After dinner, Yue Dansheng left. willow

Wei Wei returned to the room with a heavy heart. Just as she entered, she saw Rong Ling leaning on the door, coldly staring at her. willow

Wei didn't care. When she walked to his side, she still leaned on him. volume

After Rong Ling ate a while of dried vinegar, she turned around and went back into the house, and said: "Impossible."

Liu Wei followed behind him, and asked humbly: "What's impossible?"

"Them." Rong Ling sat on a stool and turned around to look at Liu Wei. "I don't know whether or not Zhong Ziyu broke her sleeve, but Yue Dansheng has absolutely no interest in him." willow

Wei Wei puckered his lips, and muttered: "touching my hands, Yue Dansheng's expression immediately changed … …"

"That's disgust." willow

"Do you hate the clouds?"

Rong Ling: "..."

Liu Wei waved her hand again, "I know, I hate Zhong Ziyu, but what do you hate? Reluctantly, Zhong Ziyu tried to do something to the innocent little girl? Or do you hate him for being unfaithful and whimsical? "

Rong Ling was speechless: "Do you really have to fight with them?" willow

Wei also felt a headache. He scratched his head and said, "Forget it. I'll just ask them one day."

Rong Ling nodded, she stood up and closed the door before walking to the bed.

Clown will sleep in Xiaoli's room tonight.

Liu Wei said, "Tomorrow then, you can ask."

Rong Ling, "?"

Liu Wei looked at him and said: "I don't think my question is right. You are all men. volume

Shing: "..." … ….

Would Rong Ling really ask Yue Dansheng such a question? In any case, the yamen were already very busy the next day. Zhuang

He had already found seven or eight pieces of evidence, but the evidence was not strong. The total amount involved in the corruption was only one hundred and ten thousand taels. This

Such evidence might be able to kick him out of his position as the Prefecture Overseer of Ting Jiang Prefecture, but it was not enough to make him lose his position. At most, he would be demoted or fined and not die.

When Liu Wei arrived at the yamen in the morning, she saw Zhuang Chang Zai arguing with the other people from the Procurator's Office in the study. Zhuang

It was often said that this bit of evidence wasn't sufficient to prove anything and that he didn't need to eat anything. Since he was going to execute Wan Li, he had to do it on the spot and destroy him once and for all.

However, the other officials of the Prefect's office said that since there was evidence, why not open the door? The orders were to solve the case as soon as possible, and at the same time, as long as they removed the title of governor, their mission would be completed. patrolling

According to the responsibilities of the Prefecture Overseer, Wan Li was only in charge of supervising the Prefecture Overseer. Since Wan Li was not in this position, other departments would naturally take over the rest of the matters. two

The argument was fierce and no one was willing to give in. In the end, it ended up with them parting unhappily. patrolling

The other officials left first, puffing in anger as they shook their sleeves to the point that they wanted to fly into the air.

Zhuang Chang was also furious, once he left, he threw the inkstone onto the ground.

Once Liu Wei went in, ink splashed onto the bottom of her pants, causing her to pause for a moment, standing there.

Zhuang Chang turned his head and glanced at her, then pointed to the round chair at the side: "Take a seat." This

During these two days, because of the case, Liu Wei often talked to Zhuang Chang, and when she talked too much, she developed some feelings for her, causing their relationship to advance by leaps and bounds. willow

Wei sat down on the round chair and stared at the stack of papers on the desk. "Is that it?" he asked. Zhuang

He had one hand on his waist and was even angry. When he saw that Liu Wei wanted to see, he said: "See." willow

He leaned forward and took the whole stack. After looking at it for a while, he lost interest. "It really is nothing."

Finally someone who had the same opinion as him came up with an idea: "You think so too, why don't they understand? What would this be enough for? Wounded Wan Li? He had spent so much effort just for this result? How many bribes did they actually take from ten thousand families? " Zhuang

Chang was so angry that he became confused and could not keep his mouth shut.

The reason why the people of the Prefect's office were here was because they might not have any other advantages, but they definitely had a clean mind.

They wouldn't take bribes, but they did have the cowardice and the habit of avoiding important things.

Wan Li was a tough nut to crack. If he was going to be a Patrol Officer, then they would definitely want to get to the bottom of this. But if they could push him to another department, why wouldn't they?

There were a total of four officials from the Patrol Office who had followed them to Xijin County. Including the five officials from Zhuang family, all three of them agreed to start the meeting now while the other one forfeited. This

It was extremely difficult for Zhuang Chang to maintain his one-sided situation. willow

Wei put down the stack of documents and asked again, "When do you want to open the hall?"

Zhuang Chang's face was sullen: "Speak within three days." Then he retorted, "How is that possible!" willow

Wei pondered for a moment before replying, "It's not impossible." Zhuang

Chang immediately looked at her.

"But I need someone's help."

"Who is it?"

King Rucan. " Zhuang

Chang immediately sat down and began to ponder. "Are you saying that I should seek your help and have him order me to continue the investigation?" willow

Wei Wei shook her head.

Zhuang Chang didn't understand. "Then you …"

"Master Zhuang, do you still remember why King Lu came to Xi Jin County?"

Zhuang Chang was stunned for a moment and then fell silent.

Liu Wei spoke with a light tone: "Your excellency, I am afraid that you have not yet returned my secret scripture to us. Right now, I am afraid that it has already been placed on your desk since long ago."

Zhuang Chang immediately looked at her, his eyes full of caution. willow

I am not interested. However, I have presented the family tree, and the one that I am looking for is King Rucan. Since he is already here, if he is willing to cooperate, then I believe that the matter regarding the Su Family back then will soon be revealed. "Wei Wei waved his hand and said.

Zhuang Chang stared at Liu Wei for a long time before saying in an unhappy voice, "So what? Even if the Su Family's matter is reversed, what does that have to do with Su Huaixin's death? Since it can't be blamed on Wanru Xue, what's the point of having new branches growing out of it now? "

Master is wrong, I am not talking about Wan Ruxue. " Liu Wei looked at him, his voice neither hurried nor slow: "You're talking about Wan Li."

(End of chapter)

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