Ignoring the Jiang Clan's expression, Liu Wei turned around, walked to the side of the Grand Master and whispered a few words into her ear.

When the Grand Master heard this, he swiftly nodded his head and ran to the back of the hall.

Beacon Song was curious about what these two were talking about, he looked at Liu Wei, telling her to tell him too.

Liu Wei didn't have time to explain to him the situation to the day before. He only asked the most important question in terms of scientific and legal knowledge.

And sure enough, Li Kuan slipped up easily.

Up until now, Li Kuan's crime had already been settled, and the next most important matter was the Jiang family.

Liu Wei had bluffed the Jiang Clan earlier. Although they could detain them as suspects, they definitely wouldn't imprison them for more than a year. Liu Wei had specially investigated on this matter before the hall was opened.

That was to say, if they were unable to bring down the Jiang family in this interrogation, they would at most be able to detain her for another seven days. If they were unable to prove her guilt after that, they must unconditionally release her.

Li Kuan's testimony was very effective, but it was also not the most effective, because every sentence he said, and every accusation against the Jiang clan, could be refuted by the Jiang clan, because there was no evidence supporting it, and it could only be counted as a one-sided statement.

The key part was still the Jiang Clan themselves.

But Madame Jiang was very cautious, she had already begun to stay silent. In the face of Li Kuan's denouncement, other than her initial panic, she was already more and more calm.

When no one mentioned the word "red powder" anymore, she became even more invulnerable.

However, the red powder was her motive for killing them, and at least a part of it.

Liu Wei listened to him for a long time, from denying that she killed someone to accusing the Jiang Clan of killing someone, he said everything that needed to be said, every word of it was filled with hatred, staring at Jiang Shi with eyes, wishing that he could eat her.

However, the Jiang Clan was expressionless.

Liu Wei knew that after a short period of panic, the Jiang Clan had already adjusted themselves. At this time, if they wanted to break through her heart again, she needed a trump card.

Li Kuan explained for almost an hour, from how he came into contact with Jiang Clan, to when they mentioned killing Gao Huai, Sun Jian, Sun Tong, or even Wan Shi. He explained it in detail, whether it was true or false, but at this time, Liu Wei was able to make sufficient arrangements for something else.

An hour later, Liu Wei interrupted Li Kuan's blabbering.

Master made a gesture to Liu Wei, who nodded and asked Liu Wei to bring him in.

She was a very scared little girl. In a strange place and in a strange crowd, she was very uneasy, but when she saw her mother in the hall, she was very happy. She was as happy as a little sparrow as she ran to her mother's side.

When the Jiang family saw Sun Ke, they didn't really understand what they meant, but after she heard the Mr.Liu's following words, she understood.

"Ke Er, be good and tell uncle who this is?"

Little Sun intimately hugged his mother's arm as he sweetly leaned on her shoulder and said, "This is my mother."

Liu Wei rubbed Sun Ke's head and asked, "Does Ke Er like mother?"

Little Sun Ke nodded. "I like it."

"How much do you like it?"

Little Sun couldn't describe it anymore. She opened her mouth in a daze. After a while, she drew a big circle in the air with her hands and said, "I like it so much."

Ke Er was stunned. She lightly frowned and explained in a low voice, "Ke Er isn't lying …. "Ke Er didn't lie …"

Liu Wei said with a cold face, "If Ke Er likes mother as much as I've said, then mother will often go out in the middle of the night. Why wouldn't Ke Er follow along?"

Little Sun was scared out of his wits by his ferocious uncle. His eyes turned red as he timidly hid behind his mother and weakly said, "Mother, mother said to tell Ke Er to obediently sleep at home. Wake up, she'll be back soon …"

"Then does Ke Er know where mom went?"

Little Sun looked at his mother, then looked at his uncle, and then shook his head. "No, I don't know …"

Jiang Shi heaved a sigh of relief.

Liu Wei became even more furious: "Then you don't like mother, Sun is a liar, a liar!"

Little Sun burst into tears. Sitting on the ground, he held his face, unable to stop his grief.

The cries of children filled the entire yamen. Not to mention the spectators outside, even the people in the yamen were stunned. Mr.Liu was such a handsome young master, why did she bully a little girl and make her cry?

Sun Ke cried really hard. After realizing that no one tried to persuade her, he cried even harder until his entire body was burning hot and his face was so red that it seemed as if it was about to explode. Then, she burped. Ke Er is a good child … "Ke Er is a good kid …"

While the little girl was talking, she was also looking at the fierce Uncle Liu, hoping that he would be moved by her. However, Uncle Liu's face became colder and colder, his eyes more and more indifferent, as if he was looking at a real liar.

Sun Ke was extremely scared.

Then, she suddenly blurted out, "Ke'er knows where mother went. Mother went to the cloth-dyeing workshop. I secretly followed behind her. When she went in, she disappeared!"

Once these words were spoken, the entire hall was once again in an uproar.

Liu Wei finally let out a sigh of relief.

As for the Jiang Clan, they stared at Sun Ke as if he had gone insane, grabbing her shoulders and shouting, "When did you see me go to the cloth-dyeing workshop?!"

Sun Ke burst into tears. "Ke Er is wrong. Ke Er doesn't dare to do it again. Ke Er likes her mother and doesn't want to leave her mother. Mother, don't be angry. Ke Er is really wrong …"

Liu Wei then pulled Sun Ke over, protected him behind her back, and gently hugged her to coax her.

"Tell uncle, when did you see mother go to the dyeing workshop?"

Sun Ke shook his head furiously as if his life depended on it.

(End of chapter)

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