Ji Chun Dong had a bad temper before, and he kept a low profile for two days when he first arrived at the military camp of Ting Jiang Prefecture.

Wan Zhong had been beaten up by Big Brother Ji many times in the past, but never once had he suffered as much as he did today, to the point that his bones had split.

He knew that Big Brother Ji was truly angry, but why was he angry? What did it have to do with him? Triple

Ji Chun Dong was startled, and then looked at Liu Wei in disbelief: "Didn't you know everything? "How dare you argue for that old man!" willow

Wei turned his head and warned Wan Zhong in a low voice, "Don't say anything, you can still leave alive."

He refused to listen to the advice and insisted: "Liu previously said, that three years ago, foster father might have manipulated the matter behind the scenes, one was because of the three million, two was because of me, but I know that it definitely wasn't like that, Big Brother Ji, my foster father will not use me, even if he wished for me to ascend to an official position and be able to do something for the State of Ting Jiang, he must have harbored a heart of gold in him, and he will work for the government, he definitely won't lie to me!"

Ji Chun's eyes widened as he asked, "Then do you think I'm lying?" ten thousand

He shook his head heavily, "Big Brother Ji definitely wouldn't lie to me. There must be a misunderstanding in there, why don't we go to the yamen, where my foster father is now. Let's make this clear to our faces and tell them everything that happened three years ago."

Ji Chun Dong could not take it anymore, and extended his hand to pull Wan Chong out from Liu Wei's back.

Liu Wei didn't stop him this time, making Ji Chun Dong think about how he should fight.

After being beaten up again, there was no longer anything on Wan Chong's face that could be seen anymore. He subconsciously walked towards Liu Wei's back. willow

Wan Xiao looked at Ji Chun Dong, then looked at Liu Wei, and felt that no one could understand him.

He had been sold off to replace the money he had earned from the crowd. This meant that there were tens of thousands of people.

Liu Wei tilted his head and asked: "Do you truly think that all the Wan Family are good people?"

Wan Zhong covered his swollen cheek, and said in a slurred voice, "They … treat me very well …"

What's the best way? "

Wan Zhenghao thought about it, lowered his eyes and said, "Treat me like a family member..."

"Dang?" Liu Wei tsked. "How old were you adopted by Wan Li?"

Wan Zhong was stunned, then he shook his head, at that time he was still too young, he didn't even remember a thing, in any case he had always been the young master of the Wan Family.

"Lord Ji." Liu Wei looked at Ji Chun Dong. "If you were to adopt a lone child who has no parents, would you tell him that you are not his father after he has become sensible?" period

Pure Winter froze, and then said hoarsely, "If he doesn't mention it, I won't say it for the rest of my life." willow

Wei looked at Wan Zhong and shrugged his shoulders, "Normal people are like this, in a moment of kindness, they adopted a child who doesn't remember anything. The best way for this child is to tell him that he is not an orphan, that he has a father and a mother, that he has a healthy family, that he is not a child that others do not want, that you were adopted at such a young age, but why, because everyone around you has instilled a concept in you, that you are not the son of the Wan family, that Wan Li is your foster father, that Wan Ruxue is your foster sister, that you and they are not equal, that you are your son, but more like a higher class person." ten thousand

Wei slightly sighed, "Master Wan, you are not a child. You are an adult, so you should have your own way of thinking and judgment. You should ask yourself, is what I said true? You are not even ten years old and yet you were sent to the army, suffering hardship and suffering, then look at your sister, dressed in beautiful clothing and surrounded by beautiful men, you said that Sun Tong hiding from Wan Ruxue was disloyal, then what about Wan Ruxue? How many men did she have? In fact, even she herself does not know whether or not Sun Tong's child is actually a child of Sun Tong. " ten thousand

His heavy face slowly turned white, and he clenched his fists tightly. willow

Wei didn't want to force him, so he said with a dark face: "You go first, go back and think about it."

Wan Zhong did not reply, he only raised his head to look at Ji Chun Dong once more, then turned around and left without looking back. ten thousand

After leaving, Ji Chun Dong's anger was completely gone. He said with a straight face: "Why are you telling him so much? If he could figure it out, Ni Nan Tian wouldn't have died in vain." willow

Right now, Wei Wei has a good impression of this slightly barbaric Master Ji. She raised her head and asked: "Master Ji, can you tell me more? There is also the matter of Father Li and Yu'er three years ago. "

Ji Chun Dong wasn't as guarded against Liu Wei as before, and felt that she was reasonable. Her goal was the same as his, so he didn't mind telling her everything that happened three years ago. He

"The first thing I will say is the time when I had a heart-to-heart conversation with Ni Nantian before I left the martial arts world."

He specifically came to find me and asked me when I was leaving. In fact, at that time, I had already received a secret letter from the Emperor, requesting me to leave immediately to go to Yuanzhou to take up my post in the Yuanzhou Region. That letter came quickly and quickly, and when I thought back to it later on, I realized that a portion of the tax of three million silver taels that was lost should be used by the Emperor. "

This was something that Liu Wei didn't expect, "At the beginning, I thought it was Lord Ji colluding with Wan Li, because Wan Zhong said that you were being transferred from the imperial palace with the aim of forming a private army. Since you're organizing your troops, you will naturally need to spend money." period

Chun Dong sneered, his tone was strange, "If you have this money, why do you need to spend it for another 5 years, and you still haven't done it?"

Liu Wei choked before asking again, "Master Ji is someone in front of the imperial family. Do you know why the emperor loves money so much?"

Ji Chun Dong looked at her for a while, pursing his lips but didn't say anything. willow

Wei Wei knew that he shouldn't have asked this question, so he changed his tone and said, "If 3 million taels of silver were to fall into the emperor's pocket, wouldn't Wan Li obtain the Gold Medal of Immunity?"

Not necessarily. " Ji Chun Dong raised his eyes, "Three million taels is the public account. That time when the official's silver was stolen, it was indeed taken care of by thousands of men. Several tens of millions of taels were sent to the capital and three million were lost along the way.

Liu Wei squinted her eyes: "That two million …" "

I've been taken advantage of by Wan Li. " As he said this, Ji Chun Dong looked at Liu Wei again, "Do you know where those two million silver taels were hidden?" willow

Wei Wei thought for a while, then shook his head. period

Chun Dong said, "With the two million taels on Wan Ruxue, in three years time, they were all added to Wan Ruxue's dowry list." willow

"Wan Ruxue is already married, so this money is on the Sun family's account, not on the family's account. Therefore, no matter how Master Zhuang searches for it, he can't find it!" period

Chun Dong nodded: "A scoundrel's trick, but it can indeed deceive the heavens and ocean."

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