1314 Such a wonderful thing, why don't you laugh

One second to remember …

Zhong Ziyu laughed, I have to say, at times like this, he would have to hand it to his.

"Human nature is evil. How can a murderer who kills a corpse feel guilt towards a person?"

Liu Wei frowned, he did not agree with the first half of his explanation, but he was too lazy to correct him: "Continue."

For the sake of her children, she went to find her brother, asking him to bring back another medicine from the capital. It's a medicine that can make her pregnant again, but it's a failure, and the erosion in the capital corrupted her brother's heart. In the capital, he owes a hundred thousand silver taels.

Liu Wei guessed and continued, "That debt, was it paid by Lord Su?"

"No." Zhong Ziyu's eyes revealed ridicule: "Wang Clan stole the Su Clan's land deed." In order to conceive a son, Lady Wang used all means available to her. In that year, her daughter was six years old, but the body of the owner of the house was getting worse and worse. It was already to the point of her becoming infertile, and Lady Wang had colluded with her brother to leave the house.

Before he died, he left another seed in his stomach.

Of course, regardless of whether this child was male or female, in the end, she would still turn this child into a son, the only son of the Su Clan.

However, the elder brother of the Wang Clan, after entering the capital, had caused a great disaster and owed him a huge debt of one hundred thousand silver taels.

Because the elder brother used the Su Family's name to enter the capital, and this debt was owed to the owner of the Su Family.

Mrs. Wang paid back the money for him. She stole the key to the account office and stole the land deed.

After settling a matter, the elder brother of the Wang family did not stop. He even increased his strength and finally offended a certain power in the capital, who threatened to make him die a horrible death.

After causing such a disaster, Mrs Wang's elder brother rushed back to Western Jin County. However, the powerful and noble dog also chased after them. Afterwards, the Su Clan met with some sort of revenge, and the Wang siblings hurriedly took away the last bit of money and left. Others might not know about this, but how could we not know? At that time, she and Lady Wang were sisters. Only after this matter, did we find out what kind of situation she had caused the Su Clan to become. She is truly a evil spirit.

"At home."

The old woman from the kitchen was still indignant when she said this. At that time, Hua Cai Pavilion had just started working, so no matter where we go, we would be criticized by people. Those male customers all treated us as brothels and did all sorts of dirty deeds to insult us.

"Rent a large pavilion to us and protect us weak girls. I'm afraid that this pavilion has already dispersed long ago."

Landlord Su's character had always been popular with the county. Liu Wei had heard quite a bit about him in this aspect. When she mentioned landowner Su, all of them praised him.

However, good people did not get good rewards. Zhong Ziyu's eyes were filled with ridicule: "The Wang clan is so beautiful, and when he married the owner of the Su palace, he was only eighteen or nineteen. When he gave birth to the Jiang clan, she was at most twenty-four or twenty-five years old when he rolled up the money and left.

"We all know that she was married to someone from a long time ago, and suffered a lot in the Sun family. If Lady Wang really cared about her, and if the Jiang family still doted on her, how could they have let her fall into such a state after marriage?"

Liu Wei understood. "Are you saying that the reason for the Jiang Clan's revenge is itself, and has nothing to do with her elder sister?"

"I don't feel guilty, but there must be resentment." There was no one who didn't resent a murderer.

"It's precisely because of resentment that people would kill people, break the law, and use their lives to fill their hearts with the foul air that they would never be able to vent." She resented her mother for destroying the Su Family and for turning her from a doting second lady of the Su Family to a foster daughter of the Jiang Family. When Sun Jian was disloyal to her and saw the Wan Family doing whatever they wanted because of their strong family, her resentment and resentment …

It caused her to become twisted in the end. "

Liu Wei stared at Zhong Ziyu, seeing the excitement on his face that could not be hidden, she was a little speechless: "Can you not laugh?"

Zhong Ziyu's eyes lit up. "Such a wonderful thing, why don't you laugh?"

Liu Wei pursed his lips: "Your smile is really abnormal, I want to hit you." Zhong Ziyu's smile immediately froze, and after a while, he recovered back to normal, she continued to speak expressionlessly: "Hong Niang is just an excuse, I think, she probably had the same thoughts towards Hong Niang, she thinks that I am the same as his, he went from being a noble and high up young miss of the Su family, to being a brothel beauty, and finally dying a beautiful death, she also went from a young miss of the Su family becoming the unworthy second wife, this kind of empathy, made her subconsciously put himself and Hong Niang in the same position. Thus, she wasn't avenging for Red Pink, she was avenging for himself. At the very least, he was avenging for his heart …

Logically speaking, everything she has done was for herself. "

This explanation made sense.

Liu Wei raised her eyebrows, and when she looked at Zhong Ziyu again, a smile appeared on her face. As expected, no matter how experienced a psychological expert was, compared to a true criminal, there were still many things that could not be compared.

Zhong Ziyu analyzed the Jiang Clan's attitude very well. Liu Wei could feel that if it was her, his analysis would not be this accurate and logical.

Liu Wei looked at Zhong Ziyu with a face full of satisfaction: "That's right!"

Zhong Ziyu did not like the look in her eyes, and indifferently said: "Don't praise me."

Liu Wei thought for a while, then took out a piece of candy from her sleeve and handed it to him: "I'll give it to you to eat."

Zhong Ziyu frowned: "I won't eat sugar."

Liu Wei directly peeled the candy off and placed it next to his mouth.

Zhong Ziyu stiffened, and in the end, still ate it skeptically. She was very careful with eating it, afraid that there might be poison in the candy.

And seeing him eat it, Liu Wei became even happier. Then, she raised her hand, patted his head and said: "Good, good." Zhong Ziyu spat out the sugar with a "pei", his face ashen. "I'm not your dog!"

(End of chapter)

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