't control herself, sneered, and continued to suppress her anger, "Not only that, there's someone who sold her own contract, she ruined it, killed her own servant. Other people may not say that, but there's no selling her own slave, that's a violation of the law, a murder crime, she's going to prison, she's going to be executed! But nothing has happened to her. She's always been free and unfettered! "

Liu Wei took note of the word "always".

Liu Wei's eyes flashed, and she continued to ask: "You have a lot of men, Sun Jian, Li Kuan, but Sun Tong, should be your most beloved, right? Sun Jun and Sun Ke, could they be Sun Tong's children? "

"Then Sun Jun. Sun Ke is indeed Sun Jian's child?"

She didn't want to admit that a long, long time ago, she had loved Sun Yiyi.

In her entire life, out of so many men, the only one who had tempted her was Sun Jian.

At that time, her husband was the man she had been looking forward to before she married, the man who would support her in the future.

Before she became pregnant, she witnessed all sorts of philanthropy and philanthropy from Sun Jian. Her heart was originally dead, but after the time she became pregnant, Sun Jian rarely came back to see her every day, and he would accompany her every day.

His dead heart was easily buried alive.

After that, it was hard to change one's nature. It had only been a month, but Sun Jian had regained his composure.

However, the child in her womb was still born.

Perhaps only these two children could prove that she was Sun Yat-sen's wife, his legitimate wife, unlike the wild women outside.

Jiang Shi did not speak, but her expression told Liu Wei the answer.

Liu Wei did not think that those two children were actually Sun Yiyi's.

In Liu Wei's opinion, since the Jiang Clan had already given Sun Jian so many green hats, the one that she should not care about the most should be Sun Jian.

Maybe it was because they had never talked about this with others before, but when Liu Wei asked some questions that were not related to the case, the Jiang Clan gave a rare answer.

Madame Jiang had always been very open with her. Sun Tong and Li Kuan were only changing tactics in her eyes. She spoke very straightforwardly. "I'm willing to give it to you, but it's also interesting. Just take it as an answer."

But when Liu Wei asked about the stab Li Kuan had made towards her, Jiang Shi did not say anything further.

Even when it came to the borderline of a case, the Jiang family still knew what to say and what not to say. She always knew.

After touching upon the Jiang Clan's bottom line, Liu Wei changed her question.

This time, he was asking about Huang Erbao.

The series of crimes in Western Jin County started from Huang Erbao, the village girl. Huang Erbao was hanged from a tree at the village entrance. How she died and who the culprit was was was unknown.

Huang Erbao's death was caused by a stab in the stomach.

It must have been when he was just about to enjoy life that he was suddenly stabbed by a knife. The wound was made from hemp and herbs, and when the knife stabbed into his stomach, Huang Erbao did not even feel it.

This was indeed the effect of the hemp herb.

Compared to the fact that Takasu was chopped into two halves, Sun Jian was chopped into minced meat, Sun Tong was blown into pieces, and Huang Erbao was left with an intact corpse. Her death was relatively easy.

The reason Liu Wei mentioned Huang Erbao now was because she was different from the other three in terms of death.

This meant that Huang Erbao herself was no different from the other three.

From this difference, she could determine the murderer's mentality.

Liu Wei asked the Jiang Clan what their views on Huang Erbao were.

In Jiang Han's opening statement, she mentioned that she had seen Huang Erbao before. She had even personally seen the pregnant Huang Erbao acting intimately with Gao Huai, but on the surface, Huang Erbao was Sun Jian's woman.

Jiang Han was the wife of Sun Jian, so Liu Wei's question was reasonable.

Sure enough, Jiang Shi answered.

The answer was casual and nonchalant. "She's a fool."

Liu Wei raised her brows, "Do you know where her child is?"

The Jiang family's gaze turned cold. "He's dead."

Liu Wei asked: "Who killed him?"


Liu Wei took a deep breath and asked, "Are you clear about this?"

Madame Jiang didn't hide anything from him. "My husband might have had other children. Shouldn't I ask?"

Liu Wei nodded, and asked again: "Then Huang Erbao and Gao Huai …"

"The child is a locust." Jiang Shi harrumphed, "Do you think Takashimoto Shizuka is a good person? He was a beast, and his daily activities were the business of robbing men and women. He was a local ruffian and a filthy, lecherous pervert. However, he had a clever mouth, not only could he hook up with Sun Yiyi, but he could also fool a woman who had never seen the world, and that was Huang Erbao. I know that when she was together with Sun Yak, she was tied together with Gao Huai, but how could Gao Huai be so kind as to let Sun Yanyu find a woman for free? Huang Erbao may not be considered beautiful, but he is still young and tender. After repeating this two or three times, he was able to get the hang of it, and after that, the two of them hid it from Sun Jian. They even had children, and more so, wanted to use the child to get money from Sun Jian.

Liu Wei could tell, that other than the words, the Jiang Clan was actually still defending Sun Jian, and asked: "So, that child is just a tool to cheat money?"

Jiang Shi's gaze and tone were light: "Huang Erbao was not bad to that child, but she was unmarried and did not dare to bring a child along, so that child was taken care of by Gao Huai. If you don't raise it well and your mother isn't by your side, then you'll be ill. Sadly, just because of that child's illness, you infuriated Takashimoto Shizuka. "

The Jiang clan seemed to be interested as they stared at Liu Wei, "Gao Huai had long sought out a buyer and wanted to sell the child. However, the child's illness has caused the money he had gotten to fly into the sky. Tsk tsk, that time, Huang Erbao was beaten until she couldn't even stand up. "

Liu Wei's gaze subtly changed, "You know quite a bit."

Jiang Shi said calmly: "I've spent money and sent people to investigate. So what if I know? Mister won't frame me again and give me another crime, right? "

(End of chapter)

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