Liu Wei folded her arms and said: "Let's talk more. Later on, Huang Erbao died. You have a good source of information. Do you know who killed him?"

Madame Jiang's smile became even more dazzling. With a trace of flirtation on her face, she said, "Takashimoto Shizuka killed her."

Madame Jiang's reply was magnanimous, reasonable and clear.

Liu Wei replied, "Second Young Madam Sun, it's not that there's connections everywhere, do you know everything?"

"I don't know everything. There are a lot of things I don't know."

At this point, the Jiang Clan started to talk too much. Liu Wei spoke a few more sentences with her, and the Jiang Clan started to keep their mouths shut. After a while, Master came in again with a pale face.

This time, he directly said to Liu Wei: "The county magistrate is going crazy."

He then took out a handful of mixed black and white hair. "This is the hair of County Magistrate Song."

Liu Wei was silent for a moment, then said: "Bring the Jiang Clan out."

Grand Master's eyes lit up, and he immediately ordered his men to take them away.

Jiang Shi narrowed his eyes and asked calmly, "On what basis? Is there even a shred of a relationship between me and Li Kuan? "

"Yes." Liu Wei answered crisply, at the same time, she waved her hand, instructing the bailiffs beside him to go outside the courtyard and bring the things over.

Not long after, a bailiff came in with a machete in his hand. When she saw the machete, Lady Jiang's face sank.

Liu Wei said: This blade, was found in a small hut on Li Kuan Mountain. Such a big machete, ordinary iron shop wouldn't do such a thing, in the entire Western Jin County, only one iron shop was decimated with this kind of machete half a year ago. I sent someone to ask around and they immediately recognized it, it was sold by their shop, and at the same time... Liu Wei leaned forward a little and walked in front of the blade. She pointed to a hole on the blade and said: "There is a hole here, it should have been broken by the murderer when he was slicing Gao Huai's corpse, and the blade piece at the hole was right in the flesh of Gao Huai's corpse."

Jiang Shi frowned, "What does this have to do with me?" Even if Gao Huai was killed by Li Kuan, I still don't know! "

However, Liu Wei said: "This blade is not Li Kuan's, but Gao Huai's. The person who binders the blade is Gao Huai, although I don't know why Gao Huai wants such a big blade, and why did the blade end up in Li Kuan's hands, but when he made the order, Gao Huai ordered his subordinate to send a little pawn, and the owner of the iron shop knows that little pawn, and at the same time, he also knows you."

Jiang Shi had a bad premonition.

"You are the second wife of the Sun family, this is the first place in Western Jin County. It is not surprising that I know you. Coincidentally, the iron shop owner saw that you gave a bag of silver to the pawn of Takashimoto Shizuka, right outside their iron shop."

"That's …" Madame Jiang panicked: "That was the money I got him to ask about Huang Erbao for me. I told you earlier, I sent someone to investigate Huang Erbao and the child in her womb. "

"Yes, you did." Liu Wei said with the same expression. "But you didn't say that the silver you gave to that little pawn included asking him to make an order for you to get an extra set of identical machetes."

Jiang Shi gritted her teeth and immediately denied, "I did not!"

"You do." Liu Wei said: "Of course, if you insist on not admitting it, we can ask slowly, and that little pawn can also bring you to the hall, didn't you say just now, you guys are very familiar with him, and you are his old customer, he won't forget you."

If she didn't admit it, she would have been able to retort that she didn't know him. But now …

"That still doesn't prove that I had something to do with Takashimoto Shizuka's death!" Quickly calming down, the Jiang Clan immediately denied.

"But you have something to do with the weapon." After saying that, Liu Wei made a "please" gesture to Jiang Shi: "Speak up."

… ….

County Magistrate Song was about to lose all his hair when he finally received a letter from Master, saying that Madame Jiang could go to court now.

When Jiang Shi appeared, the crowd outside the yamen exploded, especially the Sun family. Because they were involved with Sun Jian and Sun Tong, almost all of the Sun family members were sent out.

Before leaving, Madam Sun sent someone to call for Madame Jiang, but Madame Jiang wasn't there. Madam Sun didn't ask any further questions as she had been busy with her departure.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shi appeared here.

But why was it brought up from the back hall by a bailiff?

Compared to the commoners, the emotions of the people in the hall were much more important.

At first, his face was ashen, and he was kneeling on the ground, enveloped in a vicious aura. However, the moment he saw the Jiang Clan, his waist and legs no longer hurt, and he immediately became more spirited, his eyes staring at the Jiang Clan without blinking. His eyes even almost blinded his parents.

Lee didn't know anyone from the Jiang family. Even if this West Riding County was only the size of a palm, he was a very busy man. The boat was running from north to south, and there was no other woman in his circle of friends.

Madame Li had actually seen Madame Jiang before. There were only a few large families in the county, and there were usually some gatherings for the women. Madam Sun only had two daughter-in-law, and the eldest daughter-in-law was far away, but the second daughter-in-law would often appear by her side.

Madam Li's impression of this Sun's second young mistress was that she was well-behaved, quiet, and docile. He didn't know that this young madam from the Bie family, who couldn't get along with her son, would come to the hall at this time.

"Who is it?" County Magistrate Song slapped his palms against the wood as he asked in an impressive manner.

She pursed her lips, raised her head and said in a sudden manner, "My name is Sun Clan's Jiang Clan. I pay my respects to the lord."

County Magistrate Song asked again, "Do you know the person next to you?"

Jiang Shi looked at Li Kuan and nodded: "Yes."

County Official Song rolled his eyes, and looked at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei nodded at him.

County Magistrate Song continued asking, "What is your relationship with him?"

Jiang Shi hesitated for a moment with a conflicted expression.

County Magistrate Song slapped his palms together, shouting loudly: "Calling in from the truth!"

As if intimidated, Jiang Shi's back trembled, she swallowed her saliva and said, "My … My Lord, my lady and Li Kuan, it's, it's …" "Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge …"

The moment he said this, the entire hall went into an uproar.

(End of chapter)

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