The matter of the Li Residence burning up kept going on until daybreak. No. 1

On the morning of the second day, Rong Ling went to the Li Palace as scheduled. Just as she entered the Palace, she saw a large group of bodyguards outside the courtyard. Some of them were in a hurry, while others were whispering to each other. In

After entering the main courtyard, the situation became all the more obvious. As for the two or three bodyguards that usually stood outside the main hall where Thousand Meng Yao was, they were nowhere to be seen.

Thousand Meng Yao estimated, "It should be, right? At least you have to make me calm down." by

The house was on fire, and the fire was so intense that it almost killed a man. King Ran was furious. He ordered his guards to investigate the whole night, but they couldn't find anything.

While their hearts were filled with impatience, their guards had already lost track of who had set the fire. All they knew was that Prince Rucan was making use of this opportunity to unleash it. This

It was clearly just an accident, but he wanted to make it big out of nothing. This was not because he was looking for trouble, but it was a deliberate attempt to bring misfortune to the three lords in the capital. This

At that time, if these three powers don't want to fall out with you, they will have to do something to restore the relationship.

The night before, Thousand Meng Yao had specifically mentioned the monarch of a country. Clearly, he was in the middle of a selection process and had placed this piece of sh * t on the head of the emperor's forces. kilo-

There were three reasons why he did all this. First, to let His Majesty worry about his relationship with the Emperor, and second, to give the Emperor a chance to show him that he wasn't that easy to bully. Third, to show off his skills to the other two factions, and to tell others that he, Thousand Meng Yao, was no pushover either.

Killing three birds with one stone could be considered a good foundation for him to lay when he returned to the capital later.

As for whether he had succeeded or not, he should be able to receive the news before tonight. Siu

The matter of raiding the Su Clan was something that Meng Yao did. Afterwards, he bought the Su Clan's old house, but when he resold it to others, it was bought by Qin Yuanchuan from the Myriad Scourge.

Qin Yuanchuan was a little pawn who ran errands for Wan Li, but Wan Li, this dog that smelled something, was working for the emperor. kilo-

Meng Yao could roughly guess what had happened to the Su Family. From start to finish, perhaps many years ago, the Emperor had already investigated the matter even more thoroughly than he had. is

To be honest, the matter of the Su Clan was a small matter. In the past few years, there hadn't been much of a commotion. To the Emperor, it didn't matter even if she investigated once. can

However, such a small matter had finally come to light. The Emperor had investigated him many years ago, and she also knew that the Emperor had investigated him. Before this, the Emperor had hinted this information to the imperial guards on numerous occasions.

This was the convenience of being monitored by others. As long as he casually revealed a bit of what he wanted to express, those who should know would naturally know. And …

What happened before this was just a primer. The real opportunity to erupt was this big fire.

However, at this time, a fire had been set fire in the manor, and no one had been injured. However, in the face of death, the normally courteous prince, who had been keeping a low profile since the start of the investigation, suddenly became agitated and went on a rampage. He lost his temper, beat someone up, and planned to tear off all face to prevent himself from dying.

However, it didn't matter if it was the Emperor or the other two powers, they were all innocent. No one really wanted to burn Thousand Meng Yao to death.

However, Thousand Meng Yao didn't believe him. He would have to leave it to them, especially the emperor. He would bite the emperor until he died, claiming that it was the emperor who did it. And …

At this moment, if the Emperor didn't want to fall out with him right now, he had to compromise. She had to coax the 'victim', Thousand Meng Yao. Even if she wasn't the 'perpetrator', he had to be gentle with him.

Did you hear what he said? No

He wouldn't listen. Then …

What if he didn't listen? It can only be expressed through action. When

He kowtowed ten times in a row, claiming that the fire last night had truly been an accident. However, the guards on duty were unable to rescue the prince in time, which could be considered as a dereliction of duty, so he proposed that all the guards on duty should be punished by thirty staff, and he himself was the person who had been on duty last night. He was also the leader, so he voluntarily received double the penalty and was also given a fine of six months.

In truth, Thousand Meng Yao had only burned his elbow and lost a bit of blood. After being bandaged by Yue Dansheng last night, he had recovered by more than half today.

However, he did not want to be merciful anymore, so after the leader of the guards offered to punish him, not only did he agree, he even advanced an inch as he said, "It's fine if you're punished. After receiving your staff's punishment, bring your men along and scram."

The leader of the guards kowtowed again, but said nothing. is

In truth, everyone understood that the leader of the guards knew that the reason for this incident was that Prince You Lan didn't want them to follow him anymore. In fact, everyone understood that the leader of the guards knew that this incident had occurred because King You Lan didn't want them to follow him anymore. such as

After this, the guard leader didn't beg for mercy and obediently received his punishment before leaving with his men. plum

The manor was still the same as it was in the past. However, with Qian Meng Yao by his side, it was much quieter than before.

One of the original three forces had been driven away, while the other two parties dared not to act too arrogantly because of the King of Armageddon's actions. They kept a low profile instead of acting too arrogantly. kilo-

At the same time that Meng Yao felt better, he received another message from the capital. Yes

Rumors had it from the inner palace that the eunuch next to the emperor, Eunuch Wang, had deleted the name of the second concubine named "Baomei" from the list of names that turned over every night. Some people said that the "Bao`er" was the young master who had been sent to the palace in the State of Ting Jiang last year. This

Then no one knew who exactly the source of this news was. one

Her second wife was not lucky, so how could she spread the news all the way to Xicheng County that was a thousand miles away? No one knew. Total

After hearing this little piece of news, Zhuang Chang, the official in charge of the Patrol Office, who was in charge of the corruption case and protecting Wan Li and the organization of his own personal affairs, announced that three days later, Yu Xi would enter the county magistrate court and officially begin the trial of Wan Li. same

In the future, he would also convict the daughter of a thousand, Wan Ruxue, of killing people and buying up murderers.

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