From the start, Zhuang Chang took the initiative to investigate Wan Ruxue, and his goal was Wan Li. Zhuang Chang's goal was clear, through Wan Ruxue, to investigate all of Wan Ruxue's unsightly and despicable affairs.

He didn't have any personal grudges with Wan Li, but he hated evil, and when he treated a corrupt official, he would only feel uncomfortable if the other party didn't have anything to show for it.

They had a handle on Wan Ruxue, but not on the lock that connected her to Wan Li.

"What is the relationship between Wan Li and the Su Clan?" Zhuang Chang Zai had already stood up from his chair, and looked at Liu Wei with a stern expression.

Liu Wei asked him: "Did Master read that manual seriously?"

Zhuang Chang thought for a moment and then counted them out: "After the Su Family, that house was sold to someone with the surname Luo, and then they frequently switched hands. That person surnamed Qin, surnamed Yang, surnamed Zhou, after going around five or six times, that family they currently live with, is surnamed Lan."

Liu Wei nodded and said a full name, "Qin Yuanchuan, does sire have an impression of him?"

Zhuang Chang frowned as he vaguely felt that the name sounded familiar, but he could not remember where he had heard it before.

"Who is he?" When he was twelve years old, he was sold to Huai Valley County. In the same year, he entered Wan Mansion as a errand boy, and was chosen by Wan Li to serve him. He was ten thousand years old, and after he entered the barracks, he was assigned to serve Wan Li, who was currently a noble and filial son of Nanyuan County of Ting Jiang Prefecture.

He is also a very good friend of Wan Ruxue. " When she said "be good," she emphasized the word.

How could Zhuang Chang Cheng not understand, but he was still puzzled, "Are you saying that after the Luo Family, it was Qin Yuanchuan who bought the Su Family's house? He bought it for Wan Li? "

"Probably." Liu Wei said: "Qin Yuanchuan said that he is a county magistrate, but he is just a dog by Wan Li's side. He follows Wan Li's lead and also maintains an improper relationship with Wan Ruxue.

Zhuang Chang frowned, "What exactly does that mean?" Liu Wei sat forward and placed her hand on the small tea table beside her chair: "When the Su Family incident happened, all the people in the world were so far away that they couldn't even compare to the Su Family. But right after the Su Family was exterminated, a big character from the capital ran to the west side of the capital and bought the ordinary Su Residence. This was considered a huge matter back then in Xi Jing County.

Therefore, there's a rule that states that the prefecture overseer has reported the matter regarding the Su residence. Logically speaking, the matter concerning White Mountain Prefecture has nothing to do with the Ting Jiang Prefecture, but Sir also knows the relationship between the Prefecture overseer, Sima Ji, and Wan Li.

Zhuang Chang's voice was low as he said, "Fellow disciples of the same sect." Liu Wei laughed: "It was also because of Sima Ji's indulgence that Wan Ruxue was able to do as she pleases in West River County. Back then when she killed Hong Fen, she had to settle the matter quickly, but the case ended so quickly.

"Well, since Sima Ji was able to cover Wan Ruxue up so casually, it means that there are more people in the two prefectures that we don't know about."

"You're saying that Sima Ji told Wan Li about the Su Family, but what does that have to do with Wan Li?"

"It doesn't matter." Liu Wei said heavily: "It's precisely because it's unrelated and not related to me, that's why Wan Li was curious. And when he found out that the Su Family had some sort of relationship with King Ru Mo, that's why he was involved in it."

Zhuang Chang lowered his head and started to ponder, his expression growing more and more unsightly. Liu Wei knew that he had thought about it, but she did not mind talking about another point: "Master Zhuang must be clear about the situation of the Rucan King in the imperial court, and I am not afraid to explain it to you, because there are many of my friends who are close to the young master, so let us not talk about what King Ruru plans he has for the future. The Emperor didn't care about the Su family. What he cared about was whether the late Emperor Feng had any movements from a different surname, so the Emperor sent Wan Li inside to carefully investigate.

Was the investigation unreasonable? Is it really normal for Wan Li to investigate and use Qin Yuanchuan as a middleman to buy the Su residence? "

Of course it was reasonable, of course it was normal, but when Liu Wei said this, even Zhuang Chang felt a chill down his spine. At this time, Liu Wei laughed to her heart's content, "We all know the emperor's temperament. He suspects Wan Li right now, but at the same time, we trust him. Wan Li is his trusted aide and has been working for him for many years.

Actually, right now, we can make use of this contradiction. Lord, think about it, if the Emperor knew that Wan Li had investigated the Su Family and let the King know about it, what kind of reaction would he have? "

Zhuang Chang then blurted out, "I'm unhappy."

Liu Wei laughed, "When Prince Rucan asks the Emperor if he doesn't trust me, what will happen to the Emperor?"

"Angry." Zhuang Chang Chen said again.

"Still holding grudges." Liu Wei added: "I hate Wan Li for not being able to handle such a small matter, and actually letting you down to find out, making the relationship that everyone could have on the surface, look so awkward."

When Zhuang Chang heard up to here, he finally understood everything. He stared at Liu Wei in shock, "So your plan …"

"Right." Liu Wei said: "Taking advantage of the Emperor's lack of trust in Wan Li, and adding insult to injury, the position of Wan Li in the Emperor's heart will become lower and lower. As long as the Emperor is disgusted with this person, then wouldn't the Emperor's heart be at the mercy of others?"

Zhuang Chang Zai looked at Liu Wei as if he was looking at a lunatic: "You want to use the conflict between the Rage King and the Emperor to deal with Wan Li, and you even dare to plot against the Emperor?" Liu Wei immediately denied it: "I don't have it, I only see that the two cases are in a deadlock, and I'm not sure if I can do it, Wan Ru Xue is supporting me, and Wan Li is also relying on the Emperor's grace, if you have to do everything in hand, why not just take all of it and make Wan Li completely helpless, when that time comes, we will do things according to the rules, and solve the cases according to the rules, won't it be much easier?"

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