Liu Wei ran home, went into her room and sat on a chair to pour water.

Liu Wei gulped down the entire cup of water and suppressed the fire, telling his everything that had happened.

Now that he had finally been comforted, Liu Wei finally calmed down a little. He rested his face on Rong Ling's abdomen, and fiddled with his clothes with his fingers: "If I had known earlier, I would have listened to you, and not meddled with this matter."

Rong Ling caressed her hair and rubbed it, "It's not too late to stay out of this," he said softly.

Liu Wei raised his eyes to look at him again: "But Yue Dansheng seems to be really here, when I have the chance I need to see him, tell me, if he is also alive, then the others …."

was worried about Rong Ling, worried about Xiaoli, worried about her ugliness, worried about the big girl, worried about Mingxiang, and worried about her master.

There was no news of these people, but could it be that they had escaped calamity?

Rong Ling had the same thoughts, but he did not say it out loud. There were some things that she did not want to say, but if she said it, she was afraid of being disappointed.

That night, the couple didn't sleep well. When they woke up in the morning, they heard another piece of news.

The prefecture overseer of Ting Jiang Prefecture, Wan Li, had been removed and was currently being escorted to West Jin County for trial. The person was already outside the city. Because the main cause of the case was caused by Wan Family, in case it was Wan Family, Wan Li could only be brought to West Jin County. Only when it was confirmed that Wan Family had been charged with murder and Wan Li's father had covered it up could they officially face all of Wan Li's actions during his tenure in Ting Jiang Prefecture.

Check again.

And the order was, if he wanted to bring Wan Li down, he would first have to convict Wan Li.

West Entering County was a gathering of stars. A small county yamen was filled with high ranking officials.

Even though County Magistrate Song was a small county magistrate, he didn't dare to breathe among the big shots. However, because the case against the Wan Family happened in his jurisdiction, as his father and mother, he still had to participate in the trial.

The Patrol Officer had already taken over some of the authority, but some didn't represent everything. As such, the Wan Family case was still being tried by Zhuang Chang, and the deputy judge was still County Magistrate Song.

Wan Li was brought into the city just after noon. Considering his previous position, the escort officer was very polite to him and took care of him along the way.

After arriving at the county yamen, Zhuang Chang personally came out to take over the suspect.

When he saw Wan Li, he first smiled, then bowed to him and said, "Greetings senior brother."

Zhuang Chang laoshi had acknowledged the Grand Tutor Luo Yong, and Wan Li was the student who stayed by Luo Yong's side the longest.

Since Wan Li was able to become the Prefecture Overseer of Jiang Prefecture, he was personally promoted by Luo Yong.

Wan Li had a serious look on his face, and was not as fond of smiling as Zhuang Chang. After the unforeseen event, he was in a bad mood, and looked at Zhuang Chang Zai with a serious expression: "A word or two about the relationship between a teacher and his sect, I cannot accept."

Zhuang Chang only smiled: "When I visited Senior Brother in Ting Jiang Prefecture this spring, my attitude was different."

Wan Li's face turned long: "You slandered me, and you still expect me to treat you with respect? I am afraid that Lord Zhuang has gone too far! "

Zhuang Chang Chen sighed, "Whether it is slandering or framing, I am well aware. There is no need for me to deceive myself."

Seeing that the two were about to argue, County Magistrate Song's scalp went numb as he stood out and hurriedly tried to smooth things over. "The study has prepared tea, Sir Wan has worked hard all the way. Please come inside. If there's anything we can discuss, we can discuss inside."

To put it bluntly, he would at most be assisting in the investigation. Whether or not the case could be solved was another story, and under these circumstances, offending Wan Li was definitely not a wise decision.

County Magistrate Song kindly invited people in.

In the end, he was still worried that this place was not his own territory. Wan Li did not get angry and walked down the stairs, but treated Zhuang Chang coldly. Almost all the officials in Xijin County had received the news, but right now, only Zhuang Chang and the County Magistrate of Song were present in the yamen. No one was willing to be the first person to take the lead, even if it was within the Internal Affairs Bureau.

Otherwise, he would offend Wan Zhenghao and kill him.

Everyone was well aware of these official methods. No one revealed any of them, so they just shamelessly made friends with them without any awkwardness.

There was no way the yamen could imprison Wan Li, so County Magistrate Song ordered someone to clean a guest room and let Wan Li temporarily stay there. This was his greatest respect.

Although Wan Li lived in the yamen, he still needed guards outside the door. The guards had already been arranged, but when he left, Wan Li Te asked, "I want to see Ru'Er."

Zhuang Chang had the face of a Maitreya Buddha as he gently said, "Impossible."

Wan Li narrowed his eyes, "You used torture on her?"

Zhuang Chang didn't answer, he only maintained his smiling expression: "When we bring the case to court, senior naturally will see your daughter."

Wan Li rushed over and grabbed Zhuang Chang's collar to warn him, "If you dare hurt a single hair on my precious daughter's head, I'll make sure you won't be able to stay in Immortal Swallow Country any longer!"

Zhuang Chang Xiao waved his hand away, his face full of contempt: "Senior Brother, you should take care of yourself first."

As he left the backyard, County Magistrate Song could feel that Wan Li was still staring at them from behind. His forehead was covered in sweat and his hands were shaking in nervousness.

Walking out of the courtyard, Zhuang Chang suddenly stopped in his tracks, he pondered for a moment, then looked at County Governor Song and said: "County Magistrate Song seems to have an abnormal amount of respect for legal medical expert, could you explain it to me in detail?"

County Magistrate Song did not expect that the procurator would ask about Liu Wei.

After all, after the end of the Jiang Clan's matter, Liu Wei did not come to the yamen because of official business.

County Magistrate Song was confused, "Your excellency, this is..."

Zhuang Chang laughed coldly: "Since Wan Li is so confident, the case must be handled with caution. I can guarantee that I won't let him take any chances on matters of justice, but if he has any other things to do in private, I want to send you to keep an eye on them."

"I... "Me, me? Me?" County Magistrate Song's voice even changed, "Mr. Zhuang, I, I don't know anything ah..."

Zhuang Chang Zai heaved a sigh of relief: "It's because you don't know that I wanted legal medical expert Liu to go with you. I've talked to him, and it can be seen that she is a wise man with clear logic. County Magistrate Song said in an aggrieved tone, "Liu..." Mr.Liu will not agree, if you don't give her the money, she will not help you with your case. Last time I hired her, it was for a thousand taels of silver, a whole thousand taels! "

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