A little closer, Ji Chundong discovered Liu Wei, as well as Wan Zhong, who was beside her. He

Ye Zichen lowered his eyes as his gaze turned slightly cold.

Wan Chao was so scared that he stood straight, looking terrified and innocent.

Wan Zhong looked pitifully at Liu Wei, thinking to himself, how could they continue talking, he just said that Big Brother Ji didn't want to bother with him, so why did he chase over to this place? willow

Wei didn't say anything, as an outsider, she didn't know what to say. Moreover, from yesterday's conversation, Ji Chun Dong wasn't a person who didn't care whether he was right or wrong. He must have his reasons for being cold to Wan Zhong.

The awkward atmosphere still lingered as Ji Chun Dong looked at Liu Wei: "Yesterday, you said that Miss Li's illness could be cured, is that true? I'll pay for the treatment. "

He was trying his best to make up for it, but it was a pity that Liu Wei didn't want to agree.

"Is Lord Ji's hand doing well?" Liu Wei suddenly asked.

Ji Chun Dong looked at the back of his hands, which were tied together by Li Yu'er last night. He

He retracted his hand slightly. willow

"Even if she doesn't recognize your identity, after she saw you, her first reaction was to attack you. Do you think she would be willing to use your money to treat an illness?" period

Pure winter's face began to turn white.

Liu Wei took a deep breath: "Western Entering County's County Commander Song is a very interesting parent official, and can be considered to have some relationship with this humble one. Once, County Official Song came to find this humble one, but I was not there, and Yu'er saw him. Yu'er was being mischievous, laughing and laughing, but she was also very timid. This

Liu Wei was not present at the time either. She had heard it from Rong Ling, and the reason behind that was also what she had told her. see

Ji Chun Dong did not answer, but Liu Wei continued: "Because that day, County Commander Song was wearing an official's uniform and a black cloth hat, Yu'er could not remember anyone, and could not remember anything, but she remembered that she wanted to report this to the official, and she wanted to look for the County Official." period

Pure Dong's face became even paler, every word from Liu Wei was like a steel needle, stabbing right into his heart.

Three years ago, he was truly impulsive and did not consider the consequences. He wholeheartedly wanted to avenge Ni Nantian, but he had implicated an innocent family in a disaster. Old Man Li's violent death and Li Yu'er's madness had caused the destruction of an ordinary, quiet family.

What was even more terrifying was that it took him three years to find out about all of this … such as

As he thought of this, the hostility in his heart grew even more intense, and the way he looked at Wan Zhenghao became even more infuriated. ten thousand

He didn't know why the fire was on him again. He was so scared that he wanted to run. What was going on? Who was Miss Li? So what if it was County Magistrate Song? And the look in Lord Ji's eyes … are you going to beat me up? ten thousand

His heavy heart was unsettled, Ji Chun Dong was provoked by Liu Wei's words, and his entire being revealed a dejected and dejected look. period

What he couldn't stand was the babbling of the literati. But the current him was just like a woman, and he wanted to do something for Li Yu'er, and he knew that nothing could make up for the pain of losing his father. There was also Ni Nantian, the dead Ni Nantian, his good brother from the past.

"Is that what you should call him now, Supreme Commander Wan?" Ji Chun Dong suddenly spoke, pointing his spear straight at Wan Zhong.

Wan Chong said with a bitter face, "Big Brother Ji, don't, don't call me that …" "

Did you get the order to rise in power? " Ji Chun Dong continued to ask.

Wan Chao held his head in his hands and nodded slightly, "Yes."

"How do you feel?"

"Big brother Ji …"

"I'm asking how you're feeling!" Just as she finished speaking, Ji Chun Dong suddenly slammed the stone table. With a "clang", the table in the middle of the pavilion was split into two halves.

Wan Zhenghao's eyes widened in shock, and he didn't dare to move an inch. willow

Wei Wei was also stunned for a moment. Then, she took a step back a little, so that the fight wouldn't start too soon and blood would splash onto her body.

Without the table in front of him, Ji Chun Dong didn't stop his temper and immediately stood up. He grabbed Wan Chong's collar and, before Wan Chong could react, lifted him up onto a pillar with a single hand. He held him up in the air and cursed: "What f * cking qualifications do you have to sit in this position? How did your master treat you, and how did you treat him? Do you know that everything happened because of you? "

How could Wan Zhong know? He didn't know anything, he didn't even know what he should do now.

Ji Chun Dong's hand strength had always been great, and he had already gotten his hands on Wan Zhong. With such a short distance between them, he could only curse and throw a punch at his opponent, hitting his opponent's stomach so hard that his opponent couldn't even straighten his back, not even daring to make a sound.

After hitting his stomach and face, he slapped his face and back again. In any case, after a round of single blow, Wan Chong also wanted to retaliate. As long as he lifted his hand, Ji Chun Dong would grab it and twist it outside. willow

Wei felt that he had been rude enough to Wan Zhong, but then he realized that this fool had been used too miserably by the Wan Family members. can

Ji Chun Dong obviously wasn't that kind. He was venting his anger, venting the guilt that had dragged the Li family down with it, venting the resentment that had prevented Ni Nan Tian from getting over it. one

After the passionate, hearty exercise, blood was already trickling out of Wan Zhong's mouth. Ji Chun Dong finally let go of him, tossing him onto the ground like a rag doll as he panted heavily. willow

Seeing that the crowd was about to disperse, Wei walked over from the side, asking Wan Chong with his head lowered, "Are you alright?"

Wan Zhong was crying. His face was green, purple, and red. With his tears mixed in with these colors, it was truly marvelous.

Liu Wei's objective had been achieved. Through the "exchange" between Wan Zhong and Ji Chun Dong, she had truly and thoroughly linked the events from three years ago. She felt gratified for a bit, and then, extended his hand towards Wan Zhong.

Wan Chong took her hand and stood up, feeling wronged, behind her. tappet

A grown man, yet he was curled up behind Liu Wei like a little wife, not daring to even look up as he was faintly sobbing. deviation

"As soon as he cried, Ji Chun Dong flew into a rage."

Let's see you cry again! "

Wan Chao didn't dare to cry again. He covered his mouth as tears flowed down his face. He didn't even dare to breathe loudly. willow

Wei couldn't take it anymore and spoke up for Wan Zhong, "In the end, it's all his fault."

Ji Chun Dong shot a glance at her, and said with a voice as loud as a bell, "If you had to blame him, then I wouldn't have hit him so lightly!" Light

Was it light?

Liu Wei turned his head to look at Wan Chong, but Wan Chong had already given up all hope and was bowing his head with a cat.

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