The pier of Xijin County was always filled with people. willow

Wei picked a not too cold noon, came to rent the warehouse for half a month.

Liu Wei knew Wei Chou's base character, so he didn't have to face him face-to-face. Thus, she decided to talk about the purpose of this trip to Zhong Ziyu.

What went smoothly? willow

Wei shook his head, but he didn't look worried at all. "At least he'll be the first to capture Wan Family."

Zhong Ziyu frowned: "Do you still think that the Luo guy from the capital will stand on your side?"

Liu Wei's eyelids flickered, he lowered his voice and said softly, "King Rucan, Thousand Meng Yao."

Zhong Ziyu was puzzled: "Who?"

"The original owner of the Luo Residence."

Zhong Ziyu was surprised: "Are you saying that the ones that the Wang siblings have offended are princes?"

"Unique King." Liu Wei squinted her eyes, her voice becoming a bit shallow: "I intercepted the letter written by the prosecutor, yesterday he sent two letters, one to the magistrate's office, the other to the prince's house, I read the contents of the letter, that house was bought by Prince Ru, the Wang siblings offended him, and it was indeed him, but the name that the house bore was taken down, and he used the surname of the old wangfei, which is something I did not expect, at the beginning I only thought that the Su Family's matter was related to the surname of the Grand Elder's family, but never thought that the Luo Family was just a cover, the Prince Ru Mo was the main bane." clock

Zi Yu's expression did not look too good. "You said that the prosecutor sent a letter to the Duke's Mansion and he leaked the news? He did not want to involve the people who had persecuted the Su Clan in the past? "Then your plan is not …" "

I haven't written back yet. " Liu Wei was not anxious at all. "Let's see what kind of attitude that prince has." clock

Zi Yu did not think that he would get the good news just by answering the letter. He stared at Liu Wei for a while and then suddenly said: "If not, I will kill all of you. It will save me … …" Speak

Before he finished speaking, Liu Wei had already slapped him on the head. clock

Zi Yu felt uncomfortable being slapped. She raised her hand and waved it at Qin Wentian. "I want to help you."

"Who gave you the right to impose extrajudicial sanctions?"

Zhong Ziyu looked into her eyes for a while and lost in the end, "I can't be bothered to care about you." After saying that, he turned around and returned to the warehouse. Before she closed the door, he turned around and said, "Sometimes, seeing your worried, benevolent appearance, I really want to vomit."

In modern words, this was the first time he saw the living Virgin.

Liu Wei was not a saint, maybe she would be too attached to some rules or regulations, such as laws, but she would not look at everything with a gaze that was filled with pity.

No matter what era, Liu Wei believed that the law was the nemesis of all evil. She worked in the police department as a medical examiner, and her daily contacts were with corpses.

She believed that the laws of the country would make up for these victims the most. She also believed that the law would deal the most severe damage to the criminals. This was her belief after entering office.

And she was honored to be able to travel to this completely unfamiliar ancient place. There was still law in this place. None

There was no limit to the rules, no one had the right to judge another's life, even Zhong Ziyu couldn't.

At the same time, according to Zhong Ziyu's logic, if Wan Shi died, that would be the end of it? !

It's that simple.

The protective actions of the Prefecture Overseer of Ting Jiang Prefecture and the corruption between officials and officials could be extended from the affairs of Wan family.

If things really went as she had hoped, then in the end, there would definitely be more people in prison than just Wan Zhenghao. She was a bait that would drag a whole river of big fishes with her, and that was her ultimate goal.

Liu Wei did not call Zhong Ziyu back. She did not need to explain to him, and the words he said could not be explained either, because their three views had always been opposing sides from the beginning. one

One was a good citizen who believed in the law, and the other was a criminal who despised the law.

There was no way to communicate at all. From

After the warehouse at the pier left, Liu Wei did not return to the tavern. She went to the medicine store.

However, there were still two medicinal herbs to be prepared. Once it was fully prepared, after the Jiang Clan's Second Trial, she would be able to operate on Rong Ling. Now

He was lucky, the two ingredients that were out of stock had been replenished and the medicine store manager already knew Liu Wei. Seeing that she was back, he happily told her of the good news and helped her take out the medicine. willow

Wei was very happy. He paid the bill, took the medicine, and returned to the inn. When he looked carefully, he was stunned. This

Yun Xin was right next to her, holding a silver needle and poking and stabbing a human acupoint. Cloud

He pretended that he didn't understand Zhang Xuan's words. "Aiya!" Then, he said daintily, "Is it too much?" willow

Wei Wei didn't hear her speak. She only focused on looking at the medicine in her hand.

Yun Che wanted to call out to her for a long time, but seeing that Liu Wei was ignoring her, she could not help but look over. She also saw the medicine in Liu Wei's hands, but she did not feel that it was inappropriate. willow

Wei Wei finally came back to her senses. Holding up the medicinal plant that looked like a wooden pillar, she asked, "Is this the Barnacle Seed?" Cloud

He wanted to nod: "Yes."

Liu Wei blinked her eyes fiercely. "Such a big one, Bastard?"

"Big?" Yun wanted to stare at the branch and say, "It's not big."

Liu Wei directly poked the branch under her nose: "Isn't that big? The palm is already so big! "

Yun Meng was stunned, "Isn't an ordinary Baruch just this big?" willow

Wei Wei was shocked, looking at the medicinal ingredients in his hand, then looking at the clouds in his hands, suddenly, a thought flashed across Liu Wei's mind: "Many of the medicinal ingredients here, are they all this big? So long? Is the medicine so strong? "

Yun Che did not understand what Liu Wei meant, but he suddenly thought of what Xiaoli had mentioned, that their entire family came from another country, and said: "Our medicine here has always been so long, I do not know what you mean." willow

Wei Wei doubted life a little. semi

Bang, Liu Wei muttered to herself: "Your Baruch Zi is at least three times bigger than ours, and Barbarian Zi is the basic anesthetic medicine, before Huang Erbao died, she was anesthetized by a large number of anesthetics, I have always suspected that the culprit was someone who prepared a good anesthetic beforehand to commit his murder, but now it seems that …." Liu Wei suddenly raised her head, and stared at Yun Yang: "You guys can buy any number of anesthetic ingredients here, and they might have the effect of purifying my anesthetic medicine." Cloud

He looked at Liu Wei for a good while, then asked tentatively: "Is that a good thing?"

(End of chapter)

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