"This statement was beyond the procurator's expectations."

legal medical expert, wasn't it decided by Gui Ya? " I didn't hear you had to pay the bill.

County Magistrate Song explained in a pitiful manner, "There are no legal medical expert s in West Entering County, but there are some in the past. Since there weren't any cases of dead people in the yamen, legal medical expert changed her profession and went to slaughter pigs …"

Who knew that the little girl would suddenly laugh out loud in a weird manner and then throw the teacup in his hand onto the ground.

County Magistrate Song was stunned, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"This... "This, this young lady, you …"

However, the little girl refused to listen. She threw down her teacup and began to run around crazily, jumping onto the chair, jumping onto the table, and even trying to pull off County Governor Song's hat.

County Magistrate Song frantically covered his head, staying far away from the girl. He trembled as he said, "Miss, this … I don't know you, you. "If you have something to say, then say it properly …" small

The girl saw that she could not grab the hat, so she changed her mind and went to grab the clothes of County Official Song. When she saw the patterns on his clothes, she went to pull them.

County Magistrate Song was left with no choice. He walked out the door and shouted, "Men, quick, someone come in …" "Help …"

Seeing Yun Chu coming over, Li Yu'er laughed and touched his hair. Cloud

Chu Yu's hair was in a mess. He had no choice but to grab her wrist, wanting to bring her to the backyard. As he walked, he yelled, "Yunmai, Yunmai, where did you go? It's not like you're lazy, right? "

Just as he shouted out twice, he heard an impatient voice from his right, "It's broad daylight. What are you shouting about?" Cloud

Chu Feng saw Yun Mi coming out of the side yard, and was about to reprimand him for leaving Li Yu'er behind, but then he saw another person walking out from behind Yun Mi. He was wearing a dark blue robe, holding a long sword in his hand, his eyebrows were like swords, and his eyes were like stars.

Yun Chu swallowed the curses she was about to utter. She lowered her head like a small quail and meekly called out, "Big Brother Rong." in

He used to call her Young Master Rong, but because he called Lady Liu Madam Rong, he naturally changed his address to Young Master Rong as Eldest Brother Rong. volume

Leng Leng put away the sword in his hand, looked at Yun Chu and said, "Yun Mu is learning the sword, is there anything you need?"

Yun Mi had always wanted to train in martial arts, but even though he might be bold and have a bad mouth, if he was to beg others to teach him, he would not be able to do it. In the past, he had always drooled over Xiaoli's martial arts, but when Little brother Xiaoli did not mention it, he did not dare let Little brother Xiaoli teach him either. volume

Ever since Ling Long's body gradually recovered, he started to train with the sword everyday, while Xiaoli, on the other hand, started to create various types of medicinal herbs that he thought were strange, thus, Yun Mo started to become attached to Little Brother Xiaoli, becoming attached to Big Brother Rong. Every day when he had time, he would peek at Big Brother Rong practicing the sword, and over time, Rong Ling would also teach him a little, which was the basics. No

Accepting a disciple means giving guidance to a junior, and there is no harm in doing so. Cloud

He was so eager to learn that he always forgot about other things because he wanted to practice the sword. ratio

Today, he should have taken care of Li Yu'er, but he lost her and ran away.

Yun Chu dared to yell at Yun Mi, but did not dare to argue with Big Brother Rong. She bit her lips, thinking that Big Brother Rong was giving Yun Mi support, so she said in an aggrieved manner: "Then, then I'll bring Big Sister Yu Er to play in the back."

When she mentioned it like this, Yun Xun also remembered his original responsibilities. He felt a little embarrassed, his ears were red, and he said in a muffled voice, "Next time, I'll return it to you." Cloud

Chu Yu glared at him, pouting as he prepared to leave with Li Yu'er.

But now, Li Yu'er was sick again. She laughed as she broke away from Yun Chu's hand and ran towards the courtyard. When she saw County Magistrate Song poking his head out of the courtyard, she ran over to pull his hat.

County Magistrate Song did not expect this girl to come out again. She was so frightened that she staggered back a few steps and fell straight to the ground. sit-down

On the ground, he didn't even have time to get up. It was like he was being assaulted by a violent storm. In the blink of an eye, the hat on his head disappeared.

He quickly pressed his head down and shouted in anguish, "My black veil hat! That's my black veil hat!"

At this moment, Yun Chu had also caught up, reaching out to grab the hat in Li Yu'er's hands. can

Li Yu'er didn't give it to her, jumping around and tossing her hat as she ran. Cloud

Chu shouted from behind, "Big Sister Yu'er, those are other people's hats. Give them back to me, I'll buy a new one for you. I'll buy you one with lace, ribbons, and embroidery …"

The courtyard was in an uproar, Rong Ling and Yun Mi also walked out.

Rong Ling was still okay, upon seeing the situation, Yun Xun was scared stiff and quickly followed Yun Chu to arrest him.

On the other side, Li Yu'er was walking around like a dog as she ran around the yard with Yun Chu and Yun Xiao.

Rong Ling was annoyed listening to that, taking the chance when Li Yu'er came over to his side, he extended his hand and grabbed the black cloth hat, holding it in his hand.

Li Yu'er was startled for a moment, then looked at her hands, then at the hat in Rong Ling's hands. She pouted, feeling wronged, and wanted to snatch it away.

But Rong Ling was not County Magistrate Song, nor was it Yun Che who had always been obedient to Li Yu'er. He was solemn, and when she did not smile, she gave off the feeling that she did not want to anger anyone. He just stood there with a straight face, staring at Li Yu'er with unfriendly eyes.

Those who are said to have a poor brain all have a strong sixth sense.

Li Yu'er's hand that snatched the hat stopped in midair. She looked at Rong Ling, then at the hat, then back at Rong Ling. Cloud

Chu Yu and Yun Xun were both anxious. Li Yu'er did not cry often, but every time she cried, it was not easy to coax her. After all, she was not a logical normal person. can

However, Rong Ling didn't buy her trick. With a cold face and a voice that sounded like it was filled with ice dregs, she said, "Shut up." one

In an instant, his surroundings seemed to have frozen over three times. Li Yu'er did not dare to cry anymore as she bit her lips and looked at him pitifully.

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