In order to be replaced, the opening time must be delayed, because the presiding judge must first understand the circumstances of the case, and all the evidence, clues, and witnesses must first be passed on in front of him.

Since coming down from the front hall, the Song County Magistrate had been very uneasy. He had followed behind the magistrate, acting humble and disrespectful the whole time. Zhuang

As he spoke, the procurator began to review the book. He read it over and over again for the better part of a day.

Wan Shi's name had never appeared on this stack of documents. If the magistrate hadn't known about this person, he would have never noticed anything amiss.

She didn't play any role in the Jiang case, but she was Sun Tong's wife. As the wife of the deceased, Sun Tong's family didn't even have her name on their list.

County Official Song swallowed his saliva, his expression extremely ugly: "Big, Sir, Wan, Wan Shi, Wan Shi really didn't do anything, she is law-abiding, well-behaved, Jiang Shi's words are all fabricated, how could Wan Shi kill people, she is fine …" "

The magistrate knelt down abruptly with a thump, "Your excellency, your excellency, this official's words are true. I truly do not dare to deceive you …"

Procurator Zhuang didn't even bother to look at him and immediately stood up. "Then I'll personally go ask Madame Jiang and see what her reasoning is."

"Sir, sir …" County Magistrate Song called after him, but the plump man had already left and never turned back.

After the prosecutor had left, County Magistrate Song stood up from the ground. He patted his chest and fearfully said, "This is simply fatal." division

Master gave him a shove. "There's no other way around this. Hurry up and catch up."

County Magistrate Song wiped his face, which was covered in sweat, and let out a long sigh. "What kind of evil have I done?" He complained, but kept up.

West Entering County was only a small town, and the authority to pass the County Magistrate's orders was very limited. Liu Wei wanted to bring down Wan Shi, but she didn't want to implicate County Magistrate Song, so he had to put up a show. He

Because he did not dare to offend his superiors, he could only try his best to protect the safety of Wan family in a clumsy manner. He erased all of Wan family's appearances in the case of the Jiang family, and self-righteously protected her, but because of the obvious protection, the experienced prosecutor was able to tell that there was a problem with a single glance. Sung

The County Magistrate's drama was to be completed, and his act of "guilt", "fear" and "protection by the officials" was also a catalyst to increase the suspicion of the Procurator of the Chateau. Only by deepening this suspicion could the plot begin. When

However, all of these plots were designed by Liu Wei, so he would also appear later.

Her appearance was very quick. After the magistrate ignored the Song County's order to stop her and insisted on going to the prison, they met in the prison.

The magistrate, of course, noticed his discomfort. He stopped and looked around. very

Quickly, he saw a white figure inside the dirty, chaotic, and smelly dungeon.

"Who is that?" he asked. Sung

The magistrate was shocked as his eyeballs rolled in his eye sockets as he stammered, "No, no, no one …" Zhuang

The prosecutor frowned and raised his voice, "That guy over there, come here." This

The shouts were sudden, causing the prison warden to be stunned, he did not realize that she was calling him, but when she turned her head, and saw that Commander Song was actually there, she anxiously rushed over, with an angry look on her face, she opened her mouth to ask: "The prison warden said that Zhang Pi's corpse was taken away? Why is this happening? " Sung

The county magistrate was drenched in cold sweat. He looked at the procurator, then looked at Liu Wei, and forced himself to remain calm: "Big, bold, my decision will be questioned by a small legal medical expert like you?"

Liu Wei frowned: "You clearly know the purpose of Sun Lord's death … …" "

"Shut up!" Without waiting for Liu Wei to finish speaking, County Magistrate Song anxiously cut him off. He glanced at the procurator out of the corner of his eyes, mustered his courage, and said: "The magistrate's prison is a place where you can come as you please. Get out of here! " willow

Wei Wei was very unhappy. His face was so dark that it seemed as if ink could drip out of it.

Furthermore, he was not a fool. He raised his hand and interrupted County Commander Song's words as he looked at Liu Wei: "Who are you?" willow

In the end, he suppressed his anger and bowed as he said: "I am surnamed Liu, and am the legal medical expert in the case of the dismembered corpses from a month ago."

"legal medical expert?" Procurator Zhuang frowned and asked again, "The Zhang Pai you mentioned just now, who is it?"

Liu Wei glared at County Official Song with resentment, then said: "After the Sun Tong case occurred, two days later, the suspected son of the Jiang Clan died due to an accident, and I rushed to the scene, and discovered that the fire was not an accident, but was caused by a person, and the arsonist Zhang Linzi and his wife were very suspicious, but not even four hours after they were imprisoned, both of them died, and I found out, that the cause of their death was caused by old rat medicine, so I suspect that there was another reason behind the case, and after many days of investigation, I finally found conclusive evidence. Last night, I came to Song County, but let no news."

"Zhang Pi's body is gone." The magistrate finished what he wanted to say for her, and then turned to County Governor Song with a cold expression. "What else do you have to say?" Sung

The magistrate was so scared that he almost died. He kneeled on the ground and apologized, "This official deserves to die, this official deserves to die. Please forgive me, Sir, please forgive me …" Zhuang

The prosecutor showed off his might, "How is the matter? Please call for me!"

(End of chapter)

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