After exiting the Flower Pavilion, the next and last stop was the Su Clan Ancestral Mansion. willow

Wei's purpose of this trip was very clear — Wan. She

Through the Su Clan, it extended to the Jiang Clan, Crimson Nimbus Guild, and then to Wan Shi Family. This was a process that required all of them. Siu

Unless it was for the sake of following up on the incense, Landlord Su should not be willing to take in concubines. However, after Lady Su was killed in the Su Clan, her illness worsened and she also found out that her husband died in prison. But

It was because she had gone to the ancestral residence that she made up such rumors and slandered the entire Su residence. Siu

Whether there were ghosts or not was unknown, but in the human world, where had there never been a person who had died before? such as

There was someone living in the Su Clan today. This person's surname was Lan, and he was a scholar. go

The one who knocked was Zhong Ziyu, he was gentle and refined, and had even used the face of a scholar. When the servant who came to the door saw him, he asked: "Is Young Noble a classmate of my Young Master's Academy?" clock

Zi Yu was surprised for a moment. She swallowed down her words and spoke in a natural tone, "I'm surnamed Zhong. I'm looking for Young Master Lan."

"So it's Young Master Zhong." The manservant bowed politely and invited him in without hesitation. To

After waiting for a moment in the hall, the manservant went to invite the so-called Young Master Lan. This

Young Master Lan's body was thin and he had an ordinary face with a sickly look on his face. Looking at the unfamiliar Zhong Ziyu in the hall, he paused for a moment before asking self-deprecatingly, "Is this Young Master the student teacher has accepted this year?" clock

Zi Yu didn't even need to think of an excuse, and just tacitly agreed. Then …

Young Master Lan sighed. "Then I'll have to trouble young master to go back and inform the teacher. I'm ashamed of myself. With my body, I must have missed this year's Imperial examinations. I've been teaching for so many years, but my students have disappointed him …" The truth was … The truth was … "Cough cough …" Young Master Lan's face reddened as he spoke, and he coughed violently. side

At the same time, he looked at Zhong Ziyu apologetically and said: "In the past few days, there have been several young masters coming to the academy to persuade him, but my young master's body must not be able to bear the impact, if he wants to enter the capital to take the examination, even if he has to bear the hardships, the old master and his wife will not allow it."

Zhong Ziyu roughly understood the situation. He turned her head around, supported Young Master Lan and asked him to sit. Blue

After the young master sat down and drank a mouthful of tea, a sweet taste gushed out of his throat the moment the tea entered his mouth. The servant panicked and hurried the servants to get a doctor. clock

did not practice medicine, but for martial artists, they would always have an understanding of the pulse and the breathing process. As a result, they were able to sense the pulse very quickly.

Accumulation of effort leads to disease and stagnation of the lungs. very

did not know much about medical techniques, but he had been on good terms with Wei Chou for many years, and as a result, had learned a lot about medicinal herbs from him. No

, the outsider, was pushed to the very end. After the doctor who came to check Young Master Lan's pulse, he sighed and said, "It's still the same thing. I'll write a prescription for Young Master Lan to accept first."

When the doctor was writing the prescription, Zhong Ziyu walked over to take a look and smiled.

It wasn't a smile, but a laugh.

This laughter finally made the two elders of the Lan family, who returned late, notice that there was an outsider within the manor.

The attendant immediately introduced him as a classmate of the young master's. He had come to persuade the young master to take the exam in the capital.

Master Lan was a bit angry and spoke with a straight face, "My son won't be going to the capital. Young master, please."

Zhong Ziyu was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, she took the prescription written by the doctor, and pointed to the two ingredients written on it: "Lu Dai and General Assembly, if I recall correctly, these two ingredients are mutually restraining each other, moisturizing the lungs and the kidneys." Then …

A trace of panic flashed in the doctor's eyes. He then stood up and said, "You, what did you say?"

Zhong Ziyu looked at him in ridicule and smirked, "How much did the Lan family give you for the medical fee? It's such a small ailment, yet you, a quack doctor, drag it on and on and even drag it on and on and even get some medicine that can counteract each other's fate to fuel your illness. Do you know that if this were to continue for a long time, it will even wear away the life of the patient? " Blue

The Madam was the first to react and asked in astonishment, "What, what does that mean?" clock

Zi Yu looked at her. "There's something wrong with the prescription. There's something wrong with this doctor as well." And …

The doctor's forehead was already full of sweat. Facing Zhong Ziyu who was full of confidence to expose her secret, he could not even refute, only stiffly shivered, unable to calm down no matter how hard she tried. He

Old Master Lan's expression had already explained everything. His expression changed drastically as he ordered, "Reporting to the officials!" aural

The servant who had given the order immediately grabbed the doctor in twos and threes. At the same time, someone quickly ran over to report the matter to an official. Large

The hall quietened down slightly. Tears were streaming down Madam Lan's face as she held Master Lan's pale and unconscious face. Master Lan, on the other hand, was calm enough as he cupped his hands towards Zhong Ziyu. clock

Zi Yu shook his head and said, "Since this is a serious illness delaying the Imperial examinations, we should find more doctors to treat it. Who would believe a doctor's words?"

Old Master Lan looked a bit embarrassed. "Our Lan family isn't from West Entering County. We moved here the year before last. We've heard that the Lan family is seeking medical help. Some of the doctors have shut their doors to see us …" clock

After thinking about it for a moment, Zi Yu understood. It seemed like the rumors about the Su Clan causing ghosts had truly entered the minds of the people.

Because he had exposed the deceit of the quack doctor, Zhong Ziyu was treated as a guest by the Lan family. By the time he left the Lan family household, it was already four hours later. And …

This time, his harvest was equally plentiful. willow

After hearing about the books in the small teahouse opposite the Lan Residence, Wei had to peel two baskets of peanuts before she saw Zhong Ziyu coming out. She

His face did not look good, and felt that Zhong Ziyu's efficiency was too low, his face was filled with disdain, but very quickly, Zhong Ziyu gave her a big surprise.

Although the Su Clan's old residence has been changed many times, they still remain. The Lan Clan has loaned the residence's old residence to me, and at the same time, Old Master Lan has agreed that as long as I wish, I can go visit the Lan Clan at any time. This

When she replied back to Liu Wei, she really had a whole new level of respect for him. clock

However, Zi Yu was one step ahead of him. With a stern face, he refused, "I won't eat candy!"

(End of chapter)

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