Liu Wei continued to speak, "Then if we can find the whereabouts of the other two million silver taels, would Wan Li die without a doubt this time?" period

Pure Winter shook his head, "If it was that simple, then Wan Li would have died long ago. How could he have survived till now?"

Liu Wei frowned: "Then master's meaning is …."

He was an old fool, an old scoundrel, an official for the rest of his life, and he had no way to do anything about it, but the people around him were not as scheming as he was. Ji Chundong had heard that his daughter, a noble and noble young lady, had actually been married off to a country bumpkin's family, and guessed that there might be something more to it, so Ji Chundong started to ask about Wan Ruxue.

They didn't know if Zhang Xuan would find out, but after they did, they knew that the actions of this young miss were truly unfathomable. Scolding and swearing at others, brazenly and arrogantly, disregarding the lives of others, this was truly vile to the bones. period

Chun Dong immediately decided to start from Wan Ruxue. With so much information, just a simple grab would make Wan Li unable to bear the consequences. He

At that time, he was still brimming with confidence, believing that he had already captured the pain of Wan Li's legs. Unexpectedly, he had underestimated the true power of the words "the protection of officials". one

In the blink of an eye, the evil deeds that Wan Ruxue had done, seemed to have been completely wiped out by a pair of invisible hands. iso

When Ji Chun Dong went to find more evidence, the families that were harmed by Wan Ruxue all expressed that they did not know who Wan Ruxue was, nor had they been bullied by her.

The situation then was especially similar to that of the Sun family. can

However, someone had overshadowed the truth with a single hand. period

Pure Winter was not easy, it really was not easy, that's why they were able to find out about the red powder case. Then …

Ji Chun Dong thought that he found an opportunity to rush to Western Jin County that very night, and he humbly asked to see his father, Li, who lived in Blackwater Village.

At that time, he thought about it simply, Old Man Li was a witness in the Red Pink case, and only he could prove that Red Pink was killed by Wan Ruxue herself. Therefore, he hoped that Old Man Li would help him expose Wan Ruxue, knock down Wan Li, and even beat Ni Nantian to death.

He was a widower with his only daughter, and lived a quiet and ordinary life. He did not want to cause any trouble for his family because of what happened that year, so he rejected Ji Chun Dong. of

Ji Chun Dong gave up and left Xijin County with a sense of disappointment. In fact, he thought about begging Old Man Li after a while, but Yuanzhou was not very close to Baishan Continent. If he went there frequently, it would be very easy for him to fall into the eyes of others.

Therefore, in the past three years, he had never come to Xijin County again. However, he had written a letter, and every month, he would write a letter and always send it to Old Man Li's home. Only

Yes, I've never received a reply. Triple

Ji Chun Dong had wanted to personally visit Old Man Li, but he hadn't thought, really never thought, that after he left three years ago, something would happen to Old Man Li. He also hadn't thought that Li Yu'er would become this crazy. Speak

At the end of his speech, Ji Chundong's eyes reddened. He

"I didn't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me. Father Li was very innocent and didn't even pursue the matter with the Wan family seven years ago. It was me who showed up and turned over that old case, causing Father Li to …" willow

Wei Wei silently looked at him and knew that his words were correct. Ji Chun Dong had indeed indirectly killed people, but the real culprit behind his death was the Wan Family. It was unforgivable.

The incident from three years ago had basically ended here. period

This time, Chun Dong followed him into Western County, firstly, to see Old Man Li again, and secondly, to witness the fall of Wan Li. can

Now, Liu Wei had no choice but to tell him that Wan Li might not fall into his trap that easily. Firstly, he had the support of the Emperor, and secondly, the loophole they found from Wan Ruxue, they could not pin it on Wan Li.

Ji Chun Dong became angry after hearing this, "Wan Ruxue is the daughter of Wan Li, so Wan Li is naturally responsible for all the evil deeds she does. Without Wan Li helping her wipe her butt, how could she continue to show off?"

Liu Wei lowered her eyes slightly: "You haven't seen Wan Ruxue before, she is currently being held in prison, but she is still feeling very pleased with herself." period

Chun Dong frowned.

Liu Wei said: "Let's not talk about the fact that we don't have any conclusive evidence to prove that Wan Ruxue killed someone. Even if she did, I can guarantee that she would take responsibility for everything."

Ji Chun Dong slammed the table angrily: "What did she take on? She was a woman. Who would believe that she could kill people alone? Also, let's just forget about him after he dies? Without her father hiding behind her back, how could she remain free and unfettered? In any case, I don't care what burden she has to bear. In short, as long as you can prove that she killed someone, that means that Wan Li also died. can

However, there were many barriers between them. willow

He continued to explain the subtle relationship between Wan Ruxue and Wan Li, and explained the relationship between them. In fact, Ji Chun knew that if he did not meet Li Yu'er now, he would have to endure his temper and slowly witness the process of Wan Li's downfall. However, because of Li Yu'er, he became impulsive now, and his new hatred and old hatred made him the first person to hope for Wan Li's death. willow

Wei Wei talked about many things again, but Ji Chun Dong just didn't want to hear it. Liu Wei then said, "Prince Rucan has agreed to help." period

Only then did Chun Dong raise his head and look at her.

Liu Wei smiled at him: "Just wait for news from the young noble; he is of great use."

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