Liu Wei assured her, "Don't worry, Ke Er. Mother won't be angry. Mother likes Ke Er the most, right?"

Sun Ke thought about his mother who he had been with ever since he opened his eyes. He nodded his head hesitantly. He believed that his mother liked her because she would always hug him and he would always protect her.

Xiaoli was a sensible person, and immediately understood what her mother meant. He pulled Sun Ke to the side, but continued to subtly control him, causing Sun Ke to focus on himself, not giving her the time to see the Jiang Clan.

Li Kuan immediately nodded, "This is the land leased by me. "No, it's the land that the Jiang Clan wants me to rent!" He never forgot the name of Jiang Shi.

Liu Wei asked again: "That land was rented by you two months ago, but when you rented it, there was a small hut on the mountain.

Li Kuan nodded, "Yes, there was one from the beginning."

Liu Wei looked at Jiang Clan once more: "About half a year ago, perhaps even earlier, you have already discovered the wooden house on the mountain. You know that nobody had lived in that wooden house for many years, so you took a fancy to it, and even before that, you hung the machete that you hired. When we were slashing the machete, we found some dust, and other than being moved recently, the dust around the machete still remained its original shape.

"I don't know what dust or traces. I already gave that machete to Li Kuan, and I don't know what wooden house it is!"

"Bullsh * t, it's obviously you …" Li Kuan was going to argue again.

Liu Wei interrupted him. "You know. There was a waterfall on the mountain. The reservoir was connected under the waterfall, and below the reservoir was the underground river. That kind of place, how could there be a boat? Where could the boat go? "There's only one river channel, and it's connected by a reservoir. For a place like this, what do you need a boat for?"

"I don't know!" Jiang Shi denied it without thinking.

"The bottom of Zhao Wu Yuan's well is blocked. When I went into the water, I discovered that there was a big rock there. It was a perfect underground river and had been open for over a hundred years. How could there be such a big rock? The stone is located right under the well, as if it was specially prepared for someone to set their feet on, and the shape of the stone is not round. Beside it is a small protrusion, that protrusion was specially prepared for you to trap the ship. "

"I don't know! "What evidence do you have that I passed through there?"

"Of course." Liu Wei said: "Didn't your daughter say it earlier?"

Madame Jiang immediately looked towards Sun Ke. She tried recalling her memories, but was unable to find any conclusive evidence that Sun Ke had just said.

"Don't speak nonsense and accuse me wrongly!"

"Clothes." Liu Wei's tone was very light and gentle, "Let me first assume that Sun Ke told me that you were going to the Dye Workshop, and I'll assume that you went up the mountain by sailing through a waterway. If you were to go up, your clothes would definitely be stained with traces of dirt."


Liu Wei continued: "You have opened an old and broken well for over a hundred years, how could the wall of the well be clean? Of course it's a big well, enough for you to make extra movements. You might say you can't touch the wall? But you have to go in and out a lot, and there will be moss or dirt on your clothes. Just bring your clothes and check them one by one. "

She wanted to say yes, check it out, because her clothes were washed frequently, was this Mr.Liu an idiot?

However, she also thought about how her clothes were not washed by herself. Sometimes she washed by herself, sometimes she washed by herself, sometimes she washed by herself in the winter when her clothes were thick.

There were too many people who touched her clothes. Anyone who took their eyes off her could become the witness against her.

She felt guilty, and her eyes rolled around in panic.

After a while, she suddenly raised her head and said, "So what if you prove that I went into the well? But I didn't kill anyone, I didn't kill anyone! "

Liu Wei laughed: "I think you're mistaken. My mission is not to prove that you killed someone. I just need to prove that you participated in the killing and that was enough."

They were accomplices in killing people.

But as long as he could prove that she was present at the scene of the corpse being destroyed, and that it was directly related to the murder weapon, and that there was another murderer, Li Kuan's statement confirming that, then her name as an accomplice would be impossible to escape.

He was both an accomplice and a mastermind.

Li Kuan admitted to it just now, saying that everything was done by the Jiang family. He had already acknowledged that he and the Jiang family were subordinate to each other. If they acted this way, then it would become a crime within the law of the Kingdom of Xian Yan.

A group of two or more persons who commit a crime, no matter how great or small, shall be punished by equal punishment.

Liu Wei exhaled, stared at the Jiang Clan's somewhat confused face and said: "You are indeed very smart, but why do you think that there is no need to pay the price for committing a crime?"

Jiang Shi's eyes trembled, she looked at Liu Wei in a daze, and could not accept the reality: "I do not understand what you mean, I did not kill, I did not …."

Liu Wei walked in front of her and gently said: "I sent people to check your clothes a long time ago. The starched woman in the back room had all of her clothes washed together, so she couldn't tell which one was yours, and couldn't remember when or what was unclean on your clothes. Sun Ke is also a girl, and her clothes are often stained, so no matter how dirty your clothes are, how dirty can they be in her eyes? "You're right, I really don't have any evidence, no evidence at all. But you admit that you're guilty, and that you've done it yourself. Does this count as repayment for all good and evil?"

Jiang Shi staggered a bit backwards and fell down. His eyes lost focus, and they turned red all of a sudden.

Liu Wei then said, "Today I will bet on Sun Ke's love for you, mother. It is truly fortunate that she followed you, otherwise, I still wouldn't have any evidence to prove that you and Li Kuan weren't involved in adultery."

(End of chapter)

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