What's so simple about it? You

You still want to be simple when you're plotting against the emperor? You don't want your head anymore, right? Zhuang

Liu Wei spoke easily, as if she really did not succeed or not with those few sentences. But not to mention whether or not Rucan would be willing to confront the Emperor, in terms of the Emperor, the young man who ascended the throne and gained power in her middle age, how could he be so easy to be controlled by others after being the emperor for more than twenty years? willow

Since the high-ranking officials of the West Entering County had arrived, County Commander Song spent a lot of money every day, especially since the high-ranking officials had shown up. As the host, he naturally had to do his host's work, at least not losing face for the West Entering County. willow

When Wei saw him, County Magistrate Song was holding an account book to his chest. The Grand Master was beside him, shaking two pills for him to take to calm his breathing. Sung

The magistrate held the medicine in his mouth, tears on the verge of falling.

glanced at the numbers written on the account book and was startled. The West River County did not have much spending power, and the advantage of being in a poor place, was that the prices were low. Even so, after seven days, there were still less than 700 taels of silver in the accounts. willow

Wei was quite sympathetic, sitting on the side and giving him advice: "Let's find a place to earn some money."

County Magistrate Song stared at her, "It's easy to say, but you're rich!" enmity

He was filled with rich feelings, and his tone was sour as well. in

Previously, when everyone was poor, they were all good friends. Now that you suddenly had money, their relationship suddenly wasn't on the same side. The boat of friendship flipped just like that. willow

Wei Yang laughed: "Then I'll share some with you?" Sung

"It's fake."

County Magistrate Song was furious, "Don't talk to me!" willow

Wei waved his hand. "I'm just joking. How about I help you earn some money?" Sung

The magistrate glanced at him and asked, "How do I earn that?"

Liu Wei looked at the hour, she then ordered Master Lin: "Go outside and take a look, see if Wan Zhong has come yet, he has an appointment before noon, it should be about time."

"Yes," the Grand Master answered and went out to take a look. A quarter of an hour later, he returned. "We're here. Supreme Commander Wan is at the door."

Liu Wei stood up from her chair, waved her hand, and said to County Governor Song: "Together."

However, Liu Wei said that he wanted to take him to earn some money, causing his heart to waver. In the end, she still chose to place more wealth in his heart, and carefully fell behind Liu Wei.

Outside the gate, Wan Chong had also just arrived. For the past two days, he had been preoccupied with his own matters and had been waiting for Ji Chun Dong to arrive. willow

Wei Wei was concerned about him when she saw him. "Did you sleep badly last night?"

Wan Zhenghao answered with a deep 'hmm' and pinched the space between his eyebrows.

Liu Wei thought for a while, then said: "Drink more hot water, it's good for your body."

Wan Zhong was stunned for a moment, then nodded his head uncomfortably, and asked again: "Where are you going today?"

It's lunch time now. Let's eat first. " Liu Wei said, then looked at County Commander Song: "Which restaurant in West Entering County is the most expensive, the best?"

He was afraid that Liu Wei wanted him to treat them, and was about to explode. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Liu Wei shook her head, implying that Liu Wei did not want him to treat them, causing him to relax. Half believing it, he replied: "Fu Laiju?" willow

Wei's voice was firm: "Then I'll live with you." ten thousand

In truth, Zhong Zhong was not hungry, when he arrived at Fu Lai Inn, he ordered a table of dishes, he did not have much appetite, but he did not eat, and Liu Wei actually personally gave him dishes to eat, staring at him. ten thousand

They were not friends. There was no need for them to be so intimate. He casually said, "I can eat by myself." Move your bowl a little.

Then, Liu Wei pinched the chopsticks and looked at him.

Wan Chong had no choice but to take a bite.

Liu Wei asked: "Is it delicious?"

He answered vaguely, "Yes."

Wan Zhong was forced to eat for a long time before he realised that he had to say "delicious" to make him stop. belly

Wan Chong drank a mouthful of soup, then took the initiative to say, "The soup is very fresh, the chicken is very tender, and the taste is very good." willow

Wei Wei was elated. She propped up her chin and looked at him. "Is it really that delicious?"

Wan Chong felt her scalp go numb as she replied, "Yes, it tastes good." willow

Wei asked again, "You want to drink until you can't stop?" ten thousand

He pursed his lips and drank half a bowl of soup. He wiped his mouth and said, "Right, I can't stop!"

"Is it the best blackbone chicken soup you've ever had?"



"It's true!"

"Then give it a word."

"Alright!" Another pause. "What?"

Liu Wei raised her hand and called the shopkeeper, who had been standing by the side for a long time already, over, and said: "Why doesn't Chief Wan of our Ting Jiang Camp write down the words for your shop?"

The shopkeeper laughed so hard that he couldn't even open his eyes. He cheerfully instructed the waiter to quickly bring the four treasures out. ten thousand

He could only watch as the dishes in front of him were put away, the table wiped clean, and then he put on a complete set of ink and paper.

Wei dipped the brush into the ink and placed it in his hand, urging him, "Quickly write, didn't you say that you can't stop drinking? Just write 'so much that you can't stop drinking', so it's easy to understand and others will easily understand." These last words were said to the shopkeeper. palmaris

The cabinet nodded repeatedly, looking as enthusiastic as it could get.

The shopkeeper took the piece of paper and left like he was holding a precious treasure. Once he left, County Governor Song quickly followed him. The shopkeeper gave the inscription to the waiter to put on the plaque before turning around and giving County Magistrate Song three hundred silver. Sung

When the magistrate held the three hundred silver, he was so happy that he almost flew up into the air. ten thousand

He still did not know what was going on and said to Liu Wei: "I have never inscribed anything onto the shop before." Moreover, he felt that the Blackbone Chicken Soup was not that tasty.

However, Liu Wei simply patted his shoulder and encouraged him: "First time living, second time cooking. After eating, let's go drink tea. I want to ask where the most expensive teahouse is." This

On the third day, the day that the Patrol Officer Manor forced Zhuang Chang Zai to open the doors, Ji Chun Dong arrived.

(End of chapter)

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