In the rotten and smelly dungeon, County Magistrate Song was kneeling like this. Trembling, he gave a brief account of what had happened. He spoke in a very obscure manner and even mentioned some suspicious points.

But he had the "know the truth" Liu legal medical expert by his side, so whenever he tried to speak indistinctly, Liu Wei would expose him. In the end, he did not say anything anymore, it was all Liu Wei talking. Sung

Wei said a lot of things, and the black medicine dealer was even more confident about it, especially that black doctor dealer who not only sold poisons, but also some local thugs. Those thugs were all bad people from the root, and they did some low-class stuff, and as long as they paid money, they would even kill people.

He had to make sure that Wan family was unable to calm down.

There was no need for Liu Wei to guide her at all, she was just on the verge of collapse. Whatever the procurator asked, she would say, every word she said would cause her to weep blood. Sometimes she would talk about Red Powder, sometimes she would talk about Sun Monarch, sometimes she would cry when she talked about Sun Monarch, and sometimes she would cry even more when she talked about Red Powder. Zhuang

The procurator was somewhat surprised, for it sounded as if she was a half-sister whom he had not seen for many years. He did not expect her feelings to be so deep.

Liu Wei answered his doubts in a timely manner, "She was only crying for himself, she thinks that if the Su Family did not meet with calamity, her life, and that Miss Hong Cai's life, would not have been a tragedy." extractio

When he arrived at the Su Clan, the Zhuang Public Prosecutor would inevitably ask, "Back then, what exactly happened to the Su Clan?" If the Su Clan was still here, Su Huaixin would not have fallen into the brothel, and the Jiang Clan would not have become like this. Even if the Su Clan was not the main cause of this case, if they thought about it carefully, it would still be lamentable. Zhuang

The procurator had only asked casually. He hadn't thought that this would expose another important matter. It was something even more serious than the fact that the Prefecture Overseer of Ting Jiang Prefecture protected his own daughter, regarded life as grass, and harmed the common people.

There were many versions of the Su Family's matters. Liu Wei chose the most ordinary one to talk about, but when she finished speaking, she smiled. Zhuang

"What are you laughing at?"

Liu Wei shook her head and said: "I just feel that untruthful rumors and rumors can sometimes truly kill people without them noticing."

Procurator Zhuang frowned. "Not true?" willow

Everyone says that years ago, because he could not bear to part with those two lands outside the capital, he angered the evil merchants of the capital. He was set up and ended up losing his life, but this little commoner specifically went to investigate, and found that there were no rich merchants in the capital with the surname Luo. Rowe

In fact, there were only a few reputable merchants in the capital, and only a few influential nobles. Each and every one of them had a different family name and background. willow

He checked the Luo family in the capital and found their target. And …

"Now that he mentioned it, there was a person who had lived in the capital for a long time and was immediately brought up in his mind."

What do you mean? " willow

He looked at him for a while before shaking his head, "It's just a matter of the past and it has nothing to do with this case. It's fine if you just tell me about it."

Procurator Zhuang frowned, "If I tell you to say so, just say it. What are you trying to do?"

Liu Wei was a little hesitant, but after pausing for a moment, she continued, "I have a secret scripture in my hands …"

Using the tone of a narrator, Liu Wei briefly recounted the Su Family's past. Liu Wei did not elaborate much, only roughly describing it, at the same time recounting the person surnamed Luo.

Procurator Zhuang's expression became increasingly grim. In the end, he had already pursed his lips and began to ponder. After a long time, he asked, "That book of yours, where is it now?" willow

"At home?"


An hour had already passed by the time Liu Wei brought over the residence's score. At that time, another scene occurred in the county magistrate's study.

They were cautious and trembling, looking at the lord in the hall with a gaze that made them seem like they were looking at a King of Hell. Liu Wei felt that no matter if it was a play or not, these two people's expressions, whether they were crying or not, were all done extremely meticulously, to the point that she couldn't help but want to manually praise them. Zhuang

The prosecutor's face did not look good, probably because he had interrogated Liu Wei while she was not around for an hour, and the result was obvious. Now that Liu Wei had returned, he could not help but extend her hand out.

Liu Wei respectfully brought up the residence's door. After seeing the three names of the Luo Family on the door, the procurator of the house let out a heavy sigh, and his entire body was on the verge of collapse. He

He hadn't thought that he would find traces of his master in a small town in a remote area near the river. Even more so, he hadn't expected that one of the things he had done would continue to this day, causing more than a dozen deaths in the course of ten years.

Do you know who lived in this Luo Residence back then? " Procurator Zhuang tentatively asked, if this Liu legal medical expert could find out all the clues that Wan Shi was colluding with the black doctor to buy a murder suspect, it was hard to say if she would be able to find even more things.

Liu Wei withdrew her brows, "It's been said that no one has ever stayed in the Luo Residence before."

Procurator Zhuang narrowed his eyes, "No one has lived here before? Isn't it written here that I lived here for five years? " willow

"It should only be an entry. There's no one there." Zhuang

The prosecutor paused for a moment as if he was wondering if what she had said was true. He nodded and closed the door: "Leave this book with me. I will return it to you after the case is settled."

Liu Wei replied respectfully, without any objections. This

One day, it was basically Liu Wei, County Magistrate Song, and Grand Master who were doing the same thing in a completely different way — — telling the truth to the procurator.

Before nightfall, Prosecutor Zhuang finally understood the 'truth'. He did not intend to settle this matter peacefully, but he was determined to meet with Wan Shi in three days time for the second hearing of the Jiang Clan. He

He thought that since he was sure that Wan Shi had disappeared, County Magistrate Song had hidden her away in order to protect her. He didn't expose her, but he pointed at County Magistrate Song, telling him that he must bring her here in three days' time.

If only she had really run away and returned to the Ting Jiang Prefecture, she would have dug three feet into the ground of the Song County to find someone for him?

Later that night, after returning to the temporary inn, the magistrate did not fall asleep. He wrote two letters and sent someone to deliver them to the capital overnight. one

Seal, send it to the Patrol Officer's office and report it to the higher ups.

The other letter was sent to an unknown address.

(End of chapter)

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